HAIR CAREA typical adult has near about 100,000-120000 hairs on the head. It is normal to lose 50 to 100 hairs a day, though most us are not willing to part with any one of those. Americans are expected to spend approximately $1.5 billion on hair growth therapies annually. Hair loss triggers several medical situations such as the following:
Alopecia – Baldness or loss of hair.
Alopecia totalis â€“ This means loss of all scalp hair.
Alopecia universalis – Loss of all body hair, plus eyebrows and eyelashes.Alopecia areata – Unexpected loss of patches of hair
Androgenetic alopecia (AGA) or Male pattern baldness – Is ordinary in men. It is very often genetic or hereditary. Connected with the presence of androgens- male sex hormones. Researchers recommended that the hair follicles of individuals susceptible to AGA may have receptors programmed to slow down or shut off hair production under the pressure of androgens. Men can begin suffering hair loss as early as their teens or early twenties, while most women don’t experience visible thinning until their forties or later.Involutional alopecia  Regular thinning of hair with age.
Telogen effluvium – Extreme shedding of hair, but not complete baldness, associated with various illnesses and drug treatments, rapid weight loss, anemia, stress, or pregnancy.Trichotillomania  Pieces of broken hairs and incomplete hair loss, usually on the scalp but sometimes involving the eyebrows. This is found particularly in children. The child is most likely rubbing or pulling away hair.
Causes of Hair LossAlthough the most general cause of hair loss in men is Male Pattern Baldness, there are many other ailments and conditions which cause or donate to premature hair loss and substandard appearance of hair in both men and women.
These situations can be genetic, environmental, or biological in origin.
1. Aging
2. Heredity
3. Hormones
4. Poor circulation
5. Acute illness
6. Surgery
7. Radiation exposure
8. Skin disease
9. Sudden weight loss
10. High fever
11. Iron deficiency
12. Diabetes
13. Thyroid disease
14. Drugs such as those used in chemotherapy, antidepressants, etc.
15. Exposure to chemicals such as those used to decontaminate swimming pools, bleach, dye, and perm hair.
16. Burns
17. X-rays
18. Scalp injuries
19. Poor diet
20. Vitamin deficiencies
21. In women following child birth
22. Stress
Home remedies for hair care

1.A diet rich in zinc should be followed, as the main cause of dry hair is the lack of mineral zinc.2. Rosemary is an useful hair tonic and conditioner. Rosemary also aids retain color especially in dark hair.
3. Chamomile and lemon juice have a soft bleaching effect on hair. Mix chamomile tea with lemon juice and use as a clean to lighten hair. One of the good home remedies for hair care.4. For troubles with dandruff, add rosemary and/or patchouli essential oils to your shampoo or mix with almond oil as a hair treatment for your scalp.
5. Wash hair with peppermint or spearmint tea to support hair growth.One of the besthome remedies for hair care.
6. Use flat beer to help avoid spit ends do it once or 2 times a month but it straight on your hair, wrap it in a towel for 1 to 2 hours and rinse out. Apply raw egg and olive oil to avoid hair loss. One of the effective home remedies for hair care.
7. To a cup of coconut milk put in two tablespoons of gram flour. Apply on the scalp and massage softly. Wash the hair after five minutes. Use this practice one time in a week.
8. Make a conditioner by mixing one tablespoon of castor oil, one tablespoon of glycerin, a teaspoon of cider vinegar, a teaspoon of protein to a tablespoon of soft herbal shampoo. Apply it on scalp and leave it on for 20-25 minutes and then wash the hair. One of the simple but useful home remedies for hair care.
9. Add a teaspoon of lavender oil to the coconut oil and heat it for a few seconds. Massage the scalp at night and then shampoo the hair in next morning. Follow this method twice a week for soft and shiny hair.
10. For hair growth apply coconut milk with aspirin and leave in hair for 2 hours then wash and wash hair.
11. A tea and beer rinse is one of the oldest habits to bring shine to your hair. Boil used tea leaves in sufficient water, let it cool and then use this liquid as the last rinse.
12. In the parallel fashion you can use flat beer (i.e. after letting the bubble out). This is a immense conditioner to be used for your hair.
13. To get that shine one can use honey to keep your scalp moisturized. You can make honey lotion for your hair by adding 3 teaspoons of honey for pint of water. One of the popular home remedies for hair care. 
14. The use of henna as a natural conditioner proves to be very helpful for your hair. It helps to bring back the bounce and flair of your hair which has been deficient for quite a while.
15. For a enormous hair treatment/conditioner try 1 egg yoke, 1-2 Tbsp Olive Oil, and 2-3 drops Vitamin E. Merge these, wet hair, mix combination into hair. Let set for 3-5 minutes, feels/looks/smell strange but it works so fine and then wash out with shampoo.
Warning: The reader of this article should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions on the home remedies from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.This information is solely for informational purposes. IT IS NOT INTENDED TO PROVIDE MEDICAL ADVICE and should not be treated as a substitute for the medical advice of your own doctor.Rest in Next “1 who asks a question is a fool for 5 Mins; 1 who does not ask a question remains a fool 4ever.”

Home Remedies for Falling Hair

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Several different culprits cause hair damage. They include heat from curling irons, blow dryers, heat lamps, tanning beds, the sun, synthetic lights, mechanical devices like combs, brushes, chemicals for coloring, permanents, relaxers, as well as chemicals in the pool or in the air; poor diet can also cause hair damage. And contrary to popular belief, hair damage cannot be repaired. However, there are treatments to improve the look of damaged hair, as well as, being aware of damaging hazards.

  • Visit your Stylist for Routine Trims. In most instances, if you have damaged hair, you need to trim or cut. Hair is like clothing, after it’s washed a lot, it tends to loose it’s elasticity, color, and shape. The older the clothing, the worse it looks. The same holds true with hair. If your hair is long, you have more “old” hair then “new” hair. Old hair tends to break easier; loose it’s elasticity, and look dull and brittle. Getting trims and keeping the hair short is the best way to rid you of damaged hair. If you must have long hair, cut the ends at least every 3 weeks to remove and prevent split ends.

  • Shampooing and Conditioning. Use a mild shampoo and conditioner for damaged hair. Look for ingredients that include protein extracts like collagen and amino acids from silk. Panthenol and Vitamin B5 are known to penetrate hair and to improve moisture content. Although dry hair is not necessarily damaged hair, often it’s easier to break; therefore, the more moisture in the hair, the more pliable the hair is. Well-conditioned hair is also free from tangles, tangles are hard to comb through, by eliminating them, and you can comb the hair easier and less aggressive. Avoid washing the hair daily, this also dries out the hair, making it prone to break. When the hair is wet always use a wide-tooth-comb, never a brush. The hair is most vulnerable to breaks and tears when wet. Do not rub the hair dry with a towel instead blot the hair. Rubbing often causes tangles and can break the hairs. Often times by applying a silicone oil or gloss to the hair will coat it and give the appearance of smooth hair; it doesn’t “fix” it. When applying gels, creams, and hair sprays, use the ones that give you flexible hold. Avoid the hair styling products that have “excessive” hold and that don’t let the hair move naturally.

  • Avoid Heating Tools. Perhaps the best advice is to allow the hair to dry naturally, do not use any type of heat-type tools on damaged hair. But in all reality, this is hard to do. So, if you must use heating tools, use a diffuser on your hair dryer at a very low setting or better yet, use the “cool” setting, same with irons, use them on the lowest setting possible. Always try and avoid any type of hot rollers, it’s better to use a curling iron.

  • Brushing Carefully. Hair that has dried should be combed when possible with a wide-tooth-comb, however, if you must use a brush, use one with bristles that are smooth, ball-tipped, coarse and bendable. Brushes should have widely spaced bristles to prevent damage.

  • Avoid using hairpins, clips, and pony tail holders. These types of accessories have to be tight in order to stay in the hair; often the tightness will cause hair to break. Never use rubber bands, if you must use a hair accessory, use a fabric scrunchie or a loose fitting comb or clip with rubber padding.

  • Avoid permanents and coloring, as well as relaxers. These chemical treatments can be very damaging. If you must color or perm your hair, tell your stylist to use a mild solution. And only perm and color on a limited basis.

  • Chlorine and Salt Water. When swimming in chlorine water or in salt water, always wash hair afterwards with a clarifying shampoo. There are specially formulated shampoos for swimmers. The chlorine and the salt in the water can dry hair and make it very brittle. By washing the salt and chemicals out of the hair immediately after a swim may prevent this from occurring.

  • Outside Hazards. When outside, during winter months always wear a loose fitting scarf or hat. During summer months, avoid the sun; wear a loose fitting cap or scarf. When in the tanning bed, wrap the hair in a towel to avoid the drying effects of UV lights.

  • Diet and Vitamins. Eat protein rich foods like chicken, fish, or nuts. These foods contain essential fatty acids that improve the hairs strength and produce natural body oils. You can also take a supplement or vitamin; there are even supplements for the hair.

In most cases, it will take time to rid a person of damaged hair. The hair only grows at a rate of ½ inch per month for the average woman. Therefore, you must be patient, as well as adhere to the tips listed above. Time, routine maintenance, and avoiding the hazards are the key ingredients to having healthy hair.

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