Home Remedies for Migraines

Home Remedies for Migraines

Migraine headaches are one of the 20 most disabling medical conditions worldwide, according to the World Health Organization. A migraine is characterized by a throbbing pain, usually confined to one side of the head, that tends to get worse with movement. They typically last from four to 72 hours.
Symptoms tend to vary from one person to another. People often experience sensory warning signs, such as blind spots, flashes of light, increased sensitivity to light and sound, tingling in the arms and legs, nausea and vomiting.
Signs like irritability, food cravings, a stiff neck, constipation and frequent yawning may also occur a couple of days prior to a migraine attack.
About 75 percent of all migraine sufferers have a family history of this debilitating problem. The complex condition is thought to be caused by changes in brain chemicals.

Some potential triggers for a migraine are allergies, stress, smoking, alcohol, bright lights, loud noises, strong smells, skipping meals, dehydration, irregular sleep, poor posture, low blood sugar and hormonal fluctuations.
Though there is no known cure for migraines, you can try some natural home remedies to get relief from migraine headaches and reduce their frequency.
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Here are the top 10 home remedies for migraines.

1. Apple Cider Vinegar

Being a nutritional powerhouse, apple cider vinegar helps reduce migraines. Apple cider vinegar also offers health benefits like aiding detoxification, controlling blood sugar, regulating high blood pressure, reducing bone pain, promoting weight loss and relieving constipation.
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  1. Add one tablespoon of organic apple cider vinegar to a glass of water.
  2. Mix in one tablespoon of honey.
  3. Drink this daily to prevent as well as treat migraines.

If you are not used to taking apple cider vinegar, start by taking one teaspoon and gradually increase the amount. During migraine attacks or when you feel them coming on, you can take two or three tablespoons.

2. Ice Pack

Using an ice pack is perhaps the most popular home remedy to get rid of tension as well as migraine headaches. It has a numbing effect that alleviates pain.

  • Wrap a few ice cubes in a clean towel and place it on your temples, forehead and/or the back of your neck for 10 to 15 minutes. Repeat as needed.
  • You can also try alternating hot and cold compresses for about 15 minutes, as needed. For better results, add lavender and/or peppermint essential oils to the water for the compress.

3. Peppermint

The anti-inflammatory property of peppermint helps soothe the nerves. Plus, it has an antispasmodic and calming effect. A study published in the International Journal of Neuroscience in 2008 found that the fragrance of this herb induces the feeling associated with headache relief.

  • Simply drink peppermint tea sweetened with honey. Repeat as needed.
  • You can also massage each of your temples with one drop of peppermint essential oil or a combination of peppermint and lavender oils. Leave it on for at least 20 to 30 minutes. Do this a few times a day until you get relief.

4. Cayenne Pepper

Cayenne pepper is a great home remedy for migraines because it stimulates circulation and improves blood flow. Plus, it contains capsaicin, a compound that works as a natural painkiller.

  1. Mix one-half to one teaspoon of cayenne pepper in a cup of warm water.
  2. Optionally, add some lemon juice and honey to improve the taste as well as health benefits.
  3. Drink this as needed.

5. Chamomile

Chamomile has anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, and soothing properties that help relieve migraines. Regularly drinking chamomile tea can also help prevent the problem.
When dealing with migraines, you’ll get best results using German chamomile (Matricaria recutita). So, when purching this herb, look for the label that says “German chamomile”.

  • Steep two to three teaspoons of dried chamomile flowers in a cup of hot water for a few minutes. You can also add some lemon juice and honey. Strain and drink this tea three or four times a day for relief from migraine symptoms.
  • Alternatively, prepare an herbal tea by steeping equal quantities of chamomile, horehound and meadowsweet in a cup of hot water for at least five minutes. Strain and drink it. Repeat as needed.

6. Ginger

A 2013 study published in Phytotherapy Research indicates that ginger may prove effective in the treatment of common migraines.
It blocks prostaglandins, which are chemicals that promote muscle contractions, impact hormones and regulate inflammation in blood vessels in the brain. Most non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), too, work by reducing the production of these chemicals.

  • Drink ginger tea a few times throughout the day until you get relief. Make sure to drink it at the onset of your headache. See Ginger Tea recipe here.
  • Simply chewing on a piece of raw ginger root will also help treat the problem and relieve symptoms like nausea and digestive distress.


7. Fever few

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Fever few is another effective home remedy for migraines that has been used for centuries. The herb contains a compound called parthenolide that relieves spasms in smooth muscle tissue and prevents inflammation. It also neutralizes prostaglandins that influence pain signals, thereby reducing pain.

  • Prepare an herbal tea by steeping one teaspoon each of dried peppermint and feverfew leaves in a cup of hot water for 30 minutes. Strain and drink this tea a few times throughout the day. Continue until the pain subsides.
  • You can also eat two or three fresh feverfew leaves daily or take dried leaf capsules (50 to 100 mg daily). Consult your doctor before beginning use of a supplement.

8. Massage

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Massaging the head helps ease migraine headaches as it blocks pain signals sent to the brain. It also boosts serotonin activity and stimulates certain serotonin receptors, thereby reducing the symptoms as well as frequency of migraines.

A study published in the Annals of Behavioral Medicine in 2006 also found that massage therapy helps in the treatment of migraines.

  • Gently massage your head with your first two fingers in a circular motion. While massaging, keep in mind that there are pressure points at locations like the base of the skull, middle of the forehead (between the eyebrows) and corners of the eyes that when pressed correctly help relieve pain.
  • Alternatively, heat two tablespoons of sesame oil. Mix in one-half teaspoon each of cinnamon and cardamom powder. Apply this mixture on your forehead and massage. Leave it on for a few hours before washing it off.

Repeat either of these remedies as needed. Also, regular massage will help reduce the frequency and duration of migraines.

9. Apples

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Eating an apple as soon as you experience the warning signs of a migraine attack can help reduce the problem. Moreover, research suggests that the smell of a green apple can also help reduce the severity of migraine and shorten migraine episodes, especially for those who find the smell pleasing.

10. Coffee

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A cup of strong coffee can help reduce migraine headache symptoms. It contains caffeine that restricts blood vessels and blocks certain receptors that could be causing the migraine.

To increase the effectiveness, add a few drops of freshly squeezed lemon juice as it counteracts the effects of acidic diets that contribute to cyclic headaches.
Warning: Caffeine may trigger migraines in some people. Also, too much caffeine may worsen your headache or cause a rebound headache.
In addition to these remedies, try muscle relaxation exercises and relaxation techniques like yoga and meditation. Plus, get enough sleep, eat a diet low in carbohydrates and high in protein, avoid foods that trigger your migraine attacks and drink plenty of water.

Sarasparilla is known as Nannari, Anatmool, Khus, Sogade Beru in Kannada etc…

Sarasparilla is known as Nannari, Anatmool, Khus, Sogade Beru[ in Kannada ] etc…
Nannari root powder[ sugar free ] is available in Karnataka, Kerala,Tamil Nadu , Goa etc , which is good for Urinary Infections, Piles and used as coolant….Nannari herb sheets [ known as Khus Thatti] are used in Water Coolers[ exhaust Fans] in North India and also Windows /doors are covered during summer season and water is sprayed on it. Sarasparilla Syrup[ with sugar] is manufactured by all the Ayurvedic Companies and is available all over India
What is Sarsaparilla? What are the health benefits?Why Sarsaparilla drink is the best natural body coolant?
By dhannyya
Body cooling foods to eat in summer, body cooling fruits, vegetables, cereals – natural body coolants
What is Sarsaparilla? What is Sarsaparilla drink?
Sarsaparilla is a medicinal plant that has roots with therapeutic properties. The extract of sarsaparilla root makes sarsaparilla syrup that can be used for preparing sarsaparilla drink. Sarsaparilla drink is very popular in India. It is known as nannari or naruneendi in Indian languages. The drink prepared from sarsaparilla is known as sarsaparilla sherbet or nannari sherbet. Sarsaparilla drink is a popular summer beverage in India.
What are the health benefits of Sarsaparilla? Sarsaparilla root extract drink
Sarsaparilla has several medicinal properties. Sarsaparilla root extract is a wonderful body coolant. The soft drink prepared from Sarsaparilla root is very popular inIndia. Sarsaparilla root cools body, and is therefore widely used in summer. It is a great summer drink. It also works as an excellent blood purifier and diuretic. Sarsaparilla drink is beneficial for people with urinary problems. Sarsaparilla naturally cools the body. Sarsaparilla is also believed to help skin problems, chronic rheumatism, urinary infection and stomach heat problems. Sarsaparilla drink is an excellent tonic that would refresh the body during extreme heat. Sarsaparilla drink would also help dysentery due to bowel heat. Piles patients can also have sarsaparilla drink for a better health. Having Sarsaparilla drink is also found to be having soothing effects in eye and skin. The extract of leaves of sarsaparilla plant is used for treating skin infections. Sarsaparilla root is an ingredient of soft drinks and sports nutrition drinks. Sarsaparilla root extract is also used in medicines and tablets, even though it is a herbal product. As it can contribute to hormone balancing, body refreshment, and libido improvement, sports drinks have sarsaparilla root extract as an ingredient.
The long leaves seen is Sarsaparilla plant. The root of this plant is used to make sarsaparilla extract
The long leaves seen is Sarsaparilla plant. The root of this plant is used to make sarsaparilla extract
How to prepare Sarsaparilla drink?
Sarsaparilla drink, the best body coolant for summer
In India sarsaparilla drink is prepared by mixing water and sarsaparilla root essence. In a glass of water, three teaspoonful of sarsaparilla root essence is added. Two teaspoonful of lemon juice is added to this mixture to prepare sarsaparilla drink. You can also add club soda to sarsaparilla syrup to make sarsaparilla soda sherbet. This drink would refresh your body and cool it. Sarsaparilla root extract drink would help us beat the summer heat
Sarsaparilla drink, an excellent soft drink for children
Kids love to have soft drinks when they come in after playing in the burning sun. It is not good to give them soft drinks with artificial colors and flavors. Sarsaparilla drink is a natural drink that has no side effects. It is purely natural. Sarsaparilla drink is the best soft drink for summer heat. It would aid digestion and purify blood. Sarsaparilla root syrup is available in shops. You can dilute it to make nannari drink. It is no doubt the best summer drink

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யாம் பெற்ற இன்பம் பெருக வையகம்
பெற்றதாய்தனை மகமறந்தாலும் பிள்ளையைப் பெறுந்தாய் மறந்தாலும்
உற்ற தேகத்தை உயிர்ம றந்தாலும் உயிரை மேவிய உடல் மறந்தாலும்
கற்றநெஞ்சம் கலைமறந்தாலும் கண்கள்நின் றிமைப்பது மறந்தாலும்
நற்றவத்தவர் உள்ளிருந்தோங்கும் நமச்சிவாயத்தை நான்மற வேனே.

"புழுவாய்ப் பிறக்கினும் புண்ணியாவுன்னடி
யென்மனத்தே வழுவா திருக்க வரந்தர வேண்டும்

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இந்தியாவின் பாரம்பரியப் பசு இனங்கள் மட்ட ுமே உண்மையான பசுக்களாகும் ; மற்றவை எல்லாம் ப சுக்களைப் போல் தோற்றமளிக்கும் விலங்குகளே’

விவசாயிகளின் விடி வெள்ளி- பாரம்பரியக் கால்நடைகள் !
சமீபத்தில் பத்திரிகையில் ஒரு செய்தி வெளி வந்தது. அது என்னவென்றால் தமிழ்நாட்டில் நாமக்கல் சந்தையிலிருந்து வாங்கி கேரளாவுக்குக் கொண்டுசெல்லப்பட்டுக் கொண்டிருந்த 144 மாடுகளை வன விலங்குத் துறை அதிகாரிகள் மீட்டு கோவையில் இயங்கும் ஒரு கோசாலையில் ஒப்படைத்தனர் என்பதும். அதைத் தொடர்ந்து மாட்டு வியாபாரிகள் போராட்டத்தில் ஈடுபட்டுள்ளனர் என்பதுமே அது.
இதுவரை விஷயத்தை நம்மால் புரிந்து கொள்ள முடிகிறது. ஆனால் தமிழக மாட்டு வியாபாரிகளுக்கு ஆதரவாகக் கேரள வியாபாரிகளும் போராட்டத்தில் குதிதுள்ளனர் என்ற செய்திதான் வியப்பை அளிக்கிறது. .
பொதுவாக நம் நாட்டில் ஒரு மாநிலத்தில் போராட்டம் என்றால் அடுத்த மாநிலத்தில் அதைப் பற்றிக் கண்டு கொள்ள மாட்டார்கள். சொல்லப்போனால் தண்ணீர் பிரச்னை, எல்லைப் பிரச்னை போன்ற பல விஷயங்ககள் குறித்து ஒரு மாநிலத்துக்கு எதிராக இன்னொரு மாநிலத்தில் போராட்டம் நடத்துவது போன்றவைகளை நாம் பார்க்கிறோம்.
இவ்வாறு இருக்கும் போது கேரள மாட்டு வியாபாரிகள் தமிழக வியாபாரிகளுக்கு ஆதரவாகப் போராட்டம் நடத்துகிறார்கள் என்றால் இதன் பின்னணி இதுதான்:
கேரளாவில்தான் மிக அதிகமாக மாட்டிறைச்சி ;உட்கொள்ளபடுகிறது; விற்கப்படுகிறது.. அதற்காக ஏராளமான மாடுகள் மகாராஷ்டிரா, ஆந்திரா , ஒடிசா போன்ற மாநிலங்களிலிருந்து தமிழ்நாடு வழியாகக் கேரளத்திற்குக் கொண்டு செல்லப்படுகின்றன; தமிழ் நாட்டிலிருந்தும் ஏராளமான மாடுகள் அவ்வாறு கொண்டு செல்லப்படுகின்றன.
இந்த மாடுகள் மிகக் கொடூரமான முறையில் கொல்லப்படுகின்றன. சில பசுப் பாதுகாப்பு இயக்கத்தினர் அவ்வப்போது மாடுகளைக் கொண்டுபோகும் லாரிகளை மறித்து அவைகளைக் காவல் துறையினரிடம் ஒப்படைப்பதும் நடந்து கொண்டிருக்கிறது.
கோசாலைகளில் பராமரிக்கப்படும் ஒவ்வொரு பசுவுக்கும் தீவனம் மற்றும் பராமரிப்புக்காக 40 ரூபாயை மத்திய அரசு அளிக்கிறது. வெளிநாடு வாழ் இந்தியர்கள் மாடுகளைத் தத்தெடுத்து அவற்றின் பராமரிப்புக்காக நிதியுதவி அளிக்கும் திட்டத்தையும் மாநில அரசுகளின் பங்களிப்புடன் மத்திய அரசு செயல்படுத்தி வருகிறது.
ஆவினங்களை நமது சமூகம் பெரும் செல்வமாகவும் , பசுவைத் தாயாகவும் கருதி வந்துள்ளது.
இது வெறுமனே உணர்வு பூர்வமானது அல்ல, பொருளாதாரமும் இதில் அடங்கியுள்ளது.
ஒரு மேலை நாட்டு விஞ்ஞானி சமீபத்தில் நடத்திய ஆய்வின் முடிவில் கூறியது என்னவெனில் ‘ இந்தியாவின் பாரம்பரியப் பசு இனங்கள் மட்டுமே உண்மையான பசுக்களாகும் ; மற்றவை எல்லாம் பசுக்களைப் போல் தோற்றமளிக்கும் விலங்குகளே’ . இது நமக்குப் பெரும் ஆச்சரியத்தை அளிக்கிறது.
மேலும் ஒரு அதிர்ச்சி தரும் தகவல் என்னவென்றால் நமது ஆநிரைகளின் மேன்மையைப் புரிந்து கொண்ட சில நாடுகள் பெருமளவில் நமது பாரம்பரியக் கால்நடை இனங்களை மிக அதிக விலை கொடுத்து வாங்கி வருகின்றனர். நாமோ அவைகளின் பெருமைகளைப் புரிந்துகொள்ளாமல் இருக்கிறோம்.
பணத்துக்கு ஆசைப்பட்டு நம்மவர்களும் விற்கின்றனர். இதில் பிரேசில் நாடு முதன்மை வகிக்கிறது என்று தகவல்கள் கூறுகின்றன.
இதில் வேதனை தரும் வேடிக்கை என்னவெனில் அவர்கள் நடத்தும் விந்து வங்கிகளிலிருந்து நமது ஆவினங்களின் விந்து மாதிரிகளைப் பல மடங்கு அதிக விலை கொடுத்து நாம் வாங்க வேண்டிய நிலையில் உள்ளோம்.
இத்துறையில் வல்லுனரான ஒருவர் கூறும்போது’ பசுமாட்டின் சாணம், கோமியம் இவற்றிலிருந்து தயாரிக்கப்படும் பஞ்சகவ்யம் என்பது மிகச் சிறந்த ஔஷதம் என்பது நிரூபிக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது. புற்று நோய்க்குக் கூட இது அருமருந்தாக உள்ளது என்று கூறப்படுகிறது. இதனால் பஞ்சகவ்யத்தின் விலை மிக அதிகமாக உள்ளது. எதிர்காலத்தில் இது இன்னும் அதிகரிக்கக் கூடும்; நமது விவசாயிகளின் ஏழ்மை, கிராமப் பொருளாதாரம் இவற்றுக்கு இது அளிக்கும் வாய்ப்புகள் எவ்வளவு என்பது கூறாமல் விளங்கும் . பஞ்சகவ்யம் தயாரித்து விற்பனை செய்தால் நமது ஏழை விவசாயிகள் பெரும் செல்வந்தர்களாகலாம்’ .
யோகா, வேம்பு, மஞ்சள் போன்றவைகளில் காப்புரிமை கொண்டாடி நம் கண்ணில் மிளகாய்ப் போடி தூவும் மேலை நாடுகள் நமது பாரம்பரியக் கால்நடைச் செல்வத்தின் விஷயத்திலும் அதே போன்று செய்ய
விடுவோமா அல்லது விழித்துக் கொண்டு ஆவன செய்வோமா?
-தமிழக பா ஜ க வின் ‘ஒரே நாடு’ ( மாதமிருமுறை) செப் 1- 15, 2015 இதழில் வெளி வந்தது

Sridharan Raghavachary's photo.

परोपकाराय फलन्ति वृक्षा: परोपकाराय वहन्ति नद्यः।

परोपकाराय दुहन्ति गावः परोपकाराय इदं शरीरम्।


( hari krishnamurthy K. HARIHARAN)"” When people hurt you Over and Over think of them as Sand paper.They Scratch & hurt you, but in the end you are polished and they are finished. ”"Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great ones make you feel that you too, can become great."- Mark Twain.

யாம் பெற்ற இன்பம் பெருக வையகம்
பெற்றதாய்தனை மகமறந்தாலும் பிள்ளையைப் பெறுந்தாய் மறந்தாலும்
உற்ற தேகத்தை உயிர்ம றந்தாலும் உயிரை மேவிய உடல் மறந்தாலும்
கற்றநெஞ்சம் கலைமறந்தாலும் கண்கள்நின் றிமைப்பது மறந்தாலும்
நற்றவத்தவர் உள்ளிருந்தோங்கும் நமச்சிவாயத்தை நான்மற வேனே.

"புழுவாய்ப் பிறக்கினும் புண்ணியாவுன்னடி
யென்மனத்தே வழுவா திருக்க வரந்தர வேண்டும்

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நடுத்தர வர்க்கத்தினனுக்கு இங்கே ஒரு புண் ணாக்கு மதிப்பும் இல்லை..! அவன் ஒரு பிள்ளையார் எறும்பு..!

News 7னில் ஒரு clipping : MIG குரூப் முதிய மாமி ஒருவர், நீரில் முழுகி விட்ட தன் வீட்டை விட்டு, போய்க் கொண்டிருக்கிறார், அழுது அரற்றிக் கொண்டே: “என்னா கவர்மெண்டு இது..? ஒருத்தரும் உதவிக்கு வர மாட்டேங்கிறாங்க…. ஸ்லம் கிளையரன்ஸ் போர்டு ஏரியான்னா வருவேங்கிறாங்க..! நாங்கள்ளாம் மனுஷா இல்லையா..? நாங்களும்தானே ஓட்டு போடறோம்…?” (கமெண்ட்டில் வீடியோ clipping..)

அந்த மாமியின் அரற்றலில் நியாயமான காரணம் இருக்கிறது..! Mambalam, Madippaakam, Ashoknagar, Velacherry, Anna Nagar, etc போன்ற Flatகளே நிறைந்த ஏரியாக்களீல் ஆறு நாட்களாய், அதீத நீர் தேக்கம்..! கரண்ட் இல்லாததால், மோட்டர் போட்டு overhead டேங்கில் நீரேற்ற முடியாமல், தண்ணீர் இல்லாமல், பலர் கக்கூஸுக்கும் போக முடியாத பரிதாப நிலைமை…!. அவர்கள் கேட்டதெல்லாம்: Electricity, பால், குடிதண்ணீர், அவ்வளவுதான்..! கிடைக்கவில்லை..! இது போன்ற LIG, MIG குருப் மக்களை அரசாங்கம கண்டு கொள்ளவில்லை என்பதும் அவர்கள் தங்களைத் தாங்களே காத்துக் கொண்டு, எப்படியோ நாட்களைத் தள்ளினார்கள் என்பதும் அப்பட்டமான உண்மை..!

இது போன்ற calamity நேரங்களில், மிகப் பெரிய பணக்காரர்களுக்கு, தங்கள் ‘கனெக்க்ஷன்ஸ்’ மூலமாய் உடனே உதவிகள் கிடைக்கின்றன..! போயஸ் கார்டனிலும், கோபாலபுரத்திலும், மைலாப்பூரிலும் நீர் ‘உடனே’ வடிந்தது..!
EWS குரூப் மக்களுக்கு அரசாங்கம் ஓடி ஓடி உதவி செய்கிறது..! அவர்கள்தானே ஓட்டு வங்கி..? இல்லையன்றால், ஏரியா கவுன்ஸிலரின் காலரைப் பிடித்து விடுவார்கள்..!
LIG/MIG குரூப்பினன் கதி…? ‘மயிராப் போச்சு.. விடு..!’ என்கிறார்கள் M.L.Aவும் கவுன்ஸிலரும்..!

அதிகாலை எழுந்து குடுகுடுவென்று ஆபீஸுக்கு ஓடி, இரவு 10க்கு திரும்பி என மாத முழுதும் கஷ்டப்பட்டு, ஒரு லட்சம் சம்பாதித்தாலும், Income tax, Service tax, Road tax, பெட்ரோல், படிப்பு, மருத்துவம், பால், எலக்டிரிசிட்டி பில் என எல்லாம் போக கையில் 5000 மிஞ்சும் அவனுக்கும் ஒரு EWSக்கும் என்ன பிரமாத வித்தியாசம்..? நடுத்தர வர்க்கத்தினன் என்பவன், வசதியிருப்பதைப் போல ‘நடிக்கும்’ ஒரு ஏழையே..! இதோ மழைவெள்ளத்தில் பல பொருட்கள், கார், நாசமாகி லட்சங்கள் செலவாகும்..! யாரும் தர மாட்டார்கள்..! ஏனென்றால் அவன் MIG..! எவ்வளவு அடி வாங்கினாலும் தாங்குவான்..!

இந்த கஷ்ட நாட்களில், பால் பாக்கெட்100 ரூபாய், தண்ணீர் கேன் 200 ரூபாய், etc., என்று செலவிடும் அவனிடமிருந்து வசூலித்த tax கொண்டு, தன் ஃபோட்டோவை போட்டுக் கொண்டு, நலிவுற்றோருக்கு நிவாரணம் கொடுக்கும் அரசு..! அந்த ‘நிவாரணம்’ பெற்றுக் கொண்ட அந்த ‘நலிவுற்றோன்’, அவ்வளவு மழையிலும் திறந்திருக்கும் TASMAC சென்று 200 ரூபாய் செலவிட்டு குடிப்பான்..! இதுதான் Socialism..!

இந்த நாட்டில் கவலையின்றி வாழ இரண்டே வழிகள்:
1. எப்படியாவது பெரும் பணம் சேர்த்து விட்டால், கவனிக்க வேண்டியவர்களை ‘கவனித்து’ சவுகரியமாய் வாழலாம்..! Or
2. பிச்சைக்காரனாய் இருந்து கையேந்தினால், அரசாங்கம், உன் ஓட்டுக்காக உன்னைக் கவனித்துக் கொள்ளும்..! பாக்கி எல்லாவற்றையும் அரசாங்கம் தரும்; TASMACகிற்கு மட்டும் நீ தந்தால் போதும்..!

இது இரண்டுமில்லாமல், கஷ்டப்பட்டு சம்பாதித்து, அதில் பாதியை taxes கட்டிவிட்டு, தன்மானத்தோடும், கௌரவத்தோடும், குழந்தைகளின் எதிர்காலத்திற்காகவும், பல இன்னல்களிடையே எதிர்நீச்சல் போட்டு வாழும் நடுத்தர வர்க்கத்தினனுக்கு இங்கே ஒரு புண்ணாக்கு மதிப்பும் இல்லை..! அவன் ஒரு பிள்ளையார் எறும்பு..! கடிக்கத் தெரியாதவன்..!

8 Gifts Everybody Deserves to Receive

8 Gifts Everybody Deserves to Receive

Everybody loves receiving gifts – For their birthday, for Christmas or randomly. There’s nothing more thrilling, but deep down the real treasured gifts are intangible. These gifts are priceless and everybody deserves receiving them at some point in their lives.


10 Tips on How to Organize Your Frigde

10 Tips on How to Organize Your Frigde

If your fridge is a mess and items in it get lost or rot away before time, it just means it’s in need of some love and attention. Follow our 10 tips for organizing your fridge and you’ll be amazed at all the space, time, and money you’ll save.
1. Put your small condiment containers on a "Lazy Susan"

This will make it easier to get to them, instead or rummaging through the fridge.

Organize Your Frigde
2. Be sure to get these containers too – they’ll fit perfectly!
Organize Your Frigde
3. Move your fridge about 1-2 inches away from the wall

This will allow the fridge’s radiator to cool down faster and save you 40% on electricity.

Organize Your Frigde
4. Use baskets to organize the fridge

This method means you’ll know what goes where, and prevent unnecessary wastes of food and time.

Organize Your Frigde
Organize Your Frigde
5. Binder clips will let you stack bottles

The binder clips keep bottles in place and stacking them saves you room in the fridge.

Organize Your Frigde
6. Magazine filers become instant freezer shelves
Organize Your Frigde
7. This is the best way to pack sliced meats
Organize Your Frigde
8. This is the correct placement of items in a fridge
Organize Your Frigde
9. Stop wine bottles from rolling about in the fridge
Organize Your Frigde
10. Deodorize your fridge with activated carbon

It’s more efficient than baking soda.

Organize Your Frigde


Humanity still lives on! Any doubt? Read this story!

How wonderful! Humanity still lives on! Any doubt? Read this story!





परोपकाराय फलन्ति वृक्षा: परोपकाराय वहन्ति नद्यः।

परोपकाराय दुहन्ति गावः परोपकाराय इदं शरीरम्।


( hari krishnamurthy K. HARIHARAN)"” When people hurt you Over and Over think of them as Sand paper.They Scratch & hurt you, but in the end you are polished and they are finished. ”"Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great ones make you feel that you too, can become great."- Mark Twain.

யாம் பெற்ற இன்பம் பெருக வையகம்
பெற்றதாய்தனை மகமறந்தாலும் பிள்ளையைப் பெறுந்தாய் மறந்தாலும்
உற்ற தேகத்தை உயிர்ம றந்தாலும் உயிரை மேவிய உடல் மறந்தாலும்
கற்றநெஞ்சம் கலைமறந்தாலும் கண்கள்நின் றிமைப்பது மறந்தாலும்
நற்றவத்தவர் உள்ளிருந்தோங்கும் நமச்சிவாயத்தை நான்மற வேனே.

"புழுவாய்ப் பிறக்கினும் புண்ணியாவுன்னடி
யென்மனத்தே வழுவா திருக்க வரந்தர வேண்டும்

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follow me @twitter lokakshema_hari

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A rare conversation between Ramkrishna Paramahansa and Swami Vivekananda

A rare conversation between Ramkrishna Paramahansa and Swami Vivekananda READ IT LOUD TO FAMILY, it’s oneof the best message I have come across….
1. Swami Vivekanand:- I can’t find free time. Life has become hectic.
Ramkrishna Paramahansa:- Activity gets you busy. But productivity gets you free.
2. Swami Vivekanand:- Why has life become complicated now?
Ramkrishna Paramahansa:- Stop analyzing life.. It makes it complicated. Just live it.
3. Swami Vivekanand:- Why are we then constantly unhappy?
Ramkrishna Paramahansa:- Worrying has become your habit. That’s why you are not happy.
4. Swami Vivekanand:- Why do good people always suffer?
Ramkrishna Paramahansa:- Diamond cannot be polished without friction. Gold cannot be purified without fire. Good people go through trials, but don’t suffer.
With that experience their life becomes better, not bitter.
5. Swami Vivekanand:- You mean to say such experience is useful?
Ramkrishna Paramahansa:- Yes. In every term, Experience is a hard teacher. She gives the test first and the lessons .
6. Swami Vivekanand:- Because of so many problems, we don’t know where we are heading…
Ramkrishna Paramahansa:- If you look outside you will not know where you are heading. Look inside. Eyes provide sight. Heart provides the way.
7. Swami Vivekanand:- Does failure hurt more than moving in the right direction?
Ramkrishna Paramahansa:- Success is a measure as decided by others. Satisfaction is a measure as decided by you.
8. Swami Vivekanand:- In tough times, how do you stay motivated?
Ramkrishna Paramahansa:- Always look at how far you have come rather than how far you have to go. Always count your blessing, not what you are missing.
9. Swami Vivekanand:- What surprises you about people?
Ramkrishna Paramahansa:- When they suffer they ask, “why me?” When they prosper, they never ask “Why me?”
10. Swami Vivekanand:- How can I get the best out of life?
Ramkrishna Paramahansa:- Face your past without regret. Handle your present with confidence. Prepare for the future without fear.
11. Swami Vivekanand:- One last question. Sometimes I feel my prayers are not answered.
Ramkrishna Paramahansa:- There are no unanswered prayers. Keep the faith and drop the fear. Life is a mystery to solve, not a problem to resolve. Trust me. Life is wonderful if you know how to live. Good morning.

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परोपकाराय फलन्ति वृक्षा: परोपकाराय वहन्ति नद्यः।

परोपकाराय दुहन्ति गावः परोपकाराय इदं शरीरम्।


( hari krishnamurthy K. HARIHARAN)"” When people hurt you Over and Over think of them as Sand paper.They Scratch & hurt you, but in the end you are polished and they are finished. ”"Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great ones make you feel that you too, can become great."- Mark Twain.

யாம் பெற்ற இன்பம் பெருக வையகம்
பெற்றதாய்தனை மகமறந்தாலும் பிள்ளையைப் பெறுந்தாய் மறந்தாலும்
உற்ற தேகத்தை உயிர்ம றந்தாலும் உயிரை மேவிய உடல் மறந்தாலும்
கற்றநெஞ்சம் கலைமறந்தாலும் கண்கள்நின் றிமைப்பது மறந்தாலும்
நற்றவத்தவர் உள்ளிருந்தோங்கும் நமச்சிவாயத்தை நான்மற வேனே.

"புழுவாய்ப் பிறக்கினும் புண்ணியாவுன்னடி
யென்மனத்தே வழுவா திருக்க வரந்தர வேண்டும்

visit my blog https://harikrishnamurthy.wordpress.com
follow me @twitter lokakshema_hari

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What is Pongal?

Wish you all a Happy Pongal

What is Pongal?

Pongal is the only festival of Hindu that follows a solar calendar and is celebrated on the fourteenth of January every year. (However this Year it will be on 15th Jan 2016). Pongal has astronomical significance: it marks the beginning of Uttarayana, the Sun’s movement northward for a six month period. In Hinduism, Uttarayana is considered auspicious, as opposed to Dakshinaayana, or the southern movement of the sun. All important events are scheduled during this period. Makara Sankranthi refers to the event of the Sun entering the zodiac sign of Makara or Capricorn.

In Hindu temples bells, drums, clarinets and conch shells herald the joyous occasion of Pongal. To symbolize a bountiful harvest, rice is cooked in new pots until they boil over. Some of the rituals performed in the temple include the preparation of rice, the chanting of prayers and the offering of vegetables, sugar cane and spices to the gods. Devotees then consume the offerings to exonerate themselves of past sins.

Pongal signals the end of the traditional farming season, giving farmers a break from their monotonous routine. Farmers also perform puja to some crops, signaling the end of the traditional farming season. It also sets the pace for a series of festivals to follow in a calendar year. In fact, four festivals are celebrated in Tamil Nadu for four consecutive days in that week. ‘Bhogi’ is celebrated on January 14, ‘Pongal’ on Jan 15, ‘Maattuppongal’ on Jan 16, and Kaanum Pongal and ‘Thiruvalluvar Day’ on Jan 17.

The festival is celebrated for four days. On, the first day, Bhogi, the old clothes and materials are thrown away and fired, marking the beginning of a new life. The second day, the Pongal day, is celebrated by boiling fresh milk early in the morning and allowing it to boil over the vessel – a tradition that is the literal translation for Pongal. People also prepare savories and sweets, visit each other’s homes, and exchange greetings. The third day, Mattu Pongal, is meant to offer thanks to the cows and buffaloes, as they are used to plough the lands. On the last day, Kanum Pongal, people go out to picnic.

Everyone joins in the community meal, at which the food is made of the freshly harvested grain. This day is named and celebrated as Tamilian Tirunal in a fitting manner through out Tamil Nadu.

Thus, the harvest festival of Pongal symbolizes the veneration of the first fruit. The crop is harvested only after a certain time of the year, and cutting the crop before that time is strictly prohibited. Even though Pongal was originally a festival for the farming community, today it is celebrated by all. In south India, all three days of Pongal are considered important. However, those south Indians who have settled in the north usually celebrate only the second day. Coinciding with Makara Sankranti and Lohri of the north, it is also called Pongal Sankranti.

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Image result for pongal festival images280 × 156 – pongalwishez.in

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परोपकाराय फलन्ति वृक्षा: परोपकाराय वहन्ति नद्यः।

परोपकाराय दुहन्ति गावः परोपकाराय इदं शरीरम्।


( hari krishnamurthy K. HARIHARAN)"” When people hurt you Over and Over think of them as Sand paper.They Scratch & hurt you, but in the end you are polished and they are finished. ”"Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great ones make you feel that you too, can become great."- Mark Twain.

யாம் பெற்ற இன்பம் பெருக வையகம்
பெற்றதாய்தனை மகமறந்தாலும் பிள்ளையைப் பெறுந்தாய் மறந்தாலும்
உற்ற தேகத்தை உயிர்ம றந்தாலும் உயிரை மேவிய உடல் மறந்தாலும்
கற்றநெஞ்சம் கலைமறந்தாலும் கண்கள்நின் றிமைப்பது மறந்தாலும்
நற்றவத்தவர் உள்ளிருந்தோங்கும் நமச்சிவாயத்தை நான்மற வேனே.

"புழுவாய்ப் பிறக்கினும் புண்ணியாவுன்னடி
யென்மனத்தே வழுவா திருக்க வரந்தர வேண்டும்

visit my blog https://harikrishnamurthy.wordpress.com
follow me @twitter lokakshema_hari

VISIT MY PAGE https://www.facebook.com/K.Hariharan60 AND LIKE


ALWAYS START ANYTHING- WITH LORD GANESHA FIRST. The Process has to be with the INCEPTION Thinking- means I will think Lord Ganesha and then start- not words. No – the Process of Thinking itself commences with Lord Ganesh- ( Activate- CPH4)-Brain-Map.jpg-The Process of thinking starts by thinking Lord Ganesha- I will never say it is difficult or impossible- That is where Shraddha comes.

SANSKRIT IS A LANGUAGE OF PERMUTATION AND COMBINATION OF SWARAS- THALAMS- RAGAM- Many people will this has to read and spelt like that – like this blah blah.
Goddess Saraswathi only knows.
Lord Ganesha- Lord Hanuman- Lankeswaran alias Ravanan- were the Expert in Samveda- which Made Lord Shiva Come down
Another Small ex- The Word HARI has two Meanings- One Indication Lord and Monkey. The pronounciation makes the Distinction.
So to counter- Only Shradha and sincerity can counter balance – if any wrong pronounciation

Small ex OM= 2/3 Stress on "O" and 1/3 on "M" not Just Abrupt- OM- it is "OOOMM"

1. 1.

1. The Ganesha Mantra – How chanting Lord Ganesh Mantra can bring Benefits, Wealth and Prosperity :- There are various chants or mantras associated with Lord Ganesha like the Ganesh Maha Mantra, Ganesha Mool mantra or Ganesha Beeja Mantra, the Shaktivinayak Mantra, the Rinn harta mantra, Trailokya Mohan Kar Ganesha Mantra, Haridra Ganesh Mantra etc. When you are wondering how to make Lord Ganesha happy, the Ganesh Mantras will take you one step closer to your aim in life and always shower Lord Ganesha’s blessings upon you. Some of the most powerful Ganesha Mantras are:

2. 2.

2. The Shaktivinayak Mantra – “Om Hreeng Greeng Hreeng” The Shaktivinayak Ganesh mantra is incanted for financial success and prosperity. In Hindi, Shakti means power and Vinayak means ‘the Supreme master’. The Shaktivinayak chant is a powerful Ganesha mantra for good health and good luck. This mantra is typically recommended to be repeated 108 times in the proper way (see section below)

3. 3.

3. The Vakratunda Mahakaya Shlok Mantra “Vakra-Tunndda Maha-Kaaya Surya-Kotti Samaprabha Nirvighnam Kuru Me Deva Sarva-Kaaryeshu Sarvadaa” “वक्रतुण्ड महाकाय सुर्यकोटि समप्रभ निर्विघ्नं कुरु मे देव सर्वकार्येषु सर्वदा” The meaning in English of this Lord Ganesha mantra (actually in Sanskrit) is – “O one with a majestic trunk, a massive form and the radiance of a million suns, I pray to you to remove the obstacles from all my endeavors, always.”

4. 4.

4. One of the most important and also one of the most common Ganpati Mantras, this is the Ganesh mantra for wealth, and is dedicated to Lord Ganesha, Goddess Riddhi (Hindu Goddess of Prosperity prosperity) and Goddess Siddhi (Hindu Goddess of spiritual enlightenment).

5. 5.

5. The Vedic Scriptures say that chanting this mantra 1,25,000 times in the proper way (see section below) invokes Lord Ganesha to remove every obstacle between you and your well-being. This mantra combines devotion, gratitude and the power of Sanskrit articulation to help you achieve wealth, wisdom, good luck, prosperity and success in all your endeavors.

6. 6.

6. Siddhi Vinayak Mantra: “Om Namo Siddhi Vinayakaya Sarva kaarya kartrey Sarva vighna prashamnay Sarvarjaya Vashyakarnaya Sarvajan Sarvastree Purush Aakarshanaya Shreeng Om Swaha.” The Siddhi Vinayak mantra is also one of the most important Ganesh mantras. The word ‘Siddhi Vinayak’ in Hindi means ‘the God of Achievement and Enlightenment’. This Sanskrit Ganesha mantra is recited 108 times in the proper way (see section below) to achieve peace, prosperity, Siddhi (Achievement) of spiritual enlightenment, material fulfillment and strong social influence.

7. 7.

7. The meaning in English of the Siddhi Vinayak Ganesha mantra is:- “O Lord of Wisdom and Happiness, only you make every endeavor and everything possible; You are the remover of all obstacles and you have enchanted every being in the Universe, you are the Lord of all women and all men, amen”

8. 8.

8. Ganesh Moola Mantra: “Om Shreem Hreem Kleem Glaum Gum Ganapataye Vara Varad Sarvajan janmay Vashamanaye Swaha Tatpurushaye Vidmahe Vakratundaye Dhimahi Tanno Danti Prachodyat Om Shantih Shantih Shantihi” The Ganesha Mool Mantra is also known as the Ganesha Beeja mantra or the Bija mantra. In Hindi, ‘Beej’ means seed – the source of everything in the universe. This powerful mantra combines several of the Ganpathi beeja mantras, especially the beeja or the seed sonic vibration associated with Lord Ganapati –‘Gum’.

9. 9.

9. The Ganesh Mool mantra is the most succinct and powerful Lord Ganesha mantra of all. This mantra celebrates the unique and divine form of God Ganapathy (Ganesha) and his powers. The Ganesha Mool Mantra, beginning with the incantation of ‘Om’ evokes positivity, purity, energy and the presence of Lord Ganpati in one’s life.

10. 10.

10. The God Ganesh mool mantra is believed to create a powerful aura around one’s body because of the cosmic energy in the sound vibrations of the Sanskrit words. This mantra is uniquely musical and lifts the mind to a state of trance. Lord Ganesha Mool Mantra in Tamil or in any other language is also very powerful and is widely chanted during Puja’s and Yagya’s to please Lord Ganesha. It brings peace, good luck, success and removes all obstacles from one’s life if incanted in the proper way.

11. 11.

11. The Rinn harta Mantra – “Om Ganesh Rinnam Chhindhi Varenyam Hoong Namaah Phutt” Rinn Harta is another name for Lord Ganesha and the English meaning of which is ‘The giver of wealth’. In Hindi, the meaning of Rinn harta or Rhinaharta is derived from the words Rinn or Rinnam meaning debt and ‘harta’ meaning remover. The Rinn harta mantra or the Rhinaharta mantra is the Lord Ganesha mantra for wealth and prosperity in life as Lord Ganesha is requested to keep debts and poverty away and bring abundance in life. In North Indian Hindu culture, and also in Tamil, this powerful Lord Ganesha mantra for business is recited especially at the puja (prayer service) to summon God Ganesh and request his blessings before a new business or a new venture is begun.

12. 12.

12. The Ganesh Mantra – “Om Shreeng Hreeng Kleeng Glaung Gang Ganapataye Var Varad SarvaJanmay Vashmanay Tha Tha.” The Ganesha Mantra is one of the most important Lord Ganesha chants. This is the first mantra to be chanted every time Lord Ganesha is worshipped, especially on Ganesh Chaturthi (the birthday of Lord Ganesha). This mantra is incanted in the proper way (see section below) to request Lord Ganesha to shower blessings, prosperity and success and to remove all obstacles that lie in one’s way. The meaning in Hindi of the Ganesha Mantra is very beautiful and poetic. God Ganapathi has been called the source of all life, of all creation in the universe. He is being thanked and praised for his divinity and blessings in one’s life.

13. 13.

13. What are the benefits of Lord Ganesha mantra?:- The chanting or the ‘Jaapa’ of Lord Ganesh mantra is considered very auspicious. The chanting of Sanskrit mantras, or their equivalent Tamil Ganesha mantras, is known to activate the mind and the various chakras of the body. This leads to better blood circulation and therefore improved metabolic rate in the body.

14. 14.

14. In the Ganapati Upanished, the Lord Ganesha beeja mantra ‘Om Gum Ganapataaye Namah’ is mentioned. It is believed that this mantra should be recited before beginning a new venture, like entering a business deal or signing a contract, so that Lord Ganpati brings success, wealth, good luck and peace.

15. 15.

15. In the Ganesh Purana, the mantra ‘Om Vakratundaya Hum’ is mentioned a lot of times. It is believed that the recitation of this Ganesh Mantra removes every enemy from one’s path and brings clarity and focus in the vision. Chanting this Ganesha Mantra 1,008 times also removes fear and sets twisted paths and minds straight.

16. 16. Correct way to recite Ganesha Mantras:

16. Correct way to recite Ganesha Mantras:
16. There are certain things one must keep in mind before he begins the incantation of God Ganesh mantras, like:- 1. Bathe or Wash your hands and feet before beginning the prayer service. 2. Devote yourself completely to Lord Ganesha and open yourself to the positivity of the Universe. 3. Be regular in your chanting for 48 days at least and follow your routine with dedication. 4. Chant the mantras 108 times on the beads of the rosary (Maala) every day.

17. 17.

17. Once you have dedicated your inner self to Lord Ganesha, you shall receive the benefits and the results of Lord Ganesha mantras very quickly. You can chant God Ganesha mantras for happiness, wealth, good health and good luck, and witness your life transform before your very eyes. Additionally, you can also listen to the audio of Lord Ganesha mantras.

18. 18. Special Ganesha Mantras

18. Special Ganesha Mantras
18. Aum Shri Ganeshaya Namah:- "Praise to Lord Ganesha". This is the mantra of prayer, love and adoration. It is chanted to get Ganesha’s blessings for the positive starting of a project, work or simply to offer him the praise.

19. 19. Aum Gan Ganapatye Namah

19. Aum Gan Ganapatye Namah
19. Aum Gan Ganapatye Namah:- This is Lord Ganesha’s mula ("root") mantra .It is also known as his ”beej” Mantra. This mantra is used for Yoga Sadhana in which we pray to Lord Ganesha and merge ourself with the supreme knowledge and peace. This is a mantra from Ganapati Upanishad. One can always use it before starting any new venture so that success comes without any hassle.

20. 20. Aum Vakratundaya Hum

20. Aum Vakratundaya Hum
20. Aum Vakratundaya Hum:- This is a powerful mantra from Ganesha Purana. When things are not in your favour, or when the minds of the people turn negative, depressed or discouraged, the attention of Ganesha may be drawn by this mantra to straighten their ways. The HUM symbolizes "Delay no more, my Lord, in straightening the paths of the crooked-minded ones." This mantra is used many a times in the Ganesha Purana to reduce the violence of cruel demons. In addition, this mantra could also be used for healing any spinal problem, such as curvature of the spine or curved limbs. Dedicate 1,008 repetitions of this holy word to straighten and heal such deficiencies.

21. 21. Aum Kshipra Prasadaya Namah

21. Aum Kshipra Prasadaya Namah
21. Aum Kshipra Prasadaya Namah:- Kshipra means immediate. If some danger or negative energy is coming your way and you don’t know how to get rid of that danger, with true devotion, practice this mantra for quick blessing and purification of one’s aura.

22. 22. Aum Shrim Hrim Klim Glaum Gam Ganapataye vara varada sarva janamme vashamanaya svaha

22. Aum Shrim Hrim Klim Glaum Gam Ganapataye vara varada sarva janamme vashamanaya svaha
22. Aum Shrim Hrim Klim Glaum Gam Ganapataye vara varada sarva janamme vashamanaya svaha:- There are several beej (seed) mantras in this mantra. Among other things, it says, "Shower Your blessings, O Lord. I offer my ego as an oblation."

23. 23. Aum Sumukhaya Namah

23. Aum Sumukhaya Namah
23. Aum Sumukhaya Namah:- This mantra has a lot of meaning, in simple terms, it means you will be always very beautiful in soul, in spirit, in face, everything. By meditating on this mantra, very pleasing manners and a beauty comes on you. Along with that comes peace, which constantly works in your eyes; and the words you speak are all filled with that power of love.

24. 24. Aum Ekadantaya Namah

24. Aum Ekadantaya Namah
24. Aum Ekadantaya Namah:- Ekadanta refers to one tusk in the elephant face, which means God broke the duality and made you to have a complete one-pointed mind. Whoever has that oneness of mind and single-minded devotion will achieve everything.

25. 25. Aum Kapilaya Namah

25. Aum Kapilaya Namah
25. Aum Kapilaya Namah:- Kapila (red) means that you are able to give colour therapy. You are able to create colours around yourself and around others, soak them in that colour and heal them. As per the mantra you create, so will you create the colors. Another meaning is "wish cow," the "cow of plenty." It means that whatever you wish, that comes true. There is a wish-cow inside you. Whatever you wish, especially for curing others, comes true instantly.


परोपकाराय फलन्ति वृक्षा: परोपकाराय वहन्ति नद्यः।

परोपकाराय दुहन्ति गावः परोपकाराय इदं शरीरम्।


( hari krishnamurthy K. HARIHARAN)"” When people hurt you Over and Over think of them as Sand paper.They Scratch & hurt you, but in the end you are polished and they are finished. ”"Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great ones make you feel that you too, can become great."- Mark Twain.

யாம் பெற்ற இன்பம் பெருக வையகம்
பெற்றதாய்தனை மகமறந்தாலும் பிள்ளையைப் பெறுந்தாய் மறந்தாலும்
உற்ற தேகத்தை உயிர்ம றந்தாலும் உயிரை மேவிய உடல் மறந்தாலும்
கற்றநெஞ்சம் கலைமறந்தாலும் கண்கள்நின் றிமைப்பது மறந்தாலும்
நற்றவத்தவர் உள்ளிருந்தோங்கும் நமச்சிவாயத்தை நான்மற வேனே.

"புழுவாய்ப் பிறக்கினும் புண்ணியாவுன்னடி
யென்மனத்தே வழுவா திருக்க வரந்தர வேண்டும்

visit my blog https://harikrishnamurthy.wordpress.com
follow me @twitter lokakshema_hari

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परोपकाराय फलन्ति वृक्षा: परोपकाराय वहन्ति नद्यः।

परोपकाराय दुहन्ति गावः परोपकाराय इदं शरीरम्।


( hari krishnamurthy K. HARIHARAN)"” When people hurt you Over and Over think of them as Sand paper.They Scratch & hurt you, but in the end you are polished and they are finished. ”"Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great ones make you feel that you too, can become great."- Mark Twain.

யாம் பெற்ற இன்பம் பெருக வையகம்
பெற்றதாய்தனை மகமறந்தாலும் பிள்ளையைப் பெறுந்தாய் மறந்தாலும்
உற்ற தேகத்தை உயிர்ம றந்தாலும் உயிரை மேவிய உடல் மறந்தாலும்
கற்றநெஞ்சம் கலைமறந்தாலும் கண்கள்நின் றிமைப்பது மறந்தாலும்
நற்றவத்தவர் உள்ளிருந்தோங்கும் நமச்சிவாயத்தை நான்மற வேனே.

"புழுவாய்ப் பிறக்கினும் புண்ணியாவுன்னடி
யென்மனத்தே வழுவா திருக்க வரந்தர வேண்டும்

visit my blog https://harikrishnamurthy.wordpress.com
follow me @twitter lokakshema_hari

VISIT MY PAGE https://www.facebook.com/K.Hariharan60 AND LIKE

100 Fascinating Facts About The Human Body

100 Fascinating Facts About The Human Body

The human body is an incredibly complex and intricate system, one that still baffles doctors and researchers on a regular basis despite thousands of years of medical knowledge. As a result, it shouldn’t be any surprise that even those body parts and functions we deal with every day have bizarre or unexpected facts and explanations behind them. From sneezes to fingernail growth, here are 100 weird, wacky, and interesting facts about the human body.
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The Brain

The human brain is the most complex and least understood part of the human anatomy. There may be a lot we don’t know, but here are a few interesting facts that we’ve got covered.

  1. Nerve impulses to and from the brain travel as fast as 170 miles per hour. Ever wonder how you can react so fast to things around you or why that stubbed toe hurts right away? It’s due to the super-speedy movement of nerve impulses from your brain to the rest of your body and vice versa, bringing reactions at the speed of a high powered luxury sports car.
  2. The brain operates on the same amount of power as 10-watt light bulb. The cartoon image of a light bulb over your head when a great thought occurs isn’t too far off the mark. Your brain generates as much energy as a small light bulb even when you’re sleeping.
  3. The human brain cell can hold 5 times as much information as the Encyclopedia Britannica. Or any other encyclopedia for that matter. Scientists have yet to settle on a definitive amount, but the storage capacity of the brain in electronic terms is thought to be between 3 or even 1,000 terabytes. The National Archives of Britain, containing over 900 years of history, only takes up 70 terabytes, making your brain’s memory power pretty darn impressive.
  4. Your brain uses 20% of the oxygen that enters your bloodstream. The brain only makes up about 2% of our body mass, yet consumes more oxygen than any other organ in the body, making it extremely susceptible to damage related to oxygen deprivation. So breathe deeply to keep your brain happy and swimming in oxygenated cells.
  5. The brain is much more active at night than during the day. Logically, you would think that all the moving around, complicated calculations and tasks and general interaction we do on a daily basis during our working hours would take a lot more brain power than, say, lying in bed. Turns out, the opposite is true. When you turn off your brain turns on. Scientists don’t yet know why this is but you can thank the hard work of your brain while you sleep for all those pleasant dreams.
  6. Scientists say the higher your I.Q. the more you dream. While this may be true, don’t take it as a sign you’re mentally lacking if you can’t recall your dreams. Most of us don’t remember many of our dreams and the average length of most dreams is only 2-3 seconds–barely long enough to register.
  7. Neurons continue to grow throughout human life. For years scientists and doctors thought that brain and neural tissue couldn’t grow or regenerate. While it doesn’t act in the same manner as tissues in many other parts of the body, neurons can and do grow throughout your life, adding a whole new dimension to the study of the brain and the illnesses that affect it.
  8. Information travels at different speeds within different types of neurons. Not all neurons are the same. There are a few different types within the body and transmission along these different kinds can be as slow as 0.5 meters/sec or as fast as 120 meters/sec.
  9. The brain itself cannot feel pain. While the brain might be the pain center when you cut your finger or burn yourself, the brain itself does not have pain receptors and cannot feel pain. That doesn’t mean your head can’t hurt. The brain is surrounded by loads of tissues, nerves and blood vessels that are plenty receptive to pain and can give you a pounding headache.
  10. 80% of the brain is water. Your brain isn’t the firm, gray mass you’ve seen on TV. Living brain tissue is a squishy, pink and jelly-like organ thanks to the loads of blood and high water content of the tissue. So the next time you’re feeling dehydrated get a drink to keep your brain hydrated.

Hair and Nails

While they’re not a living part of your body, most people spend a good amount of time caring for their hair and nails. The next time you’re heading in for a haircut or manicure, think of these facts.

  1. Facial hair grows faster than any other hair on the body. If you’ve ever had a covering of stubble on your face as you’re clocking out at 5 o’clock you’re probably pretty familiar with this. In fact, if the average man never shaved his beard it would grow to over 30 feet during his lifetime, longer than a killer whale.
  2. Every day the average person loses 60-100 strands of hair. Unless you’re already bald, chances are good that you’re shedding pretty heavily on a daily basis. Your hair loss will vary in accordance with the season, pregnancy, illness, diet and age.
  3. Women’s hair is about half the diameter of men’s hair. While it might sound strange, it shouldn’t come as too much of a surprise that men’s hair should be coarser than that of women. Hair diameter also varies on average between races, making hair plugs on some men look especially obvious.
  4. One human hair can support 3.5 ounces. That’s about the weight of two full size candy bars, and with hundreds of thousands of hairs on the human head, makes the tale of Rapunzel much more plausible.
  5. The fastest growing nail is on the middle finger. And the nail on the middle finger of your dominant hand will grow the fastest of all. Why is not entirely known, but nail growth is related to the length of the finger, with the longest fingers growing nails the fastest and shortest the slowest.
  6. There are as many hairs per square inch on your body as a chimpanzee. Humans are not quite the naked apes that we’re made out to be. We have lots of hair, but on most of us it’s not obvious as a majority of the hairs are too fine or light to be seen.
  7. Blondes have more hair. They’re said to have more fun, and they definitely have more hair. Hair color determines how dense the hair on your head is. The average human has 100,000 hair follicles, each of which is capable of producing 20 individual hairs during a person’s lifetime. Blondes average 146,000 follicles while people with black hair tend to have about 110,000 follicles. Those with brown hair fit the average with 100,000 follicles and redheads have the least dense hair, with about 86,000 follicles.
  8. Fingernails grow nearly 4 times faster than toenails. If you notice that you’re trimming your fingernails much more frequently than your toenails, you’re not just imagining it. The nails that get the most exposure and are used most frequently grow the fastest. On average, nails on both the toes and fingers grow about one-tenth of an inch each month.
  9. The lifespan of a human hair is 3 to 7 years on average. While you quite a few hairs each day, your hairs actually have a pretty long life providing they aren’t subject to any trauma. Your hairs will likely get to see several different haircuts, styles, and even possibly decades before they fall out on their own.
  10. You must lose over 50% of your scalp hairs before it is apparent to anyone. You lose hundreds of hairs a day but you’ll have to lose a lot more before you or anyone else will notice. Half of the hairs on your pretty little head will have to disappear before your impending baldness will become obvious to all those around you.
  11. Human hair is virtually indestructible. Aside from its flammability, human hair decays at such a slow rate that it is practically non-disintegrative. If you’ve ever wondered how your how clogs up your pipes so quick consider this: hair cannot be destroyed by cold, change of climate, water, or other natural forces and it is resistant to many kinds of acids and corrosive chemicals.

Internal OrgansThough we may not give them much thought unless they’re bothering us, our internal organs are what allow us to go on eating, breathing and walking around. Here are some things to consider the next time you hear your stomach growl.

  1. The largest internal organ is the small intestine. Despite being called the smaller of the two intestines, your small intestine is actually four times as long as the average adult is tall. If it weren’t looped back and forth upon itself it wouldn’t fit inside the abdominal cavity.
  2. The human heart creates enough pressure to squirt blood 30 feet. No wonder you can feel your heartbeat so easily. Pumping blood through your body quickly and efficiently takes quite a bit of pressure resulting in the strong contractions of the heart and the thick walls of the ventricles which push blood to the body.
  3. The acid in your stomach is strong enough to dissolve razor blades. While you certainly shouldn’t test the fortitude of your stomach by eating a razor blade or any other metal object for that matter, the acids that digest the food you eat aren’t to be taken lightly. Hydrochloric acid, the type found in your stomach, is not only good at dissolving the pizza you had for dinner but can also eat through many types of metal.
  4. The human body is estimated to have 60,000 miles of blood vessels. To put that in perspective, the distance around the earth is about 25,000 miles, making the distance your blood vessels could travel if laid end to end more than two times around the earth.
  5. You get a new stomach lining every three to four days. The mucus-like cells lining the walls of the stomach would soon dissolve due to the strong digestive acids in your stomach if they weren’t constantly replaced. Those with ulcers know how painful it can be when stomach acid takes its toll on the lining of your stomach.
  6. The surface area of a human lung is equal to a tennis court. In order to more efficiently oxygenate the blood, the lungs are filled with thousands of branching bronchi and tiny, grape-like alveoli. These are filled with microscopic capillaries which oxygen and carbon dioxide. The large amount of surface area makes it easier for this exchange to take place, and makes sure you stay properly oxygenated at all times.
  7. Women’s hearts beat faster than men’s.The main reason for this is simply that on average women tend to be smaller than men and have less mass to pump blood to. But women’s and men’s hearts can actually act quite differently, especially when experiencing trauma like a heart attack, and many treatments that work for men must be adjusted or changed entirely to work for women.
  8. Scientists have counted over 500 different liver functions. You may not think much about your liver except after a long night of drinking, but the liver is one of the body’s hardest working, largest and busiest organs. Some of the functions your liver performs are: production of bile, decomposition of red blood cells, plasma protein synthesis, and detoxification.
  9. The aorta is nearly the diameter of a garden hose. The average adult heart is about the size of two fists, making the size of the aorta quite impressive. The artery needs to be so large as it is the main supplier of rich, oxygenated blood to the rest of the body.
  10. Your left lung is smaller than your right lung to make room for your heart. For most people, if they were asked to draw a picture of what the lungs look like they would draw both looking roughly the same size. While the lungs are fairly similar in size, the human heart, though located fairly centrally, is tilted slightly to the left making it take up more room on that side of the body and crowding out that poor left lung.
  11. You could remove a large part of your internal organs and survive. The human body may appear fragile but it’s possible to survive even with the removal of the stomach, the spleen, 75 percent of the liver, 80 percent of the intestines, one kidney, one lung, and virtually every organ from the pelvic and groin area. You might not feel too great, but the missing organs wouldn’t kill you.
  12. The adrenal glands change size throughout life. The adrenal glands, lying right above the kidneys, are responsible for releasing stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline. In the seventh month of a fetus’ development, the glands are roughly the same size as the kidneys. At birth, the glands have shrunk slightly and will continue to do so throughout life. In fact, by the time a person reaches old age, the glands are so small they can hardly be seen.

Bodily Functions

We may not always like to talk about them, but everyone has to deal with bodily functions on a daily basis. These are a few facts about the involuntary and sometimes unpleasant actions of our bodies.

  1. Sneezes regularly exceed 100 mph. There’s a good reason why you can’t keep your eyes open when you sneeze–that sneeze is rocketing out of your body at close to 100 mph. This is, of course, a good reason to cover your mouth when you sneeze.
  2. Coughs clock in at about 60 mph. Viruses and colds get spread around the office and the classroom quickly during cold and flu season. With 60 mph coughs spraying germs far and wide, it’s no wonder.
  3. Women blink twice as many times as men do. That’s a lot of blinking every day. The average person, man or woman, blinks about 13 times a minute.
  4. A full bladder is roughly the size of a softball. No wonder you have to run to bathroom when you feel the call of the wild. The average bladder holds about 400-800 cc of fluid but most people will feel the urge to go long before that at 250 to 300 cc.
  5. Approximately 75% of human waste is made of water. While we might typically think that urine is the liquid part of human waste products, the truth is that what we consider solid waste is actually mostly water as well. You should be thankful that most waste is fairly water-filled, as drier harder stools are what cause constipation and are much harder and sometimes painful to pass.
  6. Feet have 500,000 sweat glands and can produce more than a pint of sweat a day. With that kind of sweat-producing power it’s no wonder that your gym shoes have a stench that can peel paint. Additionally, men usually have much more active sweat glands than women.
  7. During your lifetime, you will produce enough saliva to fill two swimming pools. Saliva plays an important part in beginning the digestive process and keeping the mouth lubricated, and your mouth produces quite a bit of it on a daily basis.
  8. The average person expels flatulence 14 times each day. Even if you’d like to think you’re too dignified to pass gas, the reality is that almost everyone will at least a few times a day. Digestion causes the body to release gasses which can be painful if trapped in the abdomen and not released.
  9. Earwax production is necessary for good ear health. While many people find earwax to be disgusting, it’s actually a very important part of your ear’s defense system. It protects the delicate inner ear from bacteria, fungus, dirt and even insects. It also cleans and lubricates the ear canal.

Sex and Reproduction

As taboo as it may be in some places, sex is an important part of human life as a facet of relationships and the means to reproduce. Here are a few things you might not have known.

  1. On any given day, sexual intercourse takes place 120 million times on earth. Humans are a quickly proliferating species, and with about 4% of the world’s population having sex on any given day, it’s no wonder that birth rates continue to increase in many places all over the world.
  2. The largest cell in the human body is the female egg and the smallest is the male sperm. While you can’t see skin cells or muscle cells, the ovum is typically large enough to be seen with the naked eye with a diameter of about a millimeter. The sperm cell, on the other hand, is tiny, consisting of little more than nucleus.
  3. The three things pregnant women dream most of during their first trimester are frogs, worms and potted plants. Pregnancy hormones can cause mood swings, cravings and many other unexpected changes. Oddly enough, hormones can often affect the types of dreams women have and their vividness. The most common are these three types, but many women also dream of water, giving birth or even have violent or sexually charged dreams.
  4. Your teeth start growing 6 months before you are born. While few babies are born with teeth in place, the teeth that will eventually push through the gums of young children are formed long before the child even leaves the womb. At 9 to 12 weeks the fetus starts to form the teeth buds that will turn into baby teeth.
  5. Babies are always born with blue eyes. The color of your eyes depends on the genes you get from your parents, but at birth most babies appear to have blue eyes. The reason behind this is the pigment melanin. The melanin in a newborn’s eyes often needs time after birth to be fully deposited or to be darkened by exposure to ultraviolet light, later revealing the baby’s true eye color.
  6. Babies are, pound for pound, stronger than an ox. While a baby certainly couldn’t pull a covered wagon at its present size, if the child were the size of an ox it just might very well be able to. Babies have especially strong and powerful legs for such tiny creatures, so watch out for those kicks.
  7. One out of every 2,000 newborn infants has a tooth when they are born. Nursing mothers may cringe at this fact. Sometimes the tooth is a regular baby tooth that has already erupted and sometimes it is an extra tooth that will fall out before the other set of choppers comes in.
  8. A fetus acquires fingerprints at the age of three months. When only a small fraction of the way through its development, a fetus will have already developed one of the most fascinating human traits: fingerprints. At only 6-13 weeks of development, the whorls of what will be fingerprints have already developed. Oddly enough, those fingerprints will not change throughout the person’s life and will be one of the last things to disappear after death.
  9. Every human spent about half an hour as a single cell. All life has to begin somewhere, and even the largest humans spent a short part of their lives as a single celled organism when sperm and egg cells first combine. Shortly afterward, the cells begin rapidly dividing and begin forming the components of a tiny embryo.
  10. Most men have erections every hour to hour and a half during sleep. Most people’s bodies and minds are much more active when they’re sleeping than they think. The combination of blood circulation and testosterone production can cause erections during sleep and they’re often a normal and necessary part of REM sleep.


The primary means by which we interact with the world around us is through our senses. Here are some interesting facts about these five sensory abilities.

  1. After eating too much, your hearing is less sharp. If you’re heading to a concert or a musical after a big meal you may be doing yourself a disservice. Try eating a smaller meal if you need to keep your hearing pitch perfect.
  2. About one-third of the human race has 20-20 vision. Glasses and contact wearers are hardly alone in a world where two-thirds of the population have less than perfect vision. The amount of people with perfect vision decreases further as they age.
  3. If saliva cannot dissolve something, you cannot taste it. In order for foods, or anything else, to have a taste, chemicals from the substance must be dissolved by saliva. If you don’t believe it, try drying off your tongue before tasting something.
  4. Women are born better smellers than men and remain better smellers over life. Studies have shown that women are more able to pinpoint correctly just what a smell is. Women were better able to identify citrus, vanilla, cinnamon and coffee smells. While women are overall better smellers, there is an unfortunate 2% of the population with no sense of smell at all.
  5. Your nose can remember 50,000 different scents. While a bloodhound’s nose may be a million times more sensitive than a human’s, that doesn’t mean that the human sense of smell is useless. Humans can identify a wide variety of scents and many are strongly tied to memories.
  6. Even small noises cause the pupils of the eyes to dilate. It is believed that this is why surgeons, watchmakers and others who perform delicate manual operations are so bothered by uninvited noise. The sound causes their pupils to change focus and blur their vision, making it harder to do their job well.
  7. Everyone has a unique smell, except for identical twins. Newborns are able to recognize the smell of their mothers and many of us can pinpoint the smell of our significant others and those we are close to. Part of that smell is determined by genetics, but it’s also largely due to environment, diet and personal hygiene products that create a unique chemistry for each person.

From the very young to the very old, aging is a necessary and unavoidable part of life. Learn about the process with these interesting, if somewhat strange facts.

  1. The ashes of a cremated person average about 9 pounds. A big part of what gives the human body weight is the water trapped in our cells. Once cremated, that water and a majority of our tissues are destroyed, leaving little behind.
  2. Nails and hair do not continue to grow after we die. They do appear longer when we die, however, as the skin dehydrates and pulls back from the nail beds and scalp.
  3. By the age of 60, most people will have lost about half their taste buds. Perhaps you shouldn’t trust your grandma’s cooking as much as you do. Older individuals tend to lose their ability to taste, and many find that they need much more intense flavoring in order to be able to fully appreciate a dish.
  4. Your eyes are always the same size from birth but your nose and ears never stop growing. When babies look up at you with those big eyes, they’re the same size that they’ll be carrying around in their bodies for the rest of their lives. Their ears and nose, however, will grow throughout their lives and research has shown that growth peaks in seven year cycles.
  5. By 60 years of age, 60-percent of men and 40-percent of women will snore. If you’ve ever been kept awake by a snoring loved one you know the sound can be deafening. Normal snores average around 60 decibels, the noise level of normal speech, intense snores can reach more than 80 decibels, the approximate level caused by a jackhammer breaking up concrete.
  6. A baby’s head is one-quarter of it’s total length, but by age 25 will only be one-eighth of its total length. As it turns out, our adorably oversized baby heads won’t change size as drastically as the rest of our body. The legs and torso will lengthen, but the head won’t get much longer.

Disease and Injury

Most of us will get injured or sick at some point in our lives. Here are some facts on how the human body reacts to the stresses and dangers from the outside world.

  1. Monday is the day of the week when the risk of heart attack is greatest. Yet another reason to loathe Mondays! Aten year study in Scotland found that 20% more people die of heart attacks on Mondays than any other day of the week. Researchers theorize that it’s a combination of too much fun over the weekend with the stress of going back to work that causes the increase.
  2. Humans can make do longer without food than sleep. While you might feel better prepared to stay up all night partying than to give up eating, that feeling will be relatively short lived. Provided there is water, the average human could survive a month to two months without food depending on their body fat and other factors. Sleep deprived people, however, start experiencing radical personality and psychological changes after only a few sleepless days. The longest recorded time anyone has ever gone without sleep is 11 days, at the end of which the experimenter was awake, but stumbled over words, hallucinated and frequently forgot what he was doing.
  3. A simple, moderately severe sunburn damages the blood vessels extensively. How extensively? Studies have shown that it can take four to fifteen months for them to return to their normal condition. Consider that the next time you’re feeling too lazy to apply sunscreen before heading outside.
  4. Over 90% of diseases are caused or complicated by stress. That highstress job you have could be doing more than just wearing you down each day. It could also be increasing your chances of having a variety ofserious medical conditions like depression, high blood pressure and heart disease.
  5. A human head remains conscious for about 15 to 20 seconds after it is been decapitated. While it might be gross to think about, the blood in the head may be enough to keep someone alive and conscious for a few seconds after the head has been separated from the body, though reports as to the accuracy of this are widely varying.

Muscles and Bones

Muscles and Bones provide the framework for our bodies and allow us to jump, run or just lie on the couch. Here are a few facts to ponder the next time you’re lying around.

  1. It takes 17 muscles to smile and 43 to frown. Unless you’re trying to give your face a bit of a workout, smiling is a much easier option for most of us. Anyone who’s ever scowled, squinted or frowned for a long period of time knows how it tires out the face which doesn’t do a thing to improve your mood.
  2. Babies are born with 300 bones, but by adulthood the number is reduced to 206. The reason for this is that many of the bones of children are composed of smaller component bones that are not yet fused like those in the skull. This makes it easier for the baby to pass through the birth canal. The bones harden and fuse as the children grow.
  3. We are about 1 cm taller in the morning than in the evening. The cartilage between our bones gets compressed by standing, sitting and other daily activities as the day goes on, making us just a little shorter at the end of the day than at the beginning.
  4. The strongest muscle in the human body is the tongue. While you may not be able to bench press much with your tongue, it is in fact the strongest muscle in your body in proportion to its size. If you think about it, every time you eat, swallow or talk you use your tongue, ensuring it gets quite a workout throughout the day.
  5. The hardest bone in the human body is the jawbone. The next time someone suggests you take it on the chin, you might be well advised to take their advice as the jawbone is one of the most durable and hard to break bones in the body.
  6. You use 200 muscles to take one step. Depending on how you divide up muscle groups, just to take a single step you use somewhere in the neighborhood of 200 muscles. That’s a lot of work for the muscles considering most of us take about 10,000 steps a day.
  7. The tooth is the only part of the human body that can’t repair itself. If you’ve ever chipped a tooth you know just how sadly true this one is. The outer layer of the tooth is enamel which is not a living tissue. Since it’s not alive, it can’t repair itself, leaving your dentist to do the work instead.
  8. It takes twice as long to lose new muscle if you stop working out than it did to gain it. Lazy people out there shouldn’t use this as motivation to not work out, however. It’s relatively easy to build new muscle tissue and get your muscles in shape, so if anything, this fact should be motivation to get off the couch and get moving.
  9. Bone is stronger than some steel. This doesn’t mean your bones can’t break of course, as they are much less dense than steel. Bone has been found to have a tensile strength of 20,000 psi while steel is much higher at 70,000 psi. Steel is much heavier than bone, however, and pound for pound bone is the stronger material.
  10. The feet account for one quarter of all the human body’s bones. You may not give your feet much thought but they are home to more bones than any other part of your body. How many? Of the two hundred or so bones in the body, the feet contain a whopping 52 of them.

Microscopic Level

Much of what takes place in our bodies happens at a level that we simply can’t see with the naked eye. These facts will show you that sometimes that might be for the best.

  1. About 32 million bacteria call every inch of your skin home. Germaphobes don’t need to worry however, as a majority of these are entirely harmless and some are even helpful in maintaining a healthy body.
  2. Humans shed and regrow outer skin cells about every 27 days. Skin protects your delicate internal organs from the elements and as such, dries and flakes off completely about once a month so that it can maintain its strength. Chances are that last month’s skin is still hanging around your house in the form of the dust on your bookshelf or under the couch.
  3. Three hundred million cells die in the human body every minute. While that sounds like a lot, it’s really just a small fraction of the cells that are in the human body. Estimates have placed the total number of cells in the body at 10-50 trillion so you can afford to lose a few hundred million without a hitch.
  4. Humans shed about 600,000 particles of skin every hour. You may not think much about losing skin if yours isn’t dry or flaky or peeling from a sunburn, but your skin is constantly renewing itself and shedding dead cells.
  5. Every day an adult body produces 300 billion new cells. Your body not only needs energy to keep your organs up and running but also to constantly repair and build new cells to form the building blocks of your body itself.
  6. Every tongue print is unique. If you’re planning on committing a crime, don’t think you’ll get away with leaving a tongue print behind. Each tongue is different and yours could be unique enough to finger you as the culprit.
  7. Your body has enough iron in it to make a nail 3 inches long. Anyone who has ever tasted blood knows that it has a slightly metallic taste. This is due to the high levels of iron in the blood. If you were to take all of this iron out of the body, you’d have enough to make a small nail and very severe anemia.
  8. The most common blood type in the world is Type O. Blood banks find it valuable as it can be given to those with both type A and B blood. The rarest blood type, A-H or Bombay blood due to the location of its discovery, has been found in less than hundred people since it was discovered.
  9. Human lips have a reddish color because of the great concentration of tiny capillaries just below the skin.The blood in these capillaries is normally highly oxygenated and therefore quite red. This explains why the lips appear pale when a person is anemic or has lost a great deal of blood. It also explains why the lips turn blue in very cold weather. Cold causes the capillaries to constrict, and the blood loses oxygen and changes to a darker color.

A Few More Fascinating Facts:

Here are a few things you might not have known about all different parts of your anatomy.

  1. The colder the room you sleep in, the better the chances are that you’ll have a bad dream. It isn’t entirely clear to scientists why this is the case, but if you are opposed to having nightmares you might want to keep yourself a little toastier at night.
  2. Tears and mucus contain an enzyme (lysozyme) that breaks down the cell wall of many bacteria. This is to your advantage, as the mucus that lines your nose and throat, as well as the tears that wet your eyes are helping to prevent bacteria from infecting those areas and making you sick.
  3. Your body gives off enough heat in 30 minutes to bring half a gallon of water to a boil. If you’ve seen the Matrix you are aware of the energy potentially generated by the human body. Our bodies expend a large amount of calories keeping us at a steady 98.6 degrees, enough to boil water or even cook pasta.
  4. Your ears secrete more earwax when you are afraid than when you aren’t. The chemicals and hormones released when you are afraid could be having unseen effects on your body in the form of earwax. Studies have suggested that fear causes the ears to produce more of the sticky substance, though the reasons are not yet clear.
  5. It is not possible to tickle yourself. Even the most ticklish among us do not have the ability to tickle ourselves. The reason behind this is that your brain predicts the tickle from information it already has, like how your fingers are moving. Because it knows and can feel where the tickle is coming from, your brain doesn’t respond in the same way as it would if someone else was doing the tickling.
  6. The width of your arm span stretched out is the length of your whole body. While not exact down to the last millimeter, your arm span is a pretty good estimator of your height.
  7. Humans are the only animals to produce emotional tears. In the animal world, humans are the biggest crybabies, being the only animals who cry because they’ve had a bad day, lost a loved one, or just don’t feel good.
  8. Right-handed people live, on average, nine years longer than left-handed people do. This doesn’t have a genetic basis, but is largely due to the fact that a majority of the machines and tools we use on a daily basis are designed for those who are right handed, making them somewhat dangerous for lefties to use and resulting in thousands of accidents and deaths each year.
  9. Women burn fat more slowly than men, by a rate of about 50 calories a day. Most men have a much easier time burning fat than women. Women, because of their reproductive role, generally require a higher basic body fat proportion than men, and as a result their bodies don’t get rid of excess fat at the same rate as men.
  10. Koalas and primates are the only animals with unique fingerprints. Humans, apes and koalas are unique in the animal kingdom due to the tiny prints on the fingers of their hands. Studies on primates have suggested that even cloned individuals have unique fingerprints.
  11. The indentation in the middle of the area between the nose and the upper lip has a name. It is called the philtrum. Scientists have yet to figure out what purpose this indentation serves, though the ancient Greeks thought it to be one of the most