

(function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElement(s); = id; js.src = “//”; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); }(document, ‘script’, ‘facebook-jssdk’));

Create your like badge

Different people have different ways to spend their lives. As a result, simplifying life would carry a different meaning for each one of us.
I wouldn’t be wrong if I assume that most of us want to spend time with their loved ones, do work that they really like to do, have time for hobbies, spend less time finding important stuff and just be happy. And if we are not able to accomplish most of the above, we need to look at and simplify a few things in our lives.

1. Figure Out What’s Really Important

Figuring out what’s really important to you, what makes you happy and what are the goals for your life is the first step towards the simplification you aim to achieve.
It’s only when you know what’s really important, you can prioritize your tasks accordingly and get things done without being stressed.

2. Analyze Your Current Routine

Spend a day analyzing how you have been spending your days. What is your daily routine like? Has it helped with your work? Has it helped your health? Are you able to take time out for family and friends? Have you been prioritizing tasks according to what’s really important? Is the routine designed accordingly?
If any of these are out of whack, it’s time to change the routine.

3. Overcome Information Overload

Although most of the information we consume every day may appear to be “life-saving” at first glance, it’s actually avoidable. I’ve talked about tips for managing information overload and managing your RSS feeds before here at WorkAwesome.
Susan offered tips on managing email overload. Did you read and implement the steps suggested? If you haven’t yet, it’s time you get started with them.

4. Simplify Household Tasks

Most people don’t realize that household chores, if not done productively, could easily take up a significant chunk of your time. It’s important to simplify them.
What are the chores you do every day? Which of them have to be done every day? How do you organize your household in a way that it eliminates many chores? These are some questions you need to answer.

5. Get Rid of Things You Don’t Use

Take a look at that old bookshelf that has piles of books gathering dust. You never read any of them twice. Heck, you didn’t even read some of them once! Don’t you think you are better off distributing them to someone who could benefit from reading them?
The same can be applied to your DVDs, CDs, gadgets et al. Either sell them or give them away. Simplify.

6. Don’t Buy Things You Might Not Use

The reason you had that enormous collection of books or DVDs in the first place was because you bought them thinking they’d be of great help. Turns out you were wrong.
So, from now on, only buy things you are likely to use — and use often. When it comes to books and movies (unless you are a voracious reader or a movie buff) you can borrow or rent them instead of buying each new thing that comes out.

7. De-clutter and Organize Your Home & Workplace

Yes, de-clutter. De-clutter your desk, de-clutter your desktop, de-clutter your workspace. Just get started on cleaning up the mess that’s surrounding you.
Make things look clean and simple around you. This is an important step in simplifying your life.

8. Go Paperless

If you look around you, most of the clutter is constituted by paper in one or form or another. So going paperless not only makes your work easier and saves you time, it also significantly reduces workspace clutter.
I understand that a few tasks need paper. But try to use latest tools and software as much as possible to get things done.

9. Delegate and Get Help

No matter how organized you are — and how easily you can get things done — if your work grows, you are bound to get overwhelmed if you are doing it all alone. And that’s not just for your work, but for everything else in your life.
Delegating tasks to others who can do it better than you, collaborating with friends in various aspects of life, seeking help from someone who knows it better…all this helps to keep you sane and carry on with life without getting stressed and frustrated.

10. Disconnect Often

Last, and probably the most important step in simplifying your life – disconnect often. Disconnect from what? From anything that has you connected all day. It could be the internet for one, a cellphone for another. For someone, it might be a musical instrument which he just can’t stop playing for hours.
Take a few hours off every week, and a day or two off every month from what you do every day. Stay disconnected…stay abandoned. Spend time with yourself, with something you like to do but can’t find time for, with someone you love but don’t have time for, with nature. Take time out and thank the universe for the life and the opportunities you’ve got.

(function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElement(s); = id; js.src = “//”; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); }(document, ‘script’, ‘facebook-jssdk’));

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Life is so simple, live it


(function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElement(s); = id; js.src = “//”; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); }(document, ‘script’, ‘facebook-jssdk’));

Create your like badge

Different people have different ways to spend their lives. As a result, simplifying life would carry a different meaning for each one of us.
I wouldn’t be wrong if I assume that most of us want to spend time with their loved ones, do work that they really like to do, have time for hobbies, spend less time finding important stuff and just be happy. And if we are not able to accomplish most of the above, we need to look at and simplify a few things in our lives.

1. Figure Out What’s Really Important

Figuring out what’s really important to you, what makes you happy and what are the goals for your life is the first step towards the simplification you aim to achieve.
It’s only when you know what’s really important, you can prioritize your tasks accordingly and get things done without being stressed.

2. Analyze Your Current Routine

Spend a day analyzing how you have been spending your days. What is your daily routine like? Has it helped with your work? Has it helped your health? Are you able to take time out for family and friends? Have you been prioritizing tasks according to what’s really important? Is the routine designed accordingly?
If any of these are out of whack, it’s time to change the routine.

3. Overcome Information Overload

Although most of the information we consume every day may appear to be “life-saving” at first glance, it’s actually avoidable. I’ve talked about tips for managing information overload and managing your RSS feeds before here at WorkAwesome.
Susan offered tips on managing email overload. Did you read and implement the steps suggested? If you haven’t yet, it’s time you get started with them.

4. Simplify Household Tasks

Most people don’t realize that household chores, if not done productively, could easily take up a significant chunk of your time. It’s important to simplify them.
What are the chores you do every day? Which of them have to be done every day? How do you organize your household in a way that it eliminates many chores? These are some questions you need to answer.

5. Get Rid of Things You Don’t Use

Take a look at that old bookshelf that has piles of books gathering dust. You never read any of them twice. Heck, you didn’t even read some of them once! Don’t you think you are better off distributing them to someone who could benefit from reading them?
The same can be applied to your DVDs, CDs, gadgets et al. Either sell them or give them away. Simplify.

6. Don’t Buy Things You Might Not Use

The reason you had that enormous collection of books or DVDs in the first place was because you bought them thinking they’d be of great help. Turns out you were wrong.
So, from now on, only buy things you are likely to use — and use often. When it comes to books and movies (unless you are a voracious reader or a movie buff) you can borrow or rent them instead of buying each new thing that comes out.

7. De-clutter and Organize Your Home & Workplace

Yes, de-clutter. De-clutter your desk, de-clutter your desktop, de-clutter your workspace. Just get started on cleaning up the mess that’s surrounding you.
Make things look clean and simple around you. This is an important step in simplifying your life.

8. Go Paperless

If you look around you, most of the clutter is constituted by paper in one or form or another. So going paperless not only makes your work easier and saves you time, it also significantly reduces workspace clutter.
I understand that a few tasks need paper. But try to use latest tools and software as much as possible to get things done.

9. Delegate and Get Help

No matter how organized you are — and how easily you can get things done — if your work grows, you are bound to get overwhelmed if you are doing it all alone. And that’s not just for your work, but for everything else in your life.
Delegating tasks to others who can do it better than you, collaborating with friends in various aspects of life, seeking help from someone who knows it better…all this helps to keep you sane and carry on with life without getting stressed and frustrated.

10. Disconnect Often

Last, and probably the most important step in simplifying your life – disconnect often. Disconnect from what? From anything that has you connected all day. It could be the internet for one, a cellphone for another. For someone, it might be a musical instrument which he just can’t stop playing for hours.
Take a few hours off every week, and a day or two off every month from what you do every day. Stay disconnected…stay abandoned. Spend time with yourself, with something you like to do but can’t find time for, with someone you love but don’t have time for, with nature. Take time out and thank the universe for the life and the opportunities you’ve got.

(function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElement(s); = id; js.src = “//”; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); }(document, ‘script’, ‘facebook-jssdk’));

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How to simplify your life

Different people have different ways to spend their lives. As a result, simplifying life would carry a different meaning for each one of us.

I wouldn’t be wrong if I assume that most of us want to spend time with their loved ones, do work that they really like to do, have time for hobbies, spend less time finding important stuff and just be happy. And if we are not able to accomplish most of the above, we need to look at and simplify a few things in our lives.

1. Figure Out What’s Really Important

Figuring out what’s really important to you, what makes you happy and what are the goals for your life is the first step towards the simplification you aim to achieve.

It’s only when you know what’s really important, you can prioritize your tasks accordingly and get things done without being stressed.

2. Analyze Your Current Routine

Spend a day analyzing how you have been spending your days. What is your daily routine like? Has it helped with your work? Has it helped your health? Are you able to take time out for family and friends? Have you been prioritizing tasks according to what’s really important? Is the routine designed accordingly?

If any of these are out of whack, it’s time to change the routine.

3. Overcome Information Overload

Although most of the information we consume every day may appear to be “life-saving” at first glance, it’s actually avoidable. I’ve talked about tips for managing information overload and managing your RSS feeds before here at WorkAwesome.

Susan offered tips on managing email overload. Did you read and implement the steps suggested? If you haven’t yet, it’s time you get started with them.

4. Simplify Household Tasks

Most people don’t realize that household chores, if not done productively, could easily take up a significant chunk of your time. It’s important to simplify them.

What are the chores you do every day? Which of them have to be done every day? How do you organize your household in a way that it eliminates many chores? These are some questions you need to answer.

5. Get Rid of Things You Don’t Use

Take a look at that old bookshelf that has piles of books gathering dust. You never read any of them twice. Heck, you didn’t even read some of them once! Don’t you think you are better off distributing them to someone who could benefit from reading them?

The same can be applied to your DVDs, CDs, gadgets et al. Either sell them or give them away. Simplify.

6. Don’t Buy Things You Might Not Use

The reason you had that enormous collection of books or DVDs in the first place was because you bought them thinking they’d be of great help. Turns out you were wrong.

So, from now on, only buy things you are likely to use — and use often. When it comes to books and movies (unless you are a voracious reader or a movie buff) you can borrow or rent them instead of buying each new thing that comes out.

7. De-clutter and Organize Your Home & Workplace

Yes, de-clutter. De-clutter your desk, de-clutter your desktop, de-clutter your workspace. Just get started on cleaning up the mess that’s surrounding you.

Make things look clean and simple around you. This is an important step in simplifying your life.

8. Go Paperless

If you look around you, most of the clutter is constituted by paper in one or form or another. So going paperless not only makes your work easier and saves you time, it also significantly reduces workspace clutter.

I understand that a few tasks need paper. But try to use latest tools and software as much as possible to get things done.

9. Delegate and Get Help

No matter how organized you are — and how easily you can get things done — if your work grows, you are bound to get overwhelmed if you are doing it all alone. And that’s not just for your work, but for everything else in your life.

Delegating tasks to others who can do it better than you, collaborating with friends in various aspects of life, seeking help from someone who knows it better…all this helps to keep you sane and carry on with life without getting stressed and frustrated.

10. Disconnect Often

Last, and probably the most important step in simplifying your life – disconnect often. Disconnect from what? From anything that has you connected all day. It could be the internet for one, a cellphone for another. For someone, it might be a musical instrument which he just can’t stop playing for hours.

Take a few hours off every week, and a day or two off every month from what you do every day. Stay disconnected…stay abandoned. Spend time with yourself, with something you like to do but can’t find time for, with someone you love but don’t have time for, with nature. Take time out and thank the universe for the life and the opportunities you’ve got.

The Hindu : States / Tamil Nadu : ISKCON temple inaugurated

The Hindu : States / Tamil Nadu : ISKCON temple inaugurated


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Chanakya on Videsh Neeti

प्रगल्भो बुद्धिमान् वक्ता परचित्तोपलक्षकः।
धीरो यथोक्तवादो च दूत इत्यभिधीयते॥७॥
॥चाणक्यराजनीतिशास्त्रे पञ्चमोध्यायः॥

pragalbho buddhimān vaktā paracittopalakṣakaḥ|

dhīro yathoktavādo ca dūta ityabhidhīyate||7||
|hāṇakyarājanītiśāstre pañcamodhyāyaḥ||

The qualities of a good emissary or ambassador  are enumerated by the great statesman Chanakya in his treatise on  statecraft.. chanakyaraajaniitishastram..
”  A good emissry  should be  eminently  knowledgeable, possessed of sharp intelligence, highly talented in oratory, capable of reading and anticipating the thought-process of the adversary,  of great physical valour and resourcefulness, and very sincere and meticulous in conveying only what he is asked to convey on behalf of his master or the king.”

It would appear that the master statesman has enumerated  in this short aphorism all that is expected from an envoy .  All the documents of protocol and rules of procedure written out even in modern times for inter-state diplomacy would expect all these qualities in anyone working in the foreign service for his own country. 

Knowledge of the great past and the realistic evaluation of the present and deep commitments for the dreams of one’s own country should be a prerequisite for an envoy since he is expected almost single-handedly   his own king or nation for its benefit in the international fora. 

 Sharp intelligence is essential for one who will have to take decisions always in the interest of his own country since those decisions are likely to affect his own fate along with that of his nation..and the slightest slip can slide down his country’s interest to abysmal depths.   

In an assembly of men, the man who presents his case most articulately wins the day.Gift of the gab is a big advantage here

 A man possessed of wisdom and thorough knowledge of the general trends of the day and the implied attitudes of the rival nation  should be able to read what is the mindset of the other party to the negotiation..For diplomacy is nothing but negotiation, at times coated with sweetness and at other times assuming a tone of mild intimidation.  But the emissary can succeed only if he has the capacity to rightly guess what is really happening in the mind of the negotiating party on the other side of the table.. 

 When an emissary is canvassing the case of his country especially with a nation with a big-brotherly attitude, he is likely to be intimidated and excessive dosage of boldness would be necessary to stand his own ground. 

 For men with knowledge, and capacity to speak, the tendency to think too freely and substitute his own views instead of the avowed state policy  is likely to raise his head. A diplomat has to realize that he should never speak out beyond the instructions that his state has given. This  principle should be followed in words and spirit.


।श्रीकृष्णो रक्षतु।
|śrīkṛṣṇo rakṣatu|
Have a nice and happy day
with profound respect and warm regards
K V Ananthanarayanan
त्यजन्तु बान्धवाः सर्वे निन्दन्तु गुरवो जनाःI
तदापि परमानन्दो गोविन्दो मम जीवनंII
let all my relatives abandon me, let the great people insult me, still I am in supreme bliss since my life  is GOVINDA alone.
Iकृष्णात् परं किमपि तत्वं अहं न जाने”I
लोकाः समस्ताः सुखिनो भवन्तु।
lokāḥ samastāḥ sukhino bhavantu|


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Stroke, New indicators- Most Important

Subject: Stroke has a new indicator!

Stroke has a new indicator     They say if you e.mail this to ten people, you stand a chance of saving one life.  Will you send this along?  Blood Clots/Stroke – They Now Have a Fourth Indicator,  the Tongue


I will continue to forward this every time it comes around!

STROKE: Remember the 1st Three Letters….. S. T. R. 


During a BBQ, a woman stumbled and took a little fall – she assured everyone that she was fine (they offered to call paramedics) ….she said she had just tripped over a brick because of her new shoes.

They got her cleaned up and got her a new plate of food. While she appeared a bit shaken up, Jane went about enjoying herself the rest of the evening.

Jane’s husband called later telling everyone that his wife had been taken to the hospital – (at 6:00 PM Jane passed away.) She had suffered a stroke at the BBQ. Had they known how to identify the signs of a stroke, perhaps Jane would be with us today. Some don’t die. They end up in a helpless, hopeless condition instead.

It only takes a minute to read this.

A neurologist says that if he can get to a stroke victim within 3 hours he can totally reverse the effects of a stroke…totally. He said the trick was getting a stroke recognized, diagnosed, and then getting the patient medically cared for within 3 hours, which is tough.



Thank God for the sense to remember the ‘3’ steps, STR. Read and

Sometimes symptoms of a stroke are difficult to identify. Unfortunately, the lack of awareness spells disaster. The stroke victim may suffer severe brain damage when people nearby fail to recognize the symptoms of a stroke.

Now doctors say a  bystander can recognize a stroke by asking three simple questions:

S  *Ask the individual to SMILE.
T  *Ask the person to TALK and SPEAK A
(I.e. It is sunny out today.)
R  *Ask him or her to RAISE BOTH ARMS.

If he or she has trouble with ANY ONE of these tasks, call emergency number immediately and describe the symptoms to the dispatcher.

New Sign of a Stroke ——– Stick out Your Tongue

NOTE:  Another ‘sign’ of a stroke is this: Ask the person to ‘stick’ out his tongue. If the tongue is
‘crooked’, if it goes to one side or the other that is also an indication of a stroke.

A cardiologist says if everyone who gets this e-mail sends it to 10 people; you can bet that at least one life will be saved. 





(function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElement(s); = id; js.src = “//”; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); }(document, ‘script’, ‘facebook-jssdk’));

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Qualities of a Diplomat- Chanakya’s teachings

प्रगल्भो बुद्धिमान् वक्ता परचित्तोपलक्षकः।
धीरो यथोक्तवादो च दूत इत्यभिधीयते॥७॥
॥चाणक्यराजनीतिशास्त्रे पञ्चमोध्यायः॥

pragalbho buddhimān vaktā paracittopalakṣakaḥ|

dhīro yathoktavādo ca dūta ityabhidhīyate||7||
|hāṇakyarājanītiśāstre pañcamodhyāyaḥ||

The qualities of a good emissary or ambassador  are enumerated by the great statesman Chanakya in his treatise on  statecraft.. chanakyaraajaniitishastram..
”  A good emissry  should be  eminently  knowledgeable, possessed of sharp intelligence, highly talented in oratory, capable of reading and anticipating the thought-process of the adversary,  of great physical valour and resourcefulness, and very sincere and meticulous in conveying only what he is asked to convey on behalf of his master or the king.”

It would appear that the master statesman has enumerated  in this short aphorism all that is expected from an envoy .  All the documents of protocol and rules of procedure written out even in modern times for inter-state diplomacy would expect all these qualities in anyone working in the foreign service for his own country. 

Knowledge of the great past and the realistic evaluation of the present and deep commitments for the dreams of one’s own country should be a prerequisite for an envoy since he is expected almost single-handedly   his own king or nation for its benefit in the international fora. 

 Sharp intelligence is essential for one who will have to take decisions always in the interest of his own country since those decisions are likely to affect his own fate along with that of his nation..and the slightest slip can slide down his country’s interest to abysmal depths.   

In an assembly of men, the man who presents his case most articulately wins the day.Gift of the gab is a big advantage here

 A man possessed of wisdom and thorough knowledge of the general trends of the day and the implied attitudes of the rival nation  should be able to read what is the mindset of the other party to the negotiation..For diplomacy is nothing but negotiation, at times coated with sweetness and at other times assuming a tone of mild intimidation.  But the emissary can succeed only if he has the capacity to rightly guess what is really happening in the mind of the negotiating party on the other side of the table.. 

 When an emissary is canvassing the case of his country especially with a nation with a big-brotherly attitude, he is likely to be intimidated and excessive dosage of boldness would be necessary to stand his own ground. 

 For men with knowledge, and capacity to speak, the tendency to think too freely and substitute his own views instead of the avowed state policy  is likely to raise his head. A diplomat has to realize that he should never speak out beyond the instructions that his state has given. This  principle should be followed in words and spirit.


।श्रीकृष्णो रक्षतु।
|śrīkṛṣṇo rakṣatu|
Have a nice and happy day
with profound respect and warm regards
K V Ananthanarayanan
त्यजन्तु बान्धवाः सर्वे निन्दन्तु गुरवो जनाःI
तदापि परमानन्दो गोविन्दो मम जीवनंII
let all my relatives abandon me, let the great people insult me, still I am in supreme bliss since my life  is GOVINDA alone.
Iकृष्णात् परं किमपि तत्वं अहं न जाने”I
लोकाः समस्ताः सुखिनो भवन्तु।
lokāḥ samastāḥ sukhino bhavantu|



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Stress is an unpleasant fact of life. We all experience it for various reasons, and we all try to come up with ways of coping with it—some with more success than others. So what exactly is stress doing to your mind (and body) when you’re staring down a deadline? And what can you do to power through it?
The real problem with stress is that, for such a well understood and universally experienced condition, as a society we deal with it so poorly that it leads to many of our most lethal illnesses and long-term health problems. High blood pressure, heart disease, cancer, stroke, obesity, and insomnia are all medical conditions across the spectrum that can be related to or directly influenced by high stress as an environmental condition.
In order to cut through some of that fog, let’s take a brief look at what stress is, how it impacts us on a physical and mental level, and finally what we can do about it, with the help of some experts. Photo by bottled_void.
Defining Stress: Acute and Chronic
Everyone experiences stress in some way, shape, or form. We all recognize when we’re in stressful situations, and we all know when we’re stressed. At the same time, stress is more than just a feeling that we have a lot to deal with. For the purposes of our explainer, we’re focusing on so-called “bad stress,” as opposed to “good stress,” like the kind of you experience on a roller coaster (if you went on willingly), when you get a big promotion, or kiss someone for the first time. Aside from good stress, there are primarily two types of stress: Acute (short-term) stress that’s usually a response to a specific influence (called a stressor), and chronic (long-term) stress that sticks with you and could either have sprung from a short-term stress that stuck with you, or a constant state of stress that you’re under due to persistent stressors and conditions. Photo by Becky Wetherington.
Acute Stress: Acute stress is the type of stress you experience when you have an immediate reaction to something you’re presented with. This is the “in the moment” kind of fight or flight response that you have when you have to speak in a meeting, your boss just asked you to stay late, you’re startled by a sudden noise, or someone on the internet makes a ill-informed comment about your favorite smartphone platform/operating system/hardware manufacturer. (How could they!?)
Acute stress is defined by the fact that it’s immediate and short term. In most cases, once the stressor has been removed, your body and mind return to a normal state.
Chronic Stress: Chronic stress is entirely different, and is characterized by its long-term nature. This is the type of stress that you feel that you’re under every day, with no reprieve from the things that make you feel stressed. Most chronic stressors are situations, for example, in which you dislike your job and detest going every day, being there all day, and thinking about it when you leave. Living paycheck-to-paycheck and struggling with financial security issues is another common source of chronic stress that many people are familiar with.
Its these types of chronic stress situations that are the most dangerous. They keep your body’s defenses activated and heightened longer than is generally healthy, and unfortunately more and more of us are living under constant conditions that create stress. Add to this the fact that “coping with stress” isn’t exactly a topic you learn in school and you have a recipe for a lot of very unhappy people.
What’s Actually Happening When You’re Stressed
Your body shows signs of stress in two ways: first, the rush of hormones that elevate your heart rate, boost your blood pressure, and stop your digestion, and then second the symptoms that you experience and are aware of, like clenched teeth, headaches, and emotional upset.
Most of us can tell when we’re stressed momentarily, or are just feeling stressed out generally, but there’s a lot going on inside our bodies when we’re stressed that play a role in our health.
Symptoms: The most common and recognizable symptoms of stress are the ones most of us know all too well: insomnia, headaches, jaw pain, back and neck pain, stuttering, heartburn and nausea, nervousness and anxiety, fidgeting, nail-biting, lateness and trouble focusing, and a lack of interest in work or activities that are normally interesting. The American Institute of Stress (AIS) has a list of 50 common signs and symptoms of stress that include these, but also note a number of other symptoms that you may not have immediately associated with stress and not another condition like depression.
For example, behavioral changes that lead to other conditions can also be signs of stress, like addictive tendencies, a sudden interest in smoking, alcohol, excessive eating, or gambling, or any other addictive behavior that can be interpreted as an escape from chronic stressors. Often, even subconsciously, many of us try to escape stressful situations or conditions by blocking them out or escaping by way of anything that makes us feel better. Even if it’s fleeting, it’s common to search out an escape so you can relax for a while. Photo by The American Institute of Stress.
I spoke with Roger S. Gil, MAMFT, about some of the less productive ways people cope with stress, and he highlighted that trying to escape without dealing with the actual stressor is more common than you may think. “Overeating, displaced anger, denial, defensiveness, etc. All are signs of avoidance and coping strategies that are meant to protect the ego from the discomfort caused by the stressor…and none of them do anything about the stressor,” he explained. “Withdrawing (i.e. checking out mentally) from the situation at hand is something I see A LOT of in my work with couples. For example a husband may withdraw into his own little world when his wife complains about something. Instead of hearing her concerns, he pulls away and encourages her to nag him some more…which causes more withdrawal.”
These behavioral changes cut both ways though: the AIS notes that stress reactions can also lead to isolation, loneliness, and severe depression as well. If you’ve been suddenly feeling alone, forgetful, overly defensive, disorganized, uninterested in your everyday life, overwhelmed by what’s going on around you to the point where you need to lie about them, and having difficulty communicating with others, it’s possible that chronic, poorly managed stress may be part of the problem.
Physiological Effects of Stress: While stress is most often discussed in terms of how it changes our mental and emotional condition, stressors and stressful situations also have a profound impact on our bodies. Stressors, whether they’re acute or chronic, immediately set off the body’s fight-or-flight response, flooding your system with stress hormones like norepinephrine and cortisol that are meant to give you a needed boost in dangerous situations. Image via Wikipedia.
In short and small bursts, those hormones can make you more alert, more perceptive, raise your heart rate so your muscles get more blood to them, and raise your breathing rate so you get more oxygen into your lungs. Your digestive processes stop entirely so your body doesn’t waste energy processing food when it needs all the energy it can muster to survive. It’s a good thing if, say, you’re dashing across a busy street or escaping a burning building, but keeping your body’s fight or flight response turned on all the time and those stress hormones at high levels in your body is unhealthy, as this eHealth article explains.
If these hormones stay in your system for too long, they can eventually lead tohigh blood pressure and increased heart rate, stress-induced hypertension and stroke risk, ulcers and other gastrointestinal distress, a suppressed immune system, fatigue, sexual issues like impotence and decreased libido. After all, those stress hormones are meant to be in our systems for a short period while we deal with an acute stressor, at a time where we need all of our faculties about us. Over the long term, keeping the body on full alert is more of a detriment than a benefit.
What You Can Do About Stress
Once you recognize the effects of stress and understand the damage you’re doing to your body by not coming up with ways to cope with the stress that you’re under, it’s time to do something about it. I spoke with clinical psychologist Jeffrey DeGroat, PhD about some of the ways you can reduce the impact that chronic stress has on you and how to cope with acute stressors.
Dealing with Acute Stressors: If the stressor is acute and temporary, Dr. DeGroat suggests applying simple relaxation techniques like deep breathing, to calm the mind and the body so you can get the clarity you need to address the situation. He proposes taking a 10-second breathing cycle: breathe in for four seconds, and then out for six seconds. “Works as a thought distraction,” he says, “as well as physically slowing down heart rate. This is a good technique to use anytime and anywhere.” Photo by Shawn Rossi.
Previously mentioned app CalmDown for Mac is a utility designed just for situations like this: it encourages you to take a deep breath (or a few) so you can step back from the stressor for a moment, gather your thoughts, and push through the fog of frustration and anger that often come with stressors.
I also spoke with Roger Gil about dealing with stressful situations and he reinforced the point: “Stressors like these can produce physical responses at first; so if you’re heart is racing, you’re short of breath, or you feel your muscles tightening somewhere in your body, know that you’re feeling a physiological stress response. In those cases, channeling your awareness of your body can sometimes distract a person away from the area of the body having the stress response.” Recognizing that you’re having a physical reaction will help you calm down and deal with the situation the way you really want to, as opposed to letting it stew in your mind only to come up with what you wanted to say 15 minutes after you should have said it.
In that vein, Dr. DeGroat explains that figuring out what you wanted to say a few minutes after you said it is very common, and often a result of being unprepared for the stressful situation you’re presented with. Aside from making sure to be ready for those situations in advance if you can be, he suggests acknowledging that you’re stressed in the situation and telling the person or people you’re dealing with that you’ll get back to them later. Photo by Sasha Wolff.
“Rather than responding immediately with something we may regret later, or not saying anything at all,” he says, “another option might be to indicate to the person that you’ll talk to them later about the situation. For example, [imagine] you find out that a co-worker is dating an ex-boyfriend/girlfriend of yours. Rather than yelling at them and making yourself look out of control, or saying ‘oh, that’s cool,’ when you’re really upset about it, you could say, ‘let’s not get into this right now.’ This will give you some time to collect your thoughts and approach them on your terms and on your time.” Time, as Dr. DeGroat explains, is key to defusing acute stressors, letting your body and mind return to normal, and giving yourself the space to deal with them in a healthy way.
Dealing with Chronic Stressors: Stressors that you deal with on a daily basis or that are always hanging over your head are a different matter entirely. Usually they give you a little more time and space to deal with the thing that’s making you stressed, and there are other relaxation techniques for stressors that may not require action on your part right away, or stressors that are always lurking in the background, like your boss, for example.
Visualization is one way to relax yourself when you’re presented with a stressor that you don’t need to respond to immediately. Dr. DeGroat suggests that if you can, take five to ten minutes to immerse yourself in the most relaxing environment you can possibly imagine, whether it’s green fields, a chair by the sea, or your favorite easy chair at home. Focus on as much of that environment as possible, trying to manifest the sounds, smells, and details about it in your head. The more you do this, the farther away you’ll get from the thing that’s bothering you. It won’t make that thing go away, but it will give you a little clarity of mind and distance from the stressor. Photo by Gabriel Pollard.
If you have additional time to relax and some space to be alone, Dr. DeGroat suggests progressive muscle relaxation to defuse some of the natural tension that comes with being stressed. “Systematically tense and relax muscle groups, beginning at your toes and working your way all to the top of your head. [This] serves as a distraction from current stressors and can help reduce physical tension that often accompanies stress.”
Another tip Dr. DeGroat offers is to identify whether level of stress and your response to it is realistic or unrealistic when you’re in the middle of it. If it’s realistic, as in anyone would respond the same way and there’s something you can do about it (like your computer froze or you just dropped something,) then address the situation and move on. If the response is unrealistic and others may not respond the same way (traffic isn’t moving fast enough or security lines at the airport are too slow,) then address yourself: calm down, step back, and try to relax.
The first step to addressing yourself is to challenge the way you’re thinking about the stressor. “Challenging these automatic thoughts that often hijack our minds and promote stress has been shown in research to be a great way to help break the patterns of thinking & behaving that are counterproductive/harmful,” Roger Gil explained. “Once the ‘mental battle’ is won, the IRL battle is more easily handled.”
Granted, none of these measures have to be practiced only in the context of chronic stress, but it is more likely that if your boss is getting on your nerves again today or the rent is due and you’re worried about being able to afford groceries, you’re more likely to take a few minutes and address how you feel so you can approach the issues in a clear manner than you are if you’re stuck in a meeting and asked to speak on a topic you weren’t ready for.
How to Deal with Stress In the Future
When I asked Dr. DeGroat how we could deal with certain kinds of stress that seem to crop up from time to time, like an overbearing extended family or an aggressive and disrespectful employer, he pointed out that while there are ways to deal with each situation on its own merits, much of the stress that gets to us the most comes from relationships. “Really, I believe stress in relationships (occupational, family, social), often includes difficulties with setting and maintaining boundaries. Others seem to expect too much from us. Rather than setting our own limits/boundaries, we allow others to cross these boundaries, and end up feeling irritated and resentful. One of the best ways to prevent stress in relationships is to identify our own limits/boundaries and hold to them,” he says. Photo by Joel Mendoza.
In some cases, it may simply be better to remove yourself from chronic stressors if you’re having difficulty adapting to them or minimizing them. After all, if your job is wearing you down and there’s no improving it, it may be time to look for a new job. If your relationship is so stressful it’s destructive for everyone in it, it may be time to break it off, and if your apartment is run down and your landlord won’t fix it, it’s time to move out. There are plenty of good reasons to learn to cope with stress, but there are other equally good reasons to remove the stress from your life when you can.
To that end, there’s no real way to live a completely stress-free life.Remember, there are positive stressors as well as negative ones, and the positive ones are usually good experiences that we enjoy or seek out. The same applies for negative stressors: they’re bound to happen eventually and avoiding them is a futile effort. The key is in knowing how to deal with them, and how to minimize their effect on you.
If the stress you’re experiencing is chronic, consider other activities like taking up a hobby, meditating, or traveling—anything that can take your mind off of those stressors and provide a healthy outlet where you can relax. “Other helpful stressful coping mechanisms are exercise, doing an activity you’re good at that won’t worsen the stress (e.g. cooking, video games, etc), and watching a very engrossing movie/TV show,” Gil said, “Sometimes interrupting the state of stress a person is in with an activity they enjoy is enough to keep them from losing control.”
There’s no magic formula for dealing with stress, but employing coping mechanisms that give you distance, helps you get through the moment, and at best minimizes the overall impact the stressor has on you are a good way to stay healthy, happy, and productive. Photo by Jacob Bøtter.
“It is how we approach it that can cause us problems, or allow us to grow. The more control we can find within a situation, or over ourselves, the more likely we will grow from the situation,” Dr. DeGroat explained, “The more we are able to identify and act upon the control and choice we have in situations, the less debilitating the stress will be.”
This is just a short introduction, but unsurprisingly, entire books have been written on the topic of stress, its medical and psychological implications, and how you can deal with it in healthy ways. While we hope we’ve given you some insight into how your body reacts to stressors and how you can manage them in the moment and on the long term, we know that this is by no means an exhaustive study into the topic. What are some of your most successful ways of dealing with stressful situations, both short and long-term? Share your suggestions in the comments
source: Lifehacker

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Stress is an unpleasant fact of life. We all experience it for various reasons, and we all try to come up with ways of coping with it—some with more success than others. So what exactly is stress doing to your mind (and body) when you’re staring down a deadline? And what can you do to power through it?

The real problem with stress is that, for such a well understood and universally experienced condition, as a society we deal with it so poorly that it leads to many of our most lethal illnesses and long-term health problems. High blood pressure, heart disease, cancer, stroke, obesity, and insomnia are all medical conditions across the spectrum that can be related to or directly influenced by high stress as an environmental condition.

In order to cut through some of that fog, let’s take a brief look at what stress is, how it impacts us on a physical and mental level, and finally what we can do about it, with the help of some experts. Photo by bottled_void.


Defining Stress: Acute and Chronic

Everyone experiences stress in some way, shape, or form. We all recognize when we’re in stressful situations, and we all know when we’re stressed. At the same time, stress is more than just a feeling that we have a lot to deal with. For the purposes of our explainer, we’re focusing on so-called “bad stress,” as opposed to “good stress,” like the kind of you experience on a roller coaster (if you went on willingly), when you get a big promotion, or kiss someone for the first time. Aside from good stress, there are primarily two types of stress: Acute (short-term) stress that’s usually a response to a specific influence (called a stressor), and chronic (long-term) stress that sticks with you and could either have sprung from a short-term stress that stuck with you, or a constant state of stress that you’re under due to persistent stressors and conditions. Photo by Becky Wetherington.


Acute Stress: Acute stress is the type of stress you experience when you have an immediate reaction to something you’re presented with. This is the “in the moment” kind of fight or flight response that you have when you have to speak in a meeting, your boss just asked you to stay late, you’re startled by a sudden noise, or someone on the internet makes a ill-informed comment about your favorite smartphone platform/operating system/hardware manufacturer. (How could they!?)

Acute stress is defined by the fact that it’s immediate and short term. In most cases, once the stressor has been removed, your body and mind return to a normal state.


Chronic Stress: Chronic stress is entirely different, and is characterized by its long-term nature. This is the type of stress that you feel that you’re under every day, with no reprieve from the things that make you feel stressed. Most chronic stressors are situations, for example, in which you dislike your job and detest going every day, being there all day, and thinking about it when you leave. Living paycheck-to-paycheck and struggling with financial security issues is another common source of chronic stress that many people are familiar with.

Its these types of chronic stress situations that are the most dangerous. They keep your body’s defenses activated and heightened longer than is generally healthy, and unfortunately more and more of us are living under constant conditions that create stress. Add to this the fact that “coping with stress” isn’t exactly a topic you learn in school and you have a recipe for a lot of very unhappy people.


What’s Actually Happening When You’re Stressed

Your body shows signs of stress in two ways: first, the rush of hormones that elevate your heart rate, boost your blood pressure, and stop your digestion, and then second the symptoms that you experience and are aware of, like clenched teeth, headaches, and emotional upset.

Most of us can tell when we’re stressed momentarily, or are just feeling stressed out generally, but there’s a lot going on inside our bodies when we’re stressed that play a role in our health.

Symptoms: The most common and recognizable symptoms of stress are the ones most of us know all too well: insomnia, headaches, jaw pain, back and neck pain, stuttering, heartburn and nausea, nervousness and anxiety, fidgeting, nail-biting, lateness and trouble focusing, and a lack of interest in work or activities that are normally interesting. The American Institute of Stress (AIS) has a list of 50 common signs and symptoms of stress that include these, but also note a number of other symptoms that you may not have immediately associated with stress and not another condition like depression.

For example, behavioral changes that lead to other conditions can also be signs of stress, like addictive tendencies, a sudden interest in smoking, alcohol, excessive eating, or gambling, or any other addictive behavior that can be interpreted as an escape from chronic stressors. Often, even subconsciously, many of us try to escape stressful situations or conditions by blocking them out or escaping by way of anything that makes us feel better. Even if it’s fleeting, it’s common to search out an escape so you can relax for a while. Photo by The American Institute of Stress.


I spoke with Roger S. Gil, MAMFT, about some of the less productive ways people cope with stress, and he highlighted that trying to escape without dealing with the actual stressor is more common than you may think. “Overeating, displaced anger, denial, defensiveness, etc. All are signs of avoidance and coping strategies that are meant to protect the ego from the discomfort caused by the stressor…and none of them do anything about the stressor,” he explained. “Withdrawing (i.e. checking out mentally) from the situation at hand is something I see A LOT of in my work with couples. For example a husband may withdraw into his own little world when his wife complains about something. Instead of hearing her concerns, he pulls away and encourages her to nag him some more…which causes more withdrawal.”


These behavioral changes cut both ways though: the AIS notes that stress reactions can also lead to isolation, loneliness, and severe depression as well. If you’ve been suddenly feeling alone, forgetful, overly defensive, disorganized, uninterested in your everyday life, overwhelmed by what’s going on around you to the point where you need to lie about them, and having difficulty communicating with others, it’s possible that chronic, poorly managed stress may be part of the problem.


Physiological Effects of Stress: While stress is most often discussed in terms of how it changes our mental and emotional condition, stressors and stressful situations also have a profound impact on our bodies. Stressors, whether they’re acute or chronic, immediately set off the body’s fight-or-flight response, flooding your system with stress hormones like norepinephrine and cortisol that are meant to give you a needed boost in dangerous situations. Image via Wikipedia.

In short and small bursts, those hormones can make you more alert, more perceptive, raise your heart rate so your muscles get more blood to them, and raise your breathing rate so you get more oxygen into your lungs. Your digestive processes stop entirely so your body doesn’t waste energy processing food when it needs all the energy it can muster to survive. It’s a good thing if, say, you’re dashing across a busy street or escaping a burning building, but keeping your body’s fight or flight response turned on all the time and those stress hormones at high levels in your body is unhealthy, as this eHealth article explains.

If these hormones stay in your system for too long, they can eventually lead tohigh blood pressure and increased heart rate, stress-induced hypertension and stroke risk, ulcers and other gastrointestinal distress, a suppressed immune system, fatigue, sexual issues like impotence and decreased libido. After all, those stress hormones are meant to be in our systems for a short period while we deal with an acute stressor, at a time where we need all of our faculties about us. Over the long term, keeping the body on full alert is more of a detriment than a benefit.



What You Can Do About Stress

Once you recognize the effects of stress and understand the damage you’re doing to your body by not coming up with ways to cope with the stress that you’re under, it’s time to do something about it. I spoke with clinical psychologist Jeffrey DeGroat, PhD about some of the ways you can reduce the impact that chronic stress has on you and how to cope with acute stressors.


Dealing with Acute Stressors: If the stressor is acute and temporary, Dr. DeGroat suggests applying simple relaxation techniques like deep breathing, to calm the mind and the body so you can get the clarity you need to address the situation. He proposes taking a 10-second breathing cycle: breathe in for four seconds, and then out for six seconds. “Works as a thought distraction,” he says, “as well as physically slowing down heart rate. This is a good technique to use anytime and anywhere.” Photo by Shawn Rossi.



Previously mentioned app CalmDown for Mac is a utility designed just for situations like this: it encourages you to take a deep breath (or a few) so you can step back from the stressor for a moment, gather your thoughts, and push through the fog of frustration and anger that often come with stressors.


I also spoke with Roger Gil about dealing with stressful situations and he reinforced the point: “Stressors like these can produce physical responses at first; so if you’re heart is racing, you’re short of breath, or you feel your muscles tightening somewhere in your body, know that you’re feeling a physiological stress response. In those cases, channeling your awareness of your body can sometimes distract a person away from the area of the body having the stress response.” Recognizing that you’re having a physical reaction will help you calm down and deal with the situation the way you really want to, as opposed to letting it stew in your mind only to come up with what you wanted to say 15 minutes after you should have said it.


In that vein, Dr. DeGroat explains that figuring out what you wanted to say a few minutes after you said it is very common, and often a result of being unprepared for the stressful situation you’re presented with. Aside from making sure to be ready for those situations in advance if you can be, he suggests acknowledging that you’re stressed in the situation and telling the person or people you’re dealing with that you’ll get back to them later. Photo by Sasha Wolff.

“Rather than responding immediately with something we may regret later, or not saying anything at all,” he says, “another option might be to indicate to the person that you’ll talk to them later about the situation. For example, [imagine] you find out that a co-worker is dating an ex-boyfriend/girlfriend of yours. Rather than yelling at them and making yourself look out of control, or saying ‘oh, that’s cool,’ when you’re really upset about it, you could say, ‘let’s not get into this right now.’ This will give you some time to collect your thoughts and approach them on your terms and on your time.” Time, as Dr. DeGroat explains, is key to defusing acute stressors, letting your body and mind return to normal, and giving yourself the space to deal with them in a healthy way.


Dealing with Chronic Stressors: Stressors that you deal with on a daily basis or that are always hanging over your head are a different matter entirely. Usually they give you a little more time and space to deal with the thing that’s making you stressed, and there are other relaxation techniques for stressors that may not require action on your part right away, or stressors that are always lurking in the background, like your boss, for example.

Visualization is one way to relax yourself when you’re presented with a stressor that you don’t need to respond to immediately. Dr. DeGroat suggests that if you can, take five to ten minutes to immerse yourself in the most relaxing environment you can possibly imagine, whether it’s green fields, a chair by the sea, or your favorite easy chair at home. Focus on as much of that environment as possible, trying to manifest the sounds, smells, and details about it in your head. The more you do this, the farther away you’ll get from the thing that’s bothering you. It won’t make that thing go away, but it will give you a little clarity of mind and distance from the stressor. Photo by Gabriel Pollard.


If you have additional time to relax and some space to be alone, Dr. DeGroat suggests progressive muscle relaxation to defuse some of the natural tension that comes with being stressed. “Systematically tense and relax muscle groups, beginning at your toes and working your way all to the top of your head. [This] serves as a distraction from current stressors and can help reduce physical tension that often accompanies stress.”


Another tip Dr. DeGroat offers is to identify whether level of stress and your response to it is realistic or unrealistic when you’re in the middle of it. If it’s realistic, as in anyone would respond the same way and there’s something you can do about it (like your computer froze or you just dropped something,) then address the situation and move on. If the response is unrealistic and others may not respond the same way (traffic isn’t moving fast enough or security lines at the airport are too slow,) then address yourself: calm down, step back, and try to relax.


The first step to addressing yourself is to challenge the way you’re thinking about the stressor. “Challenging these automatic thoughts that often hijack our minds and promote stress has been shown in research to be a great way to help break the patterns of thinking & behaving that are counterproductive/harmful,” Roger Gil explained. “Once the ‘mental battle’ is won, the IRL battle is more easily handled.”


Granted, none of these measures have to be practiced only in the context of chronic stress, but it is more likely that if your boss is getting on your nerves again today or the rent is due and you’re worried about being able to afford groceries, you’re more likely to take a few minutes and address how you feel so you can approach the issues in a clear manner than you are if you’re stuck in a meeting and asked to speak on a topic you weren’t ready for.


How to Deal with Stress In the Future

When I asked Dr. DeGroat how we could deal with certain kinds of stress that seem to crop up from time to time, like an overbearing extended family or an aggressive and disrespectful employer, he pointed out that while there are ways to deal with each situation on its own merits, much of the stress that gets to us the most comes from relationships. “Really, I believe stress in relationships (occupational, family, social), often includes difficulties with setting and maintaining boundaries. Others seem to expect too much from us. Rather than setting our own limits/boundaries, we allow others to cross these boundaries, and end up feeling irritated and resentful. One of the best ways to prevent stress in relationships is to identify our own limits/boundaries and hold to them,” he says. Photo by Joel Mendoza.


In some cases, it may simply be better to remove yourself from chronic stressors if you’re having difficulty adapting to them or minimizing them. After all, if your job is wearing you down and there’s no improving it, it may be time to look for a new job. If your relationship is so stressful it’s destructive for everyone in it, it may be time to break it off, and if your apartment is run down and your landlord won’t fix it, it’s time to move out. There are plenty of good reasons to learn to cope with stress, but there are other equally good reasons to remove the stress from your life when you can.


To that end, there’s no real way to live a completely stress-free life.Remember, there are positive stressors as well as negative ones, and the positive ones are usually good experiences that we enjoy or seek out. The same applies for negative stressors: they’re bound to happen eventually and avoiding them is a futile effort. The key is in knowing how to deal with them, and how to minimize their effect on you.

If the stress you’re experiencing is chronic, consider other activities like taking up a hobby, meditating, or traveling—anything that can take your mind off of those stressors and provide a healthy outlet where you can relax. “Other helpful stressful coping mechanisms are exercise, doing an activity you’re good at that won’t worsen the stress (e.g. cooking, video games, etc), and watching a very engrossing movie/TV show,” Gil said, “Sometimes interrupting the state of stress a person is in with an activity they enjoy is enough to keep them from losing control.”


There’s no magic formula for dealing with stress, but employing coping mechanisms that give you distance, helps you get through the moment, and at best minimizes the overall impact the stressor has on you are a good way to stay healthy, happy, and productive. Photo by Jacob Bøtter.

“It is how we approach it that can cause us problems, or allow us to grow. The more control we can find within a situation, or over ourselves, the more likely we will grow from the situation,” Dr. DeGroat explained, “The more we are able to identify and act upon the control and choice we have in situations, the less debilitating the stress will be.”



This is just a short introduction, but unsurprisingly, entire books have been written on the topic of stress, its medical and psychological implications, and how you can deal with it in healthy ways. While we hope we’ve given you some insight into how your body reacts to stressors and how you can manage them in the moment and on the long term, we know that this is by no means an exhaustive study into the topic. What are some of your most successful ways of dealing with stressful situations, both short and long-term? Share your suggestions in the comments

source: Lifehacker

Anatomic Therapy – Healer Baskar – 1.VACCINATION


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Tharpanams during Nandana Varusham

Begin for (yajur vedam only ) – Abasthambha soothram – smarthas……..

Achamanam…Achuthaya Namah, Govindaya Namah, Kesava…….Daamodara………then………….suklAm baratharam …………Om bhU: + bhUrbhuvasvarom, mamopAththa, samastha + prEEthyarththam, apavithra : pavithrovA sarvAvasthAm kathobivA, ysmareth puNdareekAksham, sapAhya, abhyanthara: suchi: mAnasam vAchikam, pApam, karmnA, samupArjitham, sree rAma, smaraNenaiva, vyapohathi nasamsaya: srI rAma rAma rAma thithirvishNu: thathAvAra: nakshathram, vishNurevacha yogashcha karaNanchaiva sarvam vishNumayam, jakath, shrI govintha govintha, govintha adhyashree bhagavatha: mahA purushasya vishNorAkgyA pravarththamAnasya, adhyabhrummaNa: dhvitheeya parArththe shvetha, varAhakalpe, vaivasvatha, manvantharey, ashtAvimshathi, thame, kalyuge, prathamepAthe jambhUdhweepe, bhArathavarshey, bharathakaNtemero: dakshiNe pArshvey sahAbthey, asminvarththamANe, vyApahArike, prabhavAthi, shashtyaam, samvathsarANAm, madhye…….then recite following mantra on each particular day.


13.04.2012 – FRIDAY –

Chithira Masa Pirappu (Mesham)

(Masa Tharpanam)


Nandana nAma samvathsarey UtharAyane, vasantha Rudhow, Mesha mAse, krishna pakshe, SapthamyAm puNyathithow, Brugu Vasara yukthAyAm, PoorvashadA nakshathra yukthAyAm, Shiva yoga, Bhava karaNa, evanghuna viseshena vishishtayAm AsyAm vardhamAnAyAm Sapthamyam punyathithow (pracheena vidhi – change your holy thread to right hand shoulder) ……(gothrANaam), vasu rudra aditya svaroopAnAm asmath pithru pithAmaha prapitAmahAnAM (not having mother) mAthru pithAmahee prapithAmaheenAm (having mother) pithAmaheepithupithAmahee pithu prapithAmaheenAm (uncle lineage)….. gothrAnAm vasu rudra Adhitya svaroopAnAm

asmath sapatneeka mAtAmaha mAthup pithAmaha mAthup prapithAmahAnAm upaya vamsa pithrunAm akshayya thrupthyarhtham chaithravishu punyakAle mesha ravi sangramaNa shrAddham thila tharpana roopene adhya karishye.






(Amavasya Tharpanam)


Nandana Nama Samvatsare, Uttarayane, Vasantha rithou, Mesha maase, Krishna pakshe, Charthudasyaam punyathithou, Brighu vaasara yukthaayaam Revathi nakshatra yukthaayaam, subhayoga subhakarana evamguna visheshana vishishtaayaam asyaam varthamaanaayaam Chathurdasyaam Thadhupari AmavasyAyaam punyathithou (pracheena vidhi – change your holy thread to right hand shoulder) ——– gothraanaam —-, —-, —- (names of forefathers) vasu, rudra, aditya swaroopanam, asmath pithru, pitamah prapita mahaanaam,(not having mother) ——— gothraanaam (ammanaathu gothram) —-, —-, —- (names of maternal forefathers) vasu, rudra, aditya swaroopanam, asmath mathaamaha, mathu:pithamaha, mathu:prapitamahaanaam ubhaya vamsa pithrunaam akshaya thruptyartham Amavasya punyakaale vargadwaya pithrun-udhisya darsa sraadhdham hiranya roopena adhya karishye – thathangam thila tharpanam cha karishye.





Vrushaba (Vaikasi) masa [AmavAsya Tharpanam]


Nandana nAma samvathsarey Uttarayane, Vasantha rithou, Rishabha maase, Krishna pakshe, Amavasyayaam punyathithou, Bhanu vaasara yukthayaam Apabharani nakshatra yukthaayaam, subhayoga subhakarana evamguna visheshana vishishtaayaam asyaam varthamaanaayaam Amavasyayaam punyathithou (pracheena vidhi – change your holy thread to right hand shoulder)——– gothraanaam —-, —-, —- (names of forefathers) vasu, rudra, aditya swaroopanam, asmath pithru, pitamah prapita mahaanaam, ——— gothraanaam (ammanaathu gothram)

—-, —-, —- (names of maternal forefathers) vasu, rudra, aditya swaroopanam, asmath mathaamaha, mathu:pithamaha, mathu:prapita mahaanaam ubhaya vamsa pithrunaam akshaya thruptyartham Amavasya punyakaale vargadwaya pithrun-udhisya darsa sraadhdham hiranya roopena adhya karishye – thathangam thila tharpanam cha karishye. (except inIndia- Apaa Bharani nakshatra upto 9.40AM, then Kruthigai Nakshatra).



LUNAR ECLIPSE – Somopagara PunyakAla Tharpanam)(Vrushaba-Vaikasi)


Nandana nAma samvathsarey Uttarayane Grishma Rithou Rishaba Maase Shukla Pakshe Pournamyam Punya thithou Indu vaasara yukthayam Anuradha natchatra yukthayam shuba yoga shuba karana evamguna visheshana vishishtaayaam asyaam varthamaanaayaam Pournamyam Punya thithou _________ gothranam_______________Somoparaga Punyakaale vargadhwaya pitrun udisya upaaraga shraadham hiranya roopena adhya karishye – thathangam thila tharpanam karishye.





Aani (Mithunam)

masa Amavasya Tharpanam


Nandana nAma samvathsarey Uththaraayane, Greeshma rithou, Midhuna maase,Krishnapakshe, Amavasyaam punyathithou, Bhouma

vaasara yukthaayaam, Mrigasheersha nakshathra yukthaayaam, subhayoga subhakarana evamguna visheshana vishishtaayaam asyaam varthamaanaayaam Amavasyaam punyathithou (pracheena vidhi – change your holy thread to right hand shoulder) ——– gothraanaam —-, —-, —- (names of forefathers) vasu, rudra, aditya swaroopanam, asmath pithru, pitamah prapita mahaanaam, ——— gothraanaam (ammanaathu gothram) —-, —-, —- (names of maternal forefathers) vasu, rudra, aditya swaroopanam, asmath mathaamaha, mathu:pithamaha, mathu:prapitamahaanaam ubhaya vamsa pithrunaam akshaya thruptyartham Amavasya punyakaale vargadwaya pithrun-udhisya darsa sraadhdham hiranya roopena adhya karishye – thathangam thila tharpanam cha karishye.


MAHALAYA PAKSHAM for 2012-2013- (will be notified shortly)




Kataka Ravi (Aadi)

MAsa Pirappu Tharpanam


Nandana nAma samvathsarey Dakshinaayane, Greeshma rithou, Karkitaka maase,Krishnapakshe, Thrayodasyaam punyathithou,

Indhu vaasara yukthaayaam, Mrigasheerasa nakshathra yukthaayaam, subhayoga subhakarana evamguna visheshana vishishtaayaam

asyaam varthamaanaayaam Thrayodasyaam punyathithou (pracheena vidhi – change your holy thread to right hand shoulder) ——-gothraanaam —-, —-, —- (names of forefathers) vasu, rudra, aditya swaroopanam, asmath pithru, pitamah prapita mahaanaam, ——— gothraanaam (ammanaathu gothram) —-, —-, —- (names of maternal forefathers) vasu, rudra, aditya swaroopanam, asmath mathaamaha, mathu:pithamaha, mathu:prapitamahaanaam ubhaya vamsa pithrunaam akshaya thruptyartham Kadaka Ravi samkramana punyakaale vargadwaya pithrun-udhisya Kadaka Ravi samkramana sraadhdham hiranya roopena adhya karishye – thathangam thila tharpanam cha karishye.





Kataka (Aadi)

(Masa Amavasya Tharpanam)


Nandana nAma samvathsarey DhakshinAyaNe, Dakshinaayane, Greeshma rithou, Kataka maase, Krishna pakshe, Chaturdasyaam punyathithou, Soumya vaasara yukthaayaam, Aardhra (upto 10.20 am) thadhupari Punarvasu nakshathra yukthaayaam subhayoga subhakarana evamguna visheshana vishishtaayaam asyaam varthamaanaayaam Chaturdasyaam (upto 9.08am) thadhupari Amavasyaam(pracheena vidhi – change your holy thread to right hand shoulder) ——– gothraanaam —-, —-, —- (names of forefathers) vasu, rudra, aditya swaroopanam, asmath pithru, pitamah prapita mahaanaam, ——— gothraanaam (ammanaathu gothram) —-, —-, —- (names of maternal forefathers) vasu, rudra, aditya swaroopanam, asmath mathaamaha, mathu:pithamaha, mathu:prapitamahaanaam ubhaya vamsa pithrunaam akshaya thruptyartham Amavasya punyakaale sraadhdham hiranya roopena adhya karishye – thathangam thila tharpanam cha karishye..




Simham (Aavani)

Masa Pirappu Tharpanam


Nandana nAma samvathsarey DhakshinAyaNe, Varsha rithou, Simha maase, Krishna pakshe, Amavasyaam punyathithou, Brigu vaasara yukthaayaam, Aslesha nakshathra yukthaayaam, subhayoga subhakarana evamguna visheshana vishishtaayaam asyaam varthamaanaayaam Amavasyaam punyathithou (pracheena vidhi – change your holy thread to right hand shoulder) ——– gothraanaam —-, —-, —- (names of forefathers) vasu, rudra, aditya swaroopanam, asmath pithru, pitamah prapita mahaanaam, ——— gothraanaam (ammanaathu gothram) —-, —-, —- (names of maternal forefathers) vasu, rudra, aditya swaroopanam, asmath mathaamaha, mathu:pithamaha, mathu:prapitA mahaanaam ubhaya vamsa pithrunaam akshaya thruptyartham Amavasya punyakaale vargadwaya pithrun-udhisya darsa sraadhdham hiranya roopena adhya karishye – thathangam thila tharpanam cha karishye.





Simham (Aavani)

Masa Amavasya



 Nandana Nama Samvatsare, Dakshinaayane, Varsha rithou, Simha Maase,Krishnapakshe, Chathurdasyaam (before 9.40 am)/ Thadhupari Amavasyaam (after 10 AM) punyathithou, Sthira vaasara Yukthaayaam, Uththaraphalguni nakshathra yukthaayaam, subhayoga

subhakarana evamguna visheshana vishishtaayaam asyaam varthamaanaayaam Chathurdasyaam / Amavasyaam punyathithou (pracheena vidhi – change your holy thread to right hand shoulder) ——– gothraanaam —-, —-, —- (names of forefathers) vasu, rudra, aditya swaroopanam, asmath pithru, pitamah prapita mahaanaam, ——— gothraanaam (ammanaathu gothram) —-, —-, —- (names of maternal forefathers) vasu, rudra, aditya swaroopanam, asmath mathaamaha, mathu:pithamaha, mathu:prapitamahaanaam ubhaya vamsa pithrunaam akshaya thruptyartham Amavasya punyakaale vargadwaya pithrun-udhisya darsa sraadhdham hiranya roopena adhya karishye

– thathangam thila tharpanam cha karishye.





Simham (Aavani)

Mahalaya AmavasyA


Nandana nAma samvathsarey Dakshinaayane, Varsha rithou, Kanya maase,Krishnapakshe, Amavasyayaam punyathithou, Indhu

vaasara yukthaayaam, Hastha (upto 10.10 am)/thadhupari Chitra Nakshatra yukthaayaam, subhayoga subhakarana evamguna

visheshana vishishtaayaam asyaam varthamaanaayaam Amavasyayaam punyathithou (pracheena vidhi – change  your holy thread to right hand shoulder) ——– gothraanaam —-, —-, —- (names of forefathers) vasu, rudra, aditya swaroopanam, asmath pithru, pitamah prapita mahaanaam, ——— gothraanaam (ammanaathu gothram) —-, —-, —- (names of maternal forefathers) vasu, rudra, aditya swaroopanam, asmath mathaamaha, mathu:pithamaha, mathu:prapitamahaanaam ubhaya vamsa pithrunaam akshaya thruptyartham Amavasya punyakaale vargadwaya pithrun-udhisya darsa sraadhdham hiranya roopena adhya karishye – thathangam thila tharpanam cha karishye.




(Thula Vishu Punya Kaala Tharpanam)


Nandana nAma samvathsarey Dakshinaayane, Sharath rithou, Thula maase, Sukla pakshe, Dwideeyayaam punyathithou, Soumya

vaasara yukthaayaam, Vishakha nakshathra yukthaayaam, subhayoga subhakarana evamguna visheshana vishishtaayaam asyaam

varthamaanaayaam Dwideeyayaam punyathithou (pracheena vidhi – change your holy thread to right hand shoulder) ——– gothraanaam —-, —-, —- (names of forefathers)

vasu, rudra, aditya swaroopanam, asmath pithru, pitamah prapita mahaanaam, ——— gothraanaam (ammanaathu gothram)

—-, —-, —- (names of maternal forefathers) vasu, rudra, aditya swaroopanam, asmath mathaamaha, mathu:pithamaha,

mathu:prapitamahaanaam ubhaya vamsa pithrunaam akshaya thruptyartham Thula Ravi samkramana punyakaale vargadwaya

pithrun-udhisya Thula Ravi samkramana sraadhdham hiranya roopena adhya karishye – thathangam Thila tharpanam cha karishye.




Thula (Ippasi)

(Masa Amavasya



Nandana Nama Samvatsare, Dakshinayane, Sarath rithou, Thula maase,Krishnapakshe, Amavasyayaam punyathithou, Bhouma

vaasara yukthaayaam, Swathi nakshathra yukthaayaam, subhayoga subhakarana evamguna visheshana vishishtaayaam asyaam

varthamaanaayaam Amavasyayaam punyathithou (pracheena vidhi – change

your holy thread to right hand shoulder) ——– gothraanaam —-, —-, —- (names of forefathers)

vasu, rudra, aditya swaroopanam, asmath pithru, pitamah prapita mahaanaam, ——— gothraanaam (ammanaathu gothram)

—-, —-, —- (names of maternal forefathers) vasu, rudra, aditya swaroopanam, asmath mathaamaha, mathu:pithamaha,

mathu:prapitamahaanaam ubhaya vamsa pithrunaam akshaya thruptyartham Amavasya punyakaale vargadwaya pithrun-udhisya

darsa sraadhdham hiranya roopena adhya karishye – thathangam thila tharpanam cha karishye.




Somparaga (Lunar Eclipse)Tharpanam)


(Lunar Eclipse Tharpanam)


Nandana nAma samvathsarey , DhakshinAyanE, Nandana Nama Samvatsare Dakshinayane Hemantha Rithou Viruschiga Maase

Shukla Pakshe PournamyAm Punya thithou Soumya vaasara yukthayam Kruthiga nakshatra yukthayam shuba yoga shuba karana evamguna

visheshana vishishtaayaam asyaam varthamaanaayaam Pournamyam Punya thithou _________ gothranam_______________Somoparaga

Punyakaale vargadhwaya pithrun udhisya upaaraga shraadham hiranya roopena adhya karishye – thathangam thila tharpanam karishye.




Vruschika (Karthigai)

(Masa Tharpanam)


Nandana Nama Samvatsare, Dakshinayane, Sarath rithou, Vrischika maase, Krishna pakshe, Amavasyayaam punyathithou, Guru vaasara yukthaayaam, Jyeshta nakshathra yukthaayaam, subhayoga subhakarana evamguna visheshana vishishtaayaam asyaam varthamaanaayaam Amavasyayaam punyathithou (pracheena vidhi – change your holy thread to right hand shoulder) ——– gothraanaam —-, —-, —- (names of forefathers) vasu, rudra, aditya swaroopanam, asmath pithru, pitamah prapita mahaanaam, ——— gothraanaam (ammanaathu gothram) —-, —-, —- (names of maternal forefathers) vasu, rudra, aditya swaroopanam, asmath mathaamaha, mathu:pithamaha, mathu: prapita mahaanaam ubhaya vamsa pithrunaam akshaya thruptyartham Amavasya punyakaale vargadwaya pithrun-udhisya darsa sraadhdham hiranya roopena adhya karishye – thathangam thila tharpanam cha karishye.





Dhanur (Margazhi)

(Masa Tharpanam)


Nandana Nama Samvatsare, Dakshinayane, Hemantha rithou, Dhanur maase,Krishnapakshe, Amavasyayaam punyathithou, Brigu

vaasara yukthaayaam, Poorvashada nakshathra yukthaayaam, subhayoga subhakarana evamguna visheshana vishishtaayaam asyaam

varthamaanaayaam Amavasyayaam punyathithou (pracheena vidhi – change your holy thread to right hand shoulder) ——– gothraanaam —-, —-, —- (names of forefathers) vasu, rudra, aditya swaroopanam, asmath pithru, pitamah prapita mahaanaam, ——— gothraanaam (ammanaathu gothram) —-, —-, —- (names of maternal forefathers) vasu, rudra, aditya swaroopanam, asmath mathaamaha, mathu:pithamaha, mathu:prapitamahaanaam ubhaya vamsa pithrunaam akshaya thruptyartham Amavasya punyakaale vargadwaya pithrun-udhisya darsa sraadhdham hiranya roopena adhya karishye – thathangam thila tharpanam cha karishye.




Utharayana Punya Kaalam (Thai Maathapirappu) Tharpanam

            (Uttarayana punyakalam)


Nandana Nama Samvatsare, Uttarayane, Hemantha rithou, Makara maase, Sukla pakshe, Thritheeyayaam punyathithou, Indhu vaasara yukthaayaam, Sravishta nakshathra yukthaayaam, subhayoga subhakarana evamguna visheshana vishishtaayaam asyaam varthamaanaayaam Thritheeyayaam punyathithou (pracheena vidhi – change your holy thread to right hand shoulder) ——– gothraanaam —-, —-, —- (names of forefathers) vasu, rudra, aditya swaroopanam, asmath pithru, pitamah prapita mahaanaam, ——— gothraanaam (ammanaathu gothram)

—-, —-, —- (names of maternal forefathers) vasu, rudra, aditya swaroopanam, asmath mathaamaha, mathu:pithamaha, mathu: prapitaa-mahaanaam ubhaya vamsa pithrunaam akshaya thruptyartham Makara Ravi samkramana punyakaale vargadwaya pithrun-udhisya Makara Ravi samkramana sraadhdham hiranya roopena adhya karishye – thathangam Thila tharpanam cha karishye..





Makara Maasa (Thai) Amavasya Tharpanam


Nandana Nama Samvatsare, Uttarayane, Hemantha rithou, Makara maase, Krishna pakshe, Chaturdasyaam punyathithou, Sthira vaasara yukthaayaam, Sravana nakshathra yukthaayaam, subhayoga subhakarana evamguna visheshana vishishtaayaam asyaam varthamaanaayaam Chaturdasyaam punyathithou (pracheena vidhi – change your holy thread to right hand shoulder) ——– gothraanaam —-, —-, —- (names of forefathers) vasu, rudra, aditya swaroopanam, asmath pithru, pitamah prapita mahaanaam, ——— gothraanaam (ammanaathu gothram) – (names of maternal forefathers) vasu, rudra, aditya swaroopanam, asmath mathaamaha, mathu:pithamaha, —, —, —, mathu: prapita-mahaanaam ubhaya vamsa pithrunaam akshaya thruptyartham Amavasya punyakaale vargadwaya pithrun-udhisya darsa sraadhdham hiranya roopena adhya karishye – thathangam thila tharpanam cha karishye..




Kumbha Maasa (Maasi) Amavasya Tharpanam


            Nandana Nama Samvatsare, Uttaraayane, Shishira rithou, Kumbha maase,Krishnapakshe, Amavasyayaam punyathithou, Indhu

vaasara yukthaayaam, Shathabhishak nakshathra yukthaayaam, subhayoga subhakarana evamguna visheshana vishishtaayaam

asyaam varthamaanaayaam Amavasyayaam punyathithou (pracheena vidhi – change your holy thread to right hand shoulder) ——– gothraanaam —-, —-, —- (names of forefathers) vasu, rudra, aditya swaroopanam, asmath pithru, pitamah prapita mahaanaam, ———gothraanaam (ammanaathu gothram) —-, —-, —- (names of maternal forefathers) vasu, rudra, aditya swaroopanam, asmath mathaamaha, mathu:pithamaha, mathu:prapitamahaanaam ubhaya vamsa pithrunaam akshaya thruptyartham Amavasya punyakaale vargadwaya pithrun-udhisya darsa sraadhdham hiranya roopena adhya karishye – thathangam thila tharpanam cha karishye..





Meena Maasa (Panguni) Amavasya Tharpanam


Nandana Nama Samvatsare, Uttaraayane, Sisira rithou, Meena maase, Krishna pakshe, Amavasyayaam punyathithou, Soumya vaasara yukthaayaam, Revathi nakshathra yukthaayaam, subhayoga subhakarana evamguna visheshana vishishtaayaam asyaam varthamaanaayaam Amavasyayaam punyathithou (pracheena vidhi – change your holy thread to right hand shoulder) ——– gothraanaam —-, —-, —- (names of forefathers) vasu, rudra, aditya swaroopanam, asmath pithru, pitamah prapita mahaanaam, ——— gothraanaam (ammanaathu gothram)

—-, —-, —- (names of maternal forefathers) vasu, rudra, aditya swaroopanam, asmath mathaamaha, mathu:pithamaha, mathu:prapi-tamahaanaam ubhaya vamsa pithrunaam akshaya thruptyartham Amavasya punyakaale vargadwaya pithrun-udhisya darsa sraadhdham hiranya roopena adhya karishye – thathangam thila tharpanam cha karishye.





Mesha Ravi Samkramanam (Vishu Punya Kaala) Tharpanam


Vijaya Nama Samvatsare, Uttarayane, Sisira rithou, Meena maase, Sukla pakshe, Thritheeyayaam punyathithou, Sthira vaasara yukthaayaam, Krithika nakshathra yukthaayaam, subhayoga subhakarana evamguna visheshana vishishtaayaam asyaam

varthamaanaayaam Thritheeyayaam punyathithou (pracheena vidhi – change your holy thread to right hand shoulder) ——– gothraanaam —-, —-, —- (names of forefathers) vasu, rudra, aditya swaroopanam, asmath pithru, pitamah prapita mahaanaam, ——— gothraanaam (ammanaathu gothram) —-, —-, —- (names of maternal forefathers) vasu, rudra, aditya swaroopanam, asmath mathaamaha, mathu:pithamaha, mathu:prapitamahaanaam ubhaya vamsa pithrunaam akshaya thruptyartham Mesha Ravi samkramana punyakaale vargadwaya pithrun-udhisya Mesha Ravi samkramana sraadhdham hiranya roopena adhya karishye – thathangam Thila tharpanam cha karishye.

Velukkudi Krishnan-Vidura Neethi-Control Anger


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Shri Velukkudi Krishnan Swami’s Pravachan at Sri Ram Mandir, Dwarka


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Batu Caves and Temple Complex in Malaysia


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Take care of your Old aged parents


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Sage Kaushik
Kaushik was his parents’ only son. “Mother,” he said one day, ” I want to go off into the jungle and devote myself to spiritual studies.”

His mother said with concern, “But son, your father and I are very old. Your father is so sick he can hardly move. If you go away, what will happen to us? Who will attend to our needs?” Kaushik did not listen. He was determined to study the Vedas and acquire powers. His mother cried in vain as she watched her son turn his back on her and leave for the jungle.

Eventually Kaushik acquired great mystical powers.One afternoon, as he was meditating under a tree, a crane flew up, and perched herself on a branch above Kaushik. Some bird droppings fell on Kaushik’s head. Kaushik furiously threw a fiery gaze at the crane.The crane immediately fell dead. This was a proof of his powers.

Later in the day, he went to a village to beg for alms. The lady of the house asked him to wait as she was serving her husband. The sage felt very insulted. “You put your husband before a pious sage? Do you know the power of a Brahmin?”

She calmly replied, “Yes, a true Brahmin is one who has mastered his anger. “Kokku enru ninaithayo Konkanava?” Hey Brahmin, Do you think I am a crane? Please do not threaten me, I am not a crane that will die by your fiery gaze.”

The sage was amazed. “How does she know about the crane?” he wondered.

The lady continued, “Oh holy one! You are a learned Brahmin but you have not understood the truth about virtue. If you want to be enlightened, go to Dharmavyadha who lives in Mathura. Any one will tell you where he lives.”

The sage thanked the lady and hurried to Mathura. “He must be a great and learned sage indeed,” Kaushik thought to himself. But when he finally reached Dharmavyadaha’s place, he found it to be a butcher’s shop!

A very ordinary looking man came out and said, “Welcome holy one. I am Dharmavyadaha, the man you seek.”

“How can a butcher be spiritually enlightened?” Kaushik asked in amazement. Dharmavyadaha smiled and asked with compassion, “Did the wise woman send you to me or because you felt sorry about the crane that you burnt?” 

The sage could not contain himself and thought how this butcher could know so much. He blurted out, “But butchering animals is such a sinful profession! Are you not ashamed?”

“I am not,” the butcher calmly said. “I am engaged in a family trade. I work hard and honestly at it. There is no reason for me to be ashamed of my work!”

“Holy one,” continued the butcher. “If I do injury to other creatures, so do you as you did to the crane. “

“As we walk on the soil, we are trampling on numerous creatures. Nor is the air devoid of creatures.”

“You see that farmer tilling the land? He is killing so many animals that thrive under the soil.”

They reached the butcher’s house. The butcher’s wife was doing her house hold chores and his two boys were playing. The butcher introduced the sage to his wife and boys.

Then the butcher entered the house and touched his parents’ feet.

“Here is a learned Brahmin who has come from a far-off place.” the butcher told his old father.

“Welcome, holy one,” the father said.

Before leaving the room, the butcher remarked, “My parents are my Gods. My wife and my children attend to them with devotion and love. We consider caring for them to be our greatest duty.”

“In doing one’s duty cheerfully, lies true virtue. This is what the dutiful wife sent you to learn.”

“Oh learned one!” the butcher continued, “You have run away from your responsibilities and deserted your aged father and mother. Spiritual achievement is useless if one has neglected one’s Dharma, or duties.”

The sage remembered his mother crying, “Who will look after us when you are gone my son?”

The sage apologized, “You have shown me the path of true virtue, the true meaning of Dharma, Oh pious one. I am deeply indebted to you.”

Kaushik immediately returned to his parents and served them lovingly till the end of their days.

if we take care of our old aged parents there would not be any need for old age homes. Please take care of them otherwise our children may treat us the same way.

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Sage Kaushik
Kaushik was his parents’ only son. “Mother,” he said one day, ” I want to go off into the jungle and devote myself to spiritual studies.”

His mother said with concern, “But son, your father and I are very old. Your father is so sick he can hardly move. If you go away, what will happen to us? Who will attend to our needs?” Kaushik did not listen. He was determined to study the Vedas and acquire powers. His mother cried in vain as she watched her son turn his back on her and leave for the jungle.

Eventually Kaushik acquired great mystical powers.One afternoon, as he was meditating under a tree, a crane flew up, and perched herself on a branch above Kaushik. Some bird droppings fell on Kaushik’s head. Kaushik furiously threw a fiery gaze at the crane.The crane immediately fell dead. This was a proof of his powers.

Later in the day, he went to a village to beg for alms. The lady of the house asked him to wait as she was serving her husband. The sage felt very insulted. “You put your husband before a pious sage? Do you know the power of a Brahmin?”

She calmly replied, “Yes, a true Brahmin is one who has mastered his anger. “Kokku enru ninaithayo Konkanava?” Hey Brahmin, Do you think I am a crane? Please do not threaten me, I am not a crane that will die by your fiery gaze.”

The sage was amazed. “How does she know about the crane?” he wondered.

The lady continued, “Oh holy one! You are a learned Brahmin but you have not understood the truth about virtue. If you want to be enlightened, go to Dharmavyadha who lives in Mathura. Any one will tell you where he lives.”

The sage thanked the lady and hurried to Mathura. “He must be a great and learned sage indeed,” Kaushik thought to himself. But when he finally reached Dharmavyadaha’s place, he found it to be a butcher’s shop!

A very ordinary looking man came out and said, “Welcome holy one. I am Dharmavyadaha, the man you seek.”

“How can a butcher be spiritually enlightened?” Kaushik asked in amazement. Dharmavyadaha smiled and asked with compassion, “Did the wise woman send you to me or because you felt sorry about the crane that you burnt?”  

The sage could not contain himself and thought how this butcher could know so much. He blurted out, “But butchering animals is such a sinful profession! Are you not ashamed?”

“I am not,” the butcher calmly said. “I am engaged in a family trade. I work hard and honestly at it. There is no reason for me to be ashamed of my work!”

“Holy one,” continued the butcher. “If I do injury to other creatures, so do you as you did to the crane. “

“As we walk on the soil, we are trampling on numerous creatures. Nor is the air devoid of creatures.”

“You see that farmer tilling the land? He is killing so many animals that thrive under the soil.”

They reached the butcher’s house. The butcher’s wife was doing her house hold chores and his two boys were playing. The butcher introduced the sage to his wife and boys.

Then the butcher entered the house and touched his parents’ feet.

“Here is a learned Brahmin who has come from a far-off place.” the butcher told his old father.

“Welcome, holy one,” the father said.

Before leaving the room, the butcher remarked, “My parents are my Gods. My wife and my children attend to them with devotion and love. We consider caring for them to be our greatest duty.”

“In doing one’s duty cheerfully, lies true virtue. This is what the dutiful wife sent you to learn.”

“Oh learned one!” the butcher continued, “You have run away from your responsibilities and deserted your aged father and mother. Spiritual achievement is useless if one has neglected one’s Dharma, or duties.”

The sage remembered his mother crying, “Who will look after us when you are gone my son?”

The sage apologized, “You have shown me the path of true virtue, the true meaning of Dharma, Oh pious one. I am deeply indebted to you.”

Kaushik immediately returned to his parents and served them lovingly till the end of their days.

if everyone takes care of their old parents there would not be any need for old age homes.

Nama saagar at Villivakkam,Chennai April 22 to 29, 7 pm to 9 pm

Nama saagar at Villivakkam,Chennai April 22 to 29, 7 pm to 9 pm:

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plantar fascilitis

Home Remedies for Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis is a common condition that causes pain in the heel of one or both feet. It can be a condition is interferes with the normal activities of life, and people suffering from plantar fasciitis are usually desperate for relief from the pain. Most of these individuals seek relief through home remedies, as surgery involves an extensive recovery period. 

Home Remedies for Plantar Fasciitis – Ice 

One of the best home remedies for plantar fasciitis is to apply ice to the foot experiencing the pain. The ice should be applied a minimum of three times each day.

Home Remedies for Plantar Fasciitis – Stretching 

Stretching the foot by pressing the toes against the wall with the heel on the floor can help relieve the symptoms of plantar fasciitis. Having another person press on the bottom of the foot of an individual with plantar fasciitis is also an effective way to stretch for relief of pain. These stretches are especially important before an activity that will stress the foot affected with plantar fasciitis. 

Home Remedies for Plantar Fasciitis – Proper Shoes 

Shoes that provide support for the feet will greatly help the pain of plantar fasciitis. Arch support is extremely important for shoes of people suffering from plantar fasciitis. 

Home Remedies for Plantar Fasciitis – Rest 

If the pain is extremely severe, staying off of the feet for several days will cause the pain to subside. The rest from putting weight on the feet will allow the inflammation that accompanies plantar fasciitis to decrease. 

Home Remedies for Plantar Fasciitis – Decrease Activity 

Runners and dancers who start to feel the pain of plantar fasciitis can decrease their activity to prevent the irritation in the plantar fascia. Running fewer miles or dancing for a smaller amount of time will help lessen the pain. 

Meeting with God


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