B A C K P A I N Easy and Effective Back Exercises

Easy and Effective Back Exercises
Back pain is one of the most persistent, chronic pains we must deal with in our lifetime, and we’d be hard pressed to find someone who hasn’t had to deal with them from time to time. That is why it’s important to work on the right areas and muscles that not only prevent muscle pain by lowering the stress on our back and lower back areas of the spine, but also help to alleviate the pain that comes with it.
Here are 4 simple yet effective exercises you can perform a few times a week to protect your back in the present and in the future…

The Bridge

1. Lay on your back, feet on the floor, knees bent, legs slightly apart, at the width of your hip.

2. Clench your buttocks and lift it upwards, slowly, vertebra by vertebra, until you get to about shoulder height.
3. Count slowly to 3 and slowly lower yourself, vertebra by vertebra, while keeping your stomach muscles clenched.

How Much: Do this 10-12 times for a complete session.

What it does: This exercise neutralizes the daily stress the spine deals with. It stretches the muscles that bend the thigh and stengthens the back stabilizers and the lower back muscles. Also, it works your stomach muscles to keep your balance and keep more pressure off your back.
Note: Remember to be patient and go slow.
The Ox

1. Stand on six (hands, knees, tip of feet) touching the ground, knees at hip height, your elbows a bit bent, your palms at a height with your shoulders. Keep your stomach tight but don’t move your back of twist your hip.
2. At the count of 3, raise opposite hand and leg to a horizontal level and keep them there for 3 seconds.
4. Slowly and patiently, raise that time up to 10 seconds. Add a motion of raising and lowering your opposite hands and legs, while keeping your stomach tight and your elbows locked.

How Much: Repeat this 6 times for each side.

What it does: Strengthens your core muscles, strengthens the area of the shoulders and the stabilizing muscles, improves on posture and coordination – to help the spine perform day to day activities such as walking, running, dancing or carrying.

Side Position
back pain exercises

1. Lay on your right side in a straight line, legs continuing the line of your main body. Lean on your arm, while you make sure the elbow is at a straight line under your shoulder.

2. Clench the stomach muscles lights and gently lift your hip from the floor.
3. Hold this position for 20-40 seconds (according to your progress) and gently lower yourselves (no dropping down!).

How Much: Do this 3 times for each side.
What it does: The exercise builds up the strength and stamina of the stabilizing muscles, strengthening your waists and lower back.

Forward Lunges

1. Stand up straight and put your hands on your waists.
2. Make a lunge forward, while bending the knee on the forward leg to 90 degrees and bending the knee on the back leg until it comes close to the floor.
3. Again, do NOT hurry. Do this slowly, and remember it’s important to keep stability, no wobbling. Keep your stomach tight.

How Much: Do this 8-10 times for each leg.

What is it good for: The exercise improves the body’s posture and strengthens your control of your core muscles. This is key to protecting the spine while walking, running or climbing stairs. The exercise uses all the important stabilizing muscles.
Tip: Try to get to a stage where you can actually touch the floor with the knee of your back leg.



परोपकाराय फलन्ति वृक्षा: परोपकाराय वहन्ति नद्यः।

परोपकाराय दुहन्ति गावः परोपकाराय इदं शरीरम्।


( hari krishnamurthy K. HARIHARAN)"” When people hurt you Over and Over think of them as Sand paper.They Scratch & hurt you, but in the end you are polished and they are finished. ”"Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great ones make you feel that you too, can become great."- Mark Twain.

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பெற்றதாய்தனை மகமறந்தாலும் பிள்ளையைப் பெறுந்தாய் மறந்தாலும்
உற்ற தேகத்தை உயிர்ம றந்தாலும் உயிரை மேவிய உடல் மறந்தாலும்
கற்றநெஞ்சம் கலைமறந்தாலும் கண்கள்நின் றிமைப்பது மறந்தாலும்
நற்றவத்தவர் உள்ளிருந்தோங்கும் நமச்சிவாயத்தை நான்மற வேனே.

"புழுவாய்ப் பிறக்கினும் புண்ணியாவுன்னடி
யென்மனத்தே வழுவா திருக்க வரந்தர வேண்டும்

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Pumpkin seeds nutrition facts!

Pumpkin seeds nutrition facts!
Pumpkin seeds (pepita) are edible kernels of fruit pumpkin. The seeds, in-fact, are concentrated sources of many health-benefiting vitamins, minerals, anti-oxidants, as well as an important essential amino-acids such as tryptophan, and glutamate.
Pumpkin fruit is a squash-like gourd in the Cucurbitaceae family of vegetables native to Mexico. Scientific name: Cucurbita pepo. In the Central Americas, hulled and gently roasted pumpkin kernels are popularly known as Pepita.
Pumpkin seeds – pepitas pumpkin kernels pumpkin fruit
Pumpkin (whole) seeds. Note for whole seeds with ash-white color husk. Pumpkin kernels. Note for olive green color kernels. Mature pumpkin fruit.

The pumpkin fruit, in general, is grown as a field vegetable crop. Its seeds, at the same time, have been in use as food, and to extract pumpkin seed oil since centuries. In fact, in some parts of central Europe (Styrian province in Austria, Slovenia and Hungary), pumpkins are being cultivated solely for their seeds, as a major oil-seed crop, at a commercial scale.
Generally, the pumpkin fruit is allowed to mature completely in order to obtain good-quality seeds. Each fruit contains up to 500 cream-white husky seeds located at its central hollow cavity interspersed in between net like mucilaginous fibers. The seeds are semi-flat, feature typical oval shape with a conical tip. Inside, the edible kernel has olive-green color. The kernels have sweet, creamy, nutty flavor and enjoyed in deserts, as a snack, in savory dishes, etc.
Health benefits of pumpkin seeds
Crunchy, delicious pumpkin seeds are high in calories, about 559 calories per 100 g. In addition; they are packed with fiber, vitamins, minerals, and numerous health promoting antioxidants.
Their high calorific value mainly comes from protein and fats. Nonetheless, the kernels are especially rich in mono-unsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) like oleic acid (18:1) that helps lower bad LDL cholesterol and increases good HDL cholesterol in the blood. Research studies suggest that Mediterranean diet, which is liberal in monounsaturated fatty acids help to prevent coronary artery disease and strokes by favoring healthy blood lipid profile.
Pumpkin seeds hold good-quality protein. 100 g seeds provide 30 g or 54% of recommended daily allowance of protein. In addition, the seeds are an excellent source of amino acid tryptophan and glutamate. Tryptophan is converted into serotonin and niacin. Serotonin is a beneficial neuro-chemical often labeled as nature’s sleeping pill. Further, tryptophan is the precursor of B-complex vitamin, niacin (60 mg of tryptophan = 1 mg niacin).

Glutamate is required in the synthesis of γ-amino butyric acid (GABA). GABA, an anti-stress neurochemical in the brain, helps reducing anxiety, nervous irritability, and other neurotic conditions.
Pumpkin seeds are a very good source of anti-oxidant vitamin E; contain about 35.10 mg of tocopherol-gamma per 100 g (about 237% of RDA). Vitamin E is a powerful lipid soluble antioxidant. It prevents tissue cells from the free radical mediated oxidant injury. Thus, it helps maintain the integrity of mucus membranes and skin by protecting from harmful oxygen-free radicals.
Pumpkin kernels are also an excellent source of B-complex group of vitamins such as thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, vitamin B-6 (pyridoxine) and folates. These vitamins work as co-factors for various enzymes during cellular substrate metabolism in the human body. In addition, niacin helps in the reduction of LDL-cholesterol levels in the blood. Along with glutamate, it enhances GABA activity inside the brain, which in turn reduces anxiety and nervous irritability.
Furthermore, its seeds contain very good levels of essential minerals like copper, manganese, potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc and selenium. Just as in pine nuts, pumpkin seeds too are very rich in manganese (provide 4543 mg per 100 g, about 198% of daily-recommended intake). Manganese is an all-important co-factor for antioxidant enzyme, superoxide dismutase. It is therefore, consumption of pumpkin kernels helps the body develop resistance against infectious agents and scavenge harmful oxygen-free radicals.
Medicinal values of pumpkin seeds.
Research studies suggest that pumpkin seeds has DHEA (Di-hydro-epi-androstenedione) hormone blocking actions at the receptor levels. Exposure to high DHEA levels may lead to gonadal tumours. Thus, the seeds cuts the risk of prostate and ovarian cancers in human.

In addition, experimental studies suggest that certain phytochemical compounds in pumpkin seed oil may have a role in prevention of diabetic nephropathy (diabetic kidney disease).

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परोपकाराय फलन्ति वृक्षा: परोपकाराय वहन्ति नद्यः।

परोपकाराय दुहन्ति गावः परोपकाराय इदं शरीरम्।


( hari krishnamurthy K. HARIHARAN)"” When people hurt you Over and Over think of them as Sand paper.They Scratch & hurt you, but in the end you are polished and they are finished. ”"Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great ones make you feel that you too, can become great."- Mark Twain.

யாம் பெற்ற இன்பம் பெருக வையகம்
பெற்றதாய்தனை மகமறந்தாலும் பிள்ளையைப் பெறுந்தாய் மறந்தாலும்
உற்ற தேகத்தை உயிர்ம றந்தாலும் உயிரை மேவிய உடல் மறந்தாலும்
கற்றநெஞ்சம் கலைமறந்தாலும் கண்கள்நின் றிமைப்பது மறந்தாலும்
நற்றவத்தவர் உள்ளிருந்தோங்கும் நமச்சிவாயத்தை நான்மற வேனே.

"புழுவாய்ப் பிறக்கினும் புண்ணியாவுன்னடி
யென்மனத்தே வழுவா திருக்க வரந்தர வேண்டும்

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Nutritional Value of Coriander

Its uses in global food preparation is only the tip of the iceberg. Unbeknownst to many people, coriander is packed with potential health benefits that most people completely miss when they toss this garnish into the garbage after eating their meal. It has eleven components of essential oils, six types of acids (including ascorbic acid, better known as vitamin-C), minerals and vitamins, each having a number of beneficial properties. A more complete list is given below.
CorianderHealth benefits of coriander

Skin inflammation: Cineole, one of the 11 components of the essential oils, and linoleic acid, are both present in coriander, and they possess antirheumatic and antiarthritic properties. They help to reduce the swelling that is caused by these two conditions. For other swelling conditions, such as swelling due to kidney malfunction or anemia, it is also seen to be effective to some extent, because some of the components in coriander help the induce urination and the release of excess water from the body. The reduction in skin inflammation can lead to increased functioning, a reduction in discomfort, and an improvement in skin appearance.
Skin disorders: The disinfectant, detoxifying, antiseptic, antifungal and antioxidant properties of coriander are ideal for clearing up skin disorders such as eczema, dryness and fungal infections.
Low cholesterol levels: Some of the acids present in coriander, like linoleic acid, oleic acid, palmitic acid, stearic acid and ascorbic acid (vitamin-C) are very effective in reducing the cholesterol levels in the blood. They also reduce the level of bad cholesterol (LDL) deposition along the inner walls of the arteries and veins, which can lead to serious cardiovascular issues like artherosclerosis, heart attacks, and strokes. More importantly, coriander helps to raise the levels of healthy cholesterol (HDL), which works as a preventative line of defense against a number of dangerous conditions.
Diarrhea: Some of the components of essential oils found in coriander such as Borneol and Linalool, aid in digestion, proper functioning of the liver and bonding of bowels, while also helping to reduce diarrhea. It is also helpful in curing diarrhea caused by microbial and fungal action, since components like Cineole, Borneol, Limonene, Alpha-pinene & beta-phelandrene have antibacterial effects.
Coriander is also increasingly popular as a means of preventing nausea, vomiting, and other stomach disorders. Its wealth of bioactive compounds means that new health benefits are always being discovered in this power-packed plant.
In addition to these health aspects of the stomach, fresh coriander leaves are excellent appetizers to get your bowels prepared for a large meal.
Blood pressure: Consuming coriander has been shown to positively reduce blood pressure in many patients suffering from hypertension. The interaction of Calcium ions and cholinergic, a neurotransmitter in the peripheral and central nervous system, more commonly know as acetylcholine. The interaction of these two elements relaxes blood vessel tension, thereby reducing the chances of a number of cardiovascular conditions, including heart attacks and strokes.

Mouth ulcers: Citronelol, a component of essential oils in coriander, is an excellent antiseptic. Additionally, other components have antimicrobial and healing effects which keep wounds and ulcers in the mouth from worsening. They help speed up the healing process of ulcers and also freshen breath. Although not in common use in mainstream products, coriander is often used as an antiseptic component of all-natural toothpastes. In fact, before the invention of toothpaste, people would chew on coriander seeds to reduce bad breath!
Anemia: Coriander is high in iron content, which directly helps people who suffer from anemia. Low iron content in the blood can result in shortness of breath, heart palpitations, extreme fatigue, and a decrease in cognitive functions. Iron also benefits proper functions of other organ systems, increases energy and strength, and promotes the health of bones.

Anti-allergic properties: Multiple studies have shown coriander to have strong anti-histamine properties that can reduce the uncomfortable affects of seasonal allergies and hay fever (rhinitis). Coriander oil can also be used to reduce allergic reactions to contact with plants, insects, food, and other substances that may cause allergic reactions on the skin or when consumed. Internally, it can ward off anaphylaxis, hives, and dangerous swelling of the throat and glands. It’s never a bad idea to protect yourself against allergic reactions, especially since it is difficult to know what you might be allergic to, until you come in contact with it for the first time!
Salmonella protection: Salmonella is one of the most dangerous causes of food borne illnesses in the world, so any natural way to protect against it is very important. Coriander has unusually high levels of dodecenal, a natural compound that is actually twice as powerful of an antibiotic than the leading treatment for salmonella-based illness. By adding coriander into your normal diet, you protect your body from horribly uncomfortable, and even fatal, illnesses relating to this deadly bacteria. Coriander is commonly found in salsa to add flavor, so dip a chip and protect yourself from food poisoning, the most common way of describing the effects of salmonella.
Bone health: As a rich source of calcium, coriander is of great value for people who want to protect the integrity of their bones. Calcium and other essential minerals found in coriander are integral components of bone regrowth and durability, as well as in the prevention of bone degradation so commonly associated with debilitating diseases like osteoporosis. Adding even a small amount of coriander to your diet can help to keep your bones healthy and strong for years to come. Calcium is particularly present in the center leaves of coriander, so aim for that part of the plant if bone health is your focus!
Digestion: Coriander, due to the rich aroma from its essential oils, helps in the proper secretion of enzymes and digestive juices in the stomach, thereby stimulating digestion and peristaltic motion. It is also helpful in treating eating disorders like anorexia. Besides the pleasant aroma of coriander, it has certain stimulatory qualities, derived from the minerals and neurotransmitters that are stimulated when coriander is ingested. Studies have shown that dyspepsia (indigestion) is reduced if coriander is regularly added to the diet. For small children, who have a higher chance of developing abdominal colic than adults, small amounts of coriander in their diet can clear the issue up quickly!
Smallpox: The essential oils in coriander are rich in antimicrobial, antioxidant, anti-infectious and detoxifying components and acids. The presence of vitamin-C and iron strengthens the immune system as well. These properties help prevent and cure smallpox, and they can also reduce the pain and have a soothing effect on smallpox patients. In the places left in the world where smallpox outbreaks occur, studies have shown massive amounts of vitamin-C have a definite curative effect on smallpox in hundreds of different cases.
Menstrual disorders: Coriander is a natural stimulant, and it regulates proper secretion from the endocrine glands, and that hormonal impact means that it helps regulate proper menstrual cycles and reduces the associated pain during a woman’s period.
Eye care: Coriander is loaded with antioxidants, vitamin-A, vitamin-C and minerals like phosphorous in its essential oils, which prevents vision disorders, macular degeneration and it reduces strain and stress on the eyes. There is also beta-carotene in the leaves, which prevent a number of other diseases that affect the eye, and can even reverse the effects of vision degradation in aging patients.
Conjunctivitis: As discussed earlier, coriander is a very good disinfectant and has antimicrobial properties that protect the eyes from contagious diseases like conjunctivitis. Coriander oil is one of the fundamental components of a number of eye care products.
CorianderBlood sugar and diabetes: Due the stimulating effect of coriander on the endocrine glands, the secretion of insulin is increased from pancreas which subsequently increases the insulin level in the blood. This regulates the proper assimilation and absorption of sugar and the resulting drops in the sugar level in the blood. This property is extremely beneficial for patients who suffer from diabetes and other related conditions, in order to lower their chances of dangerous spikes and drops in their blood sugar levels, and to ensure other normal metabolic functions as well.
Other benefits:Coriander helps cure ulcers, inflammation, spasms, while acting as an expectorant and protecting the liver. It is anticarcinogenic, anticonvulsant, antihistaminic and hypnotic. Coriander is believed to be a natural aphrodisiac and traditionally, it was widely used in certain combinations with other herbs to enhance a person’s libido.
Word of Caution: There have been very few dangers associated with coriander, but as with almost any food, there is some danger of allergic reaction to it, and in some cases, it can be irritating to the skin. One of the more unusual side effects is that some patients complain of sunlight sensitivity, and that excessive coriander intake makes them more susceptible to sunburn, which could subsequently lead to skin cancer over the long term.
Pregnant women should not take coriander until more established research is done, although some women have claimed that it increases their production of breast milk flow. It is best to be safe, so speak with a doctor before adding coriander to your diet, and pay attention to the response your body has!

परोपकाराय फलन्ति वृक्षा: परोपकाराय वहन्ति नद्यः।

परोपकाराय दुहन्ति गावः परोपकाराय इदं शरीरम्।


( hari krishnamurthy K. HARIHARAN)"” When people hurt you Over and Over think of them as Sand paper.They Scratch & hurt you, but in the end you are polished and they are finished. ”"Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great ones make you feel that you too, can become great."- Mark Twain.

யாம் பெற்ற இன்பம் பெருக வையகம்
பெற்றதாய்தனை மகமறந்தாலும் பிள்ளையைப் பெறுந்தாய் மறந்தாலும்
உற்ற தேகத்தை உயிர்ம றந்தாலும் உயிரை மேவிய உடல் மறந்தாலும்
கற்றநெஞ்சம் கலைமறந்தாலும் கண்கள்நின் றிமைப்பது மறந்தாலும்
நற்றவத்தவர் உள்ளிருந்தோங்கும் நமச்சிவாயத்தை நான்மற வேனே.

"புழுவாய்ப் பிறக்கினும் புண்ணியாவுன்னடி
யென்மனத்தே வழுவா திருக்க வரந்தர வேண்டும்

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