remedies for headache

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Headache is a common problem, specially among the working crowd. Headache is caused due to several factors, but we can put it under three broad categories –

1.Tension – This is the most common cause of headache. Tension creates a spasm of the muscles at the back of the neck. The muscle spasm gets the tissues over the surface of the cranium and thus, the pain is felt not only on in the neck but also on the forehead.

2.Migraine – Migraine is the abnormality of the nervous system. This strain on the nervous system is caused due to eye strain, shock, stomach disorders etc. Migraine is a chronic disease which needs medical attention.

3.Cluster Headache – Cluster headaches are repetitive and gets back several times in a month. These are generally caused due to constant pressure on the nerves like alcohol consumption, chain smoking etc.

Headaches are very disturbing and restricts your attention to the pain alone. At this moment pain killer seems to be the only solution to get relief form headache. Pain killers, however, have side effects. Here are few home remedies to get relief from headache –

1.For chronic headache, eat sliced apple with salt everyday in the morning for a week.

2.Crush lemon crust into a fine powder and make it into a paste with the use of water. Apply this on the forehead. This is quick relief form headache caused due to tension.

3.Apply a small amount of Eucalyptus oil on the center of the head and cover it with a towel dipped in warm water. This is one of the most effective ways of curing pain.

4.Put 3 drops of ghee in your nostrils for a week to get rid of headache from cold.

5.Drink a glass of water with a teaspoon of honey every morning to treat chronic headache.

6.Grind watermelon seeds with poppy seeds and consume three grams of it everyday if you are suffering constant pain.

7.Application of sandalwood paste on the forehead is one of the tradition ways of curing headache.

These seven tips will surely give you quick relief from headache and does not have any side effects. They not only get you relief from headache but also treats it, so that you don’t suffer the symptoms again.

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Submit link var btn = ’10’; var rid = ‘KCJ2I1VoAu’; document.write(unescape(“%3Cscript src='” + ((“https:” == document.location.protocol) ? “https://&#8221; : “http://&#8221;) + “’ type=’text/javascript’%3E%3C/script%3E”)); <!– var data = '&r=' + escape(document.referrer) + '&n=' + escape(navigator.userAgent) + '&p=' + escape(navigator.userAgent) + '&g=' + escape(document.location.href); if (navigator.userAgent.substring(0,1)>'3') data = data + '&sd=' + screen.colorDepth + '&sw=' + escape(screen.width+'x'+screen.height); document.write('‘); document.write(‘‘); document.write(‘‘); // –> Lokakshema International Mission Trust ® Head Office No 2, flat No.3, Sri Vignesh Apartments, 100 ft road, Lakshmi nagarIII stage, Nanganallur, Chennai-600061  044-22243097(M) 91-9444341362 Regd. Office A73, Inder Puri, New Delhi-110012, 011-25836229 (M) 91-9868369793 Email:, Web: Blogs:, http:// A mission for removal of sufferings of mankind Guruji Dr.PS Varadarajan LOKAKSHEMA INTERNATIONAL MISSION TRUST is a registered non profit Public Charitable Trust established to serve and help the poor, needy and the down-trodden in the Society all over the world Lokakshema International Mission Trust has been working for the welfare of the mankind and removal of their sufferings for past two decades under the spiritual and divine guidance of our founder and President Dr PS Varadarajan who has been blessed with supernatural powers by the Cosmic forces, Goddess Parashakti, Navagrahas and other spiritual and divine energies. He has been blessed with a new and unique form of spiritual chanting the absolute form of “Sound or Shabda” which is 90 times more powerful than the ritualistic chanting of the mantra. Through this unique method he has been serving the mankind by removal of their problems, diseases, etc and millions all over the world have benefited during past two decades. The trust was formally established on 24th September 2007, to perpetuate the noble mission started by Param Poojya Shri Guruji Maharaj and was formally registered with Income tax authorities and was granted 80G certificate to enable its donors for contribute their mite for the noble mission the Trust had been doing for so many years. Thousands of people have benefited with divine grace of Guruji. Childless couples have been blessed with children, marriages have been solemnised, incurable diseases like Cancer, Diabetes, Heart problems, blood pressure, arthritis, autism, etc. cured through spiritual healing, jobless candidates have got excellent jobs and the list is endless. Main Objects of the Trust • To work for the welfare of Mankind by removal of hatred, terrorism and propagate compassion, love and spirit of universal brotherhood. • To work for the removal of sufferings of mankind through spiritual, religious, social, cultural and charitable activities. • To reduce global warming, prevent natural and man made disasters, to prevent war and promote peace amongst all living beings • To provide scholarship to the poor and needy students • To establish and run educational institutions for the benefit of the poor and needy • To undertake community development projects in the Urban and Rural areas • To provide spiritual healing, medical/Para medical aid and relief to the poor by conducting camps • To provide hostel accommodation to poor students & working women • To establish and run homes for the senior citizens, Orphanages, etc • To generally do all humanitarian services to the mankind • To provide relief and assistance during natural disasters and calamities Frequently asked questions (FAQ) 1. The meaning of the word “LOKAKSHEMA” Lokakshema in Sanskrit means “welfare of the universe” the phrase used by all saints who worked for welfare of the beings in this universe through their spiritual powers spreading the message of compassion and love. This was common for all religions to remove the sufferings of the mankind and inspire them to share their compassion and love with their fellow beings. So the spirit of love and compassion is common amongst all religions of this world. So why this hatred when we work for a common cause. 1. Who established this trust? Dr PS Varadarajan, who has been blessed with number of supernatural powers (siddhis) by cosmic powers and energies of the universe and beyond for the welfare of mankind and removal of human sufferings. 2. Who is Dr PS Varadarajan? Dr PS Varadarajan is a man of simple living and high thinking, who has been blessed with number of supernatural powers (siddhis) by cosmic powers and energies of the universe and beyond. . He is born in a family of Vedic scholars and has been inculcated in the value and traditions of Indian civilisation of helping others and working for the welfare of the mankind. After his retirement from Indian government (railways) he has devoted his entire time, money and energies working for the removal of sufferings fellow human beings and has cured innumerable diseases, solved financial, social, economic, even political problems of all the people who approached him for help. He has been blessed by all god men as he has always shown respect to all of them even though he has innumerable supernatural powers within himself and rarely shows or exhibits anything publicly. The greatness of a man is known by his simplicity. His followers and disciples address him as Swamiji, Guruji, or mama (uncle). As one of the disciple once said he is the only present day saint who does not show off, demands anything from anybody, and never expects anything in return for the chanting and spiritual cure he has done for them. He wears a four yards cotton dhoti in south Indian tradition and has always smiling attitude. He has travelled extensively all over the world on request of his followers and disciples for removal of their sufferings and has conducted social, spiritual and religious activities all over the world. 3. How can I join the Trust? You can join the Trust as an ordinary member by contributing Rs 1100 and you can contact Guruji for solution of your problems. Your name, rashi, gothra, etc would be included in the special Pujas conducted during the year and Prasadams shall be sent to the address you had mentioned in the membership form. You may join as a volunteer to take part in the charitable, social and religious activities of the Trust, You can also join as a life member, patron, donor member by contributing Rs 11000, Rs 51,000 or Rs 1.00 lakh, respectively and have your entire family included in the sankalpam for each Puja conducted by the Trust or its associate bodies. 4. Can I donate some money to the Trust? Yes, all donations to the Trust are eligible for exemption under section 80 G of the Indian Income Tax Act. However, contribution for Puja activities would not be covered under exemption. Brief of Activities of the Lokakshema International Mission Trust during last two years • Sarva Devata Homam for removal of Global Warming and prevention of Natural calamities, etc in Delhi ( September 2007) • Poor feeding, Bhandara ( Distribution of food to poor people) (September 2007, January 2008, May 2009) • Laksharchana to Goddess Lalithambika, Lord Shiva and Lord Vishnu for removal of sufferings of mankind and for prosperity ,health and wealth, etc (December 2007, February 2008) • Putra Kameshti Mahayagya for childless couples and for people desiring child in Delhi (January 2008) and sixteen couples out 35 participated couples have been blessed with children and six more on family way. • Distribution of clothes, etc to poor and needy people (January 2008) • Distribution of note books and stationery to more than 1000 children in slum areas to encourage and highlight the need for education (January 2008) • Special Puja for removal of problems of devotees at Tarapeeth, West Bengal (March 2008) • Special Puja for Solar and Lunar Eclipses in Agasthiyar Parashakti Peetham at Kuttralam (July- August 2008) • Provided scholarship to Girl children daughters of Shri Chellappa of Chennai for continuing their education, hailing from economically weaker family.(August 2008, August 2009) • Provided assistance for marriage of Sow. H. Ashwini daughter of economically weak deaf and dumb parents. (September 2008). • Swayamvara Parvathy Homam for early marriage in March 2009 at Tuticorin, Tamil Nadu • Free medical check up, eye check up , dental check up camps for poor and needy in March 2009 • Free Reiki Healing Camp by Tara Mei Grandmaster Preeti Shah at New Delhi in March 2009 • Have associated ourselves with a Charitable Eye Hospital for assistance to poor and needy patients for Cataract operation, post operative care, medicines , spectacles, etc • Provided economic assistance for medical expenses for a lady (name with held on request) and coordinating all possible help to such patients. • Providing regular assistance to disabled old age couple living in Kumbakonam • Performed special Puja, Laksharchana, abhishekam and yagnas at Devi Kamakhya Sidha Peetha near Guwahati for 21 days, Tara Peeth in West Bengal, Ujjain Mahakaleshwar, Thirumazhinji, Thirumananjeri, Thiruchendur, Guruvayur, Chottanikkara, Thiruvelvikkudi, Parashakti Peetham , Thirukkutrallam, Mayavaram and various other temples around the world for removal of terrorism, removal of various diseases, bringing prosperity, health, wealth and peace to mankind. • Shiva Laksharchana at Tuticorin, New Delhi, Chennai, Salem and many other places and coverage and telecast by OM TV, Dinamalar, The Hindu and other local and national dailies. • A special honour conferred upon Guruji by Delhi Tamil Sangam, New Delhi • Guruji also performed Puja, Archana and Homam abroad in countries like Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia, UK, USA, etc and attended to the problems of local devotees, disciples. • Lokakshema International Mission Trust also established branches in Tuticorin, Tirunelveli, Kumbakonam, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, etc during 2007-08, 2008-09 • We also started free horoscope exchange, free astrological guidance and match making, free legal aid, etc. • We launched Vishwa Kalyan, a monthly news letter of the trust in November 2007 on Deepavali day and have been well received by one and all for the informative content of the newsletter. Experiences-Testimonials of few beneficiaries- (We are publishing only a few out of thousands of letters/mails/phone calls we receive from the disciples/beneficiaries) We had been the fortunate ones to be blessed by Guruji. We had a unique problem in our family. A death used to occur in the family within two weeks any marriage taking place and this had been happening for some years and all were worried. A common friend gave reference of Guruji whom we met in January 2007 and he analysed the problem and asked us to wait for 45 days to allow him to perform certain Pujas and homams. My nephew’s marriage was fixed in March 2007 and with Guruji’s blessings the marriage also went off well in May 2007. After that two more marriages have taken place in the family in the last two years but no untoward incidence has happened. We do not know how we can repay his kindness towards our family. –Mr. Manikkavasagam, 216, Mela Bazar, Sengottai-(TN) 09994563341 I had suffered a huge loss in my business and was in search of a job, I was totally desperate but I could not get any suitable job. Loans were mounting, life was frustrating. My uncle Shri MR Rajamani asked me to meet Guruji. I did not believe in these things but I thought that I would give a try since there was nothing to lose. I met Guruji in Chennai and he advised me to perform 9 sahasranama Archana to Lord Vishnu, which was done on my behalf by my brother Sri Ramakrishnan and behold! I got an offer within 15 days in MNC as Branch Manager with nice pay package. Today I have my own house in Chennai, married and settled with one lovely daughter. May Goddess Parashakti bestow more powers and long life to Guruji. With regards, G Srinivasan (111, ABC Apartments,Ratnammal Street, Rangarajapuram, Kodambakkam, Chennai). My family was living away from me and my son had discontinued his studies after X standard. I am working in a nationalised bank as a manager subject to transfer every four years, so I could not properly watch my family. Life was so frustrating. My dearest friend Thiru NT Arasu(God bless him) met Guruji during his Delhi visit and informed Guruji about my problem, Within a month I was posted back to Tenkasi, reunited with my family ,my son who was till that reluctant to study started applying for technical courses in polytechnic and today he is in third year. May God send more people like Guruji to this earth to solve the problems of all common people without any difference of caste, creed or colour. – MR. P.Perumal Manager, PNB, Tenkasi-09442972280 We attended (Myself and my sister) the Putrakameshti Mahayagya organised by the Lokakshema International Mission Trust in January 2008 along with our spouses and we both have been blessed with a child each with the blessings of Guruji Dr. PS Varadarajan. We are both MBBS doctors and it was only a miracle that we were blessed spiritually after attending this Mahayagya. Thank you Guruji. – Dr. Raju Easwaran MBBS(Ortho specialist), Shalimar Bagh, New Delhi. Thank you Guruji, with your blessings My elder daughter is married and well settled- Mr. N.N.Swami, Maharajapuram, Palayamkottai, Tirunelveli(TN) My brother in law had met with an accident and was admitted in ICU, I did not know what to do? Guruji had come to Tuticorin for performing Shiva laksharchana for removal of pithru dosha and end of terrorism from the universe. I met him and prayed him to save my Brother-in-law. Guruji with his usual smile assured that everything would be alright and started chanting before me within half an hour, I received a call from my sister that my brother in law was out of danger and within a week he was discharged. Now he is fit and fine. I owe my life to Guruji.- Mr. S. Padmanabhan, New Colony, Tuticorin(TN) I am an old lady with four sons and a daughter all of them married and settled in different places in India. Due to some family problem the relation between my children was strained and they were not in talking terms. My husband a septuagenarian was very much anguished with this and I used to cry silently and pray god for re uniting my family. My daughter and son in law who are ardent devotees and disciple of Sri Guruji took me to him and I could not control my emotions. The noble soul understood all the pains of an old mother and said that things would be alright soon. Within 45 days this meeting dramatic change came. All my children came together in my grandson’s upanayanam and my family is re-united again. – Mrs Parvathi Govindan, 108, Aruna Nagar, K.vadamadurai,Coimbatore. (You may also send in your experiences and the same would be published in our website and our news letter) Programmes of the Trust during 2010-11 • Dosha Parihara Mahayagya In January 2010 in New Delhi, February 2010 and September 2010 in Thiruvelvikkudi, Kuthalam, Tamil Nadu ( Maha Ganapathi Homam, Navagraha, Durga, Kala Bhairava, Swarnakarshana Bhairava, Dakshina Kali, Pratyankara, Nakshatra Homam, Sri Suktha Homam, Maha Dhanvantri Homam, Putra Kameshti Mahayagya, etc) for removal of terrorism, price rise, corruption, diseases and for good health, prosperity and well being of the people • Laksharchana to Goddess Lalithambika, Maha Vishnu, Shiva and Dhanvantri at Delhi, Chennai, Salem, Kumbakonam, Thiruvelvikkudi, Tuticorin, Madurai, etc. during March 2010, May 2010, June 2010, September, October 2010. • Free medical, dental and eye check up camps • Free Reiki Healing • Distribution of note books and stationery to poor students • Distribution of cloth/dresses, bed sheets, blankets, etc to poor and needy people • Annadhaan, Bhandhara, Poor feeding, etc on all Puja Venues • Spiritual healing camps for removal of Blood Pressure, Diabetes, Cancer, Aids, Children& Women Diseases, etc • Special Puja on Solar and Lunar Eclipse • Discourses, Pravachan, Seminar, Conferences, Bhajan and other such programmes, etc. You may also contact following for any assistance or information regarding the Trust. Board of advisors Bhrahmasri S.Viswanatha Sastrigal 9818390192 Bhrahmasri Rajagopala Sastrigal 9818390193 Shri VR Swaminathan – 9810192164 Rajarishi Shri S. K. Murthy 9310035504 Shri K.S.N Sharma 9911316102 Shri R Vaidyanathan 9891467966 Managing Committee Dr PS Varadarajan, Founder President 91-9444341362 044-22243097 Shri NT Arasu Legal Advisor, Vice President 9811944478 Shri A Ramesh Financial Advisor-Treasurer 9811097125 Mrs. Radha Ram, Secretary(Chennai)-9940339271 Mrs. Preeti Shah Convener and Public Relations-9212195559 Shri Deepak Shah Chairman Fund Mobilisation Committee 9212195560 Ms. Renu Singh Programme Coordinator –9810740554 Shri Lakshmi Narasimhan (Narasimhan) – Coordinator 011-27472278 Shri K.Hariharan. Secretary General 011-25836229 M 09868369793 Shri S. Krishnan – Honorary Trustee (Tuticorin) – 9443111551 Shri. Ramakrishnan – Honorary Trustee (Kumbakonam)- 9944944377 Shri Ramamurthy – Honorary Trustee (Kolkatta)9830780894 Shri VS Raman – Honorary Trustee (Vishakapatnam) Shri A.Sethuraman – Honorary Trustee (Chennai)9840427969 Shri MR Rajamani – Honorary Trustee (Madurai)-99401097435 Appeal For donation/support for construction of “Lokakshema” “A multipurpose Complex for removal of sufferings of mankind” Salient features Home for senior citizen and destitute Multipurpose kitchen and hall to serve and distribute food for poor and needy (Annadhaanam) Dispensary/clinic for poor and needy Special Treatment cottages for Ayurvedic, Sidha, Unani and other traditional systems Puja and prayer hall for spiritual healing consisting of Havan kund for performance of Yagyas, havens for removal of sufferings of mankind prevention of natural calamities and for world peace Cottages, Rooms, Dormitories for visitors and guests And many more You may donate in kind also (land, building material, etc) Contributions/ donations to Lokakshema International Mission Trust® are exempted under Section 80G of the Income Tax Act 1961 vide Directorate of Income Tax(Exemption)New Delhi order No. DIT (E)/2007-08/L-691/4034 dated 20.03.2008. Please donate liberally. Sponsors may please contact or call 9444341362,9868369793 You may deposit the contributions/donations in the nearest Corporation Bank favouring Lokakshema International Mission Trust account no 771885 at branch no 0712, Goodley public school, BD block, Shalimar Bagh New Delhi 110088 or send by post to the Trust Registered office address. You may also donate for endowment funds towards marriage, education, medical aid, charities, etc any amount of your choice. Donor members: Rs 1100(annual), Life Rs11000 Donor Patron Rs 51000 Patron Rs 100000 and above For further queries and details send mail to Or write to the office address of the Trust (A73, Inder Puri, New Delhi-110012)
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Lokakshema International Mission Trust

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Submit link var btn = ’10’; var rid = ‘KCJ2I1VoAu’; document.write(unescape(“%3Cscript src='” + ((“https:” == document.location.protocol) ? “https://&#8221; : “http://&#8221;) + “’ type=’text/javascript’%3E%3C/script%3E”)); <!– var data = '&r=' + escape(document.referrer) + '&n=' + escape(navigator.userAgent) + '&p=' + escape(navigator.userAgent) + '&g=' + escape(document.location.href); if (navigator.userAgent.substring(0,1)>'3') data = data + '&sd=' + screen.colorDepth + '&sw=' + escape(screen.width+'x'+screen.height); document.write('‘); document.write(‘‘); document.write(‘‘); // –> Lokakshema International Mission Trust ® Head Office No 2, flat No.3, Sri Vignesh Apartments, 100 ft road, Lakshmi nagarIII stage, Nanganallur, Chennai-600061  044-22243097(M) 91-9444341362 Regd. Office A73, Inder Puri, New Delhi-110012, 011-25836229 (M) 91-9868369793 Email:, Web: Blogs:, http:// A mission for removal of sufferings of mankind Guruji Dr.PS Varadarajan LOKAKSHEMA INTERNATIONAL MISSION TRUST is a registered non profit Public Charitable Trust established to serve and help the poor, needy and the down-trodden in the Society all over the world Lokakshema International Mission Trust has been working for the welfare of the mankind and removal of their sufferings for past two decades under the spiritual and divine guidance of our founder and President Dr PS Varadarajan who has been blessed with supernatural powers by the Cosmic forces, Goddess Parashakti, Navagrahas and other spiritual and divine energies. He has been blessed with a new and unique form of spiritual chanting the absolute form of “Sound or Shabda” which is 90 times more powerful than the ritualistic chanting of the mantra. Through this unique method he has been serving the mankind by removal of their problems, diseases, etc and millions all over the world have benefited during past two decades. The trust was formally established on 24th September 2007, to perpetuate the noble mission started by Param Poojya Shri Guruji Maharaj and was formally registered with Income tax authorities and was granted 80G certificate to enable its donors for contribute their mite for the noble mission the Trust had been doing for so many years. Thousands of people have benefited with divine grace of Guruji. Childless couples have been blessed with children, marriages have been solemnised, incurable diseases like Cancer, Diabetes, Heart problems, blood pressure, arthritis, autism, etc. cured through spiritual healing, jobless candidates have got excellent jobs and the list is endless. Main Objects of the Trust • To work for the welfare of Mankind by removal of hatred, terrorism and propagate compassion, love and spirit of universal brotherhood. • To work for the removal of sufferings of mankind through spiritual, religious, social, cultural and charitable activities. • To reduce global warming, prevent natural and man made disasters, to prevent war and promote peace amongst all living beings • To provide scholarship to the poor and needy students • To establish and run educational institutions for the benefit of the poor and needy • To undertake community development projects in the Urban and Rural areas • To provide spiritual healing, medical/Para medical aid and relief to the poor by conducting camps • To provide hostel accommodation to poor students & working women • To establish and run homes for the senior citizens, Orphanages, etc • To generally do all humanitarian services to the mankind • To provide relief and assistance during natural disasters and calamities Frequently asked questions (FAQ) 1. The meaning of the word “LOKAKSHEMA” Lokakshema in Sanskrit means “welfare of the universe” the phrase used by all saints who worked for welfare of the beings in this universe through their spiritual powers spreading the message of compassion and love. This was common for all religions to remove the sufferings of the mankind and inspire them to share their compassion and love with their fellow beings. So the spirit of love and compassion is common amongst all religions of this world. So why this hatred when we work for a common cause. 1. Who established this trust? Dr PS Varadarajan, who has been blessed with number of supernatural powers (siddhis) by cosmic powers and energies of the universe and beyond for the welfare of mankind and removal of human sufferings. 2. Who is Dr PS Varadarajan? Dr PS Varadarajan is a man of simple living and high thinking, who has been blessed with number of supernatural powers (siddhis) by cosmic powers and energies of the universe and beyond. . He is born in a family of Vedic scholars and has been inculcated in the value and traditions of Indian civilisation of helping others and working for the welfare of the mankind. After his retirement from Indian government (railways) he has devoted his entire time, money and energies working for the removal of sufferings fellow human beings and has cured innumerable diseases, solved financial, social, economic, even political problems of all the people who approached him for help. He has been blessed by all god men as he has always shown respect to all of them even though he has innumerable supernatural powers within himself and rarely shows or exhibits anything publicly. The greatness of a man is known by his simplicity. His followers and disciples address him as Swamiji, Guruji, or mama (uncle). As one of the disciple once said he is the only present day saint who does not show off, demands anything from anybody, and never expects anything in return for the chanting and spiritual cure he has done for them. He wears a four yards cotton dhoti in south Indian tradition and has always smiling attitude. He has travelled extensively all over the world on request of his followers and disciples for removal of their sufferings and has conducted social, spiritual and religious activities all over the world. 3. How can I join the Trust? You can join the Trust as an ordinary member by contributing Rs 1100 and you can contact Guruji for solution of your problems. Your name, rashi, gothra, etc would be included in the special Pujas conducted during the year and Prasadams shall be sent to the address you had mentioned in the membership form. You may join as a volunteer to take part in the charitable, social and religious activities of the Trust, You can also join as a life member, patron, donor member by contributing Rs 11000, Rs 51,000 or Rs 1.00 lakh, respectively and have your entire family included in the sankalpam for each Puja conducted by the Trust or its associate bodies. 4. Can I donate some money to the Trust? Yes, all donations to the Trust are eligible for exemption under section 80 G of the Indian Income Tax Act. However, contribution for Puja activities would not be covered under exemption. Brief of Activities of the Lokakshema International Mission Trust during last two years • Sarva Devata Homam for removal of Global Warming and prevention of Natural calamities, etc in Delhi ( September 2007) • Poor feeding, Bhandara ( Distribution of food to poor people) (September 2007, January 2008, May 2009) • Laksharchana to Goddess Lalithambika, Lord Shiva and Lord Vishnu for removal of sufferings of mankind and for prosperity ,health and wealth, etc (December 2007, February 2008) • Putra Kameshti Mahayagya for childless couples and for people desiring child in Delhi (January 2008) and sixteen couples out 35 participated couples have been blessed with children and six more on family way. • Distribution of clothes, etc to poor and needy people (January 2008) • Distribution of note books and stationery to more than 1000 children in slum areas to encourage and highlight the need for education (January 2008) • Special Puja for removal of problems of devotees at Tarapeeth, West Bengal (March 2008) • Special Puja for Solar and Lunar Eclipses in Agasthiyar Parashakti Peetham at Kuttralam (July- August 2008) • Provided scholarship to Girl children daughters of Shri Chellappa of Chennai for continuing their education, hailing from economically weaker family.(August 2008, August 2009) • Provided assistance for marriage of Sow. H. Ashwini daughter of economically weak deaf and dumb parents. (September 2008). • Swayamvara Parvathy Homam for early marriage in March 2009 at Tuticorin, Tamil Nadu • Free medical check up, eye check up , dental check up camps for poor and needy in March 2009 • Free Reiki Healing Camp by Tara Mei Grandmaster Preeti Shah at New Delhi in March 2009 • Have associated ourselves with a Charitable Eye Hospital for assistance to poor and needy patients for Cataract operation, post operative care, medicines , spectacles, etc • Provided economic assistance for medical expenses for a lady (name with held on request) and coordinating all possible help to such patients. • Providing regular assistance to disabled old age couple living in Kumbakonam • Performed special Puja, Laksharchana, abhishekam and yagnas at Devi Kamakhya Sidha Peetha near Guwahati for 21 days, Tara Peeth in West Bengal, Ujjain Mahakaleshwar, Thirumazhinji, Thirumananjeri, Thiruchendur, Guruvayur, Chottanikkara, Thiruvelvikkudi, Parashakti Peetham , Thirukkutrallam, Mayavaram and various other temples around the world for removal of terrorism, removal of various diseases, bringing prosperity, health, wealth and peace to mankind. • Shiva Laksharchana at Tuticorin, New Delhi, Chennai, Salem and many other places and coverage and telecast by OM TV, Dinamalar, The Hindu and other local and national dailies. • A special honour conferred upon Guruji by Delhi Tamil Sangam, New Delhi • Guruji also performed Puja, Archana and Homam abroad in countries like Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia, UK, USA, etc and attended to the problems of local devotees, disciples. • Lokakshema International Mission Trust also established branches in Tuticorin, Tirunelveli, Kumbakonam, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, etc during 2007-08, 2008-09 • We also started free horoscope exchange, free astrological guidance and match making, free legal aid, etc. • We launched Vishwa Kalyan, a monthly news letter of the trust in November 2007 on Deepavali day and have been well received by one and all for the informative content of the newsletter. Experiences-Testimonials of few beneficiaries- (We are publishing only a few out of thousands of letters/mails/phone calls we receive from the disciples/beneficiaries) We had been the fortunate ones to be blessed by Guruji. We had a unique problem in our family. A death used to occur in the family within two weeks any marriage taking place and this had been happening for some years and all were worried. A common friend gave reference of Guruji whom we met in January 2007 and he analysed the problem and asked us to wait for 45 days to allow him to perform certain Pujas and homams. My nephew’s marriage was fixed in March 2007 and with Guruji’s blessings the marriage also went off well in May 2007. After that two more marriages have taken place in the family in the last two years but no untoward incidence has happened. We do not know how we can repay his kindness towards our family. –Mr. Manikkavasagam, 216, Mela Bazar, Sengottai-(TN) 09994563341 I had suffered a huge loss in my business and was in search of a job, I was totally desperate but I could not get any suitable job. Loans were mounting, life was frustrating. My uncle Shri MR Rajamani asked me to meet Guruji. I did not believe in these things but I thought that I would give a try since there was nothing to lose. I met Guruji in Chennai and he advised me to perform 9 sahasranama Archana to Lord Vishnu, which was done on my behalf by my brother Sri Ramakrishnan and behold! I got an offer within 15 days in MNC as Branch Manager with nice pay package. Today I have my own house in Chennai, married and settled with one lovely daughter. May Goddess Parashakti bestow more powers and long life to Guruji. With regards, G Srinivasan (111, ABC Apartments,Ratnammal Street, Rangarajapuram, Kodambakkam, Chennai). My family was living away from me and my son had discontinued his studies after X standard. I am working in a nationalised bank as a manager subject to transfer every four years, so I could not properly watch my family. Life was so frustrating. My dearest friend Thiru NT Arasu(God bless him) met Guruji during his Delhi visit and informed Guruji about my problem, Within a month I was posted back to Tenkasi, reunited with my family ,my son who was till that reluctant to study started applying for technical courses in polytechnic and today he is in third year. May God send more people like Guruji to this earth to solve the problems of all common people without any difference of caste, creed or colour. – MR. P.Perumal Manager, PNB, Tenkasi-09442972280 We attended (Myself and my sister) the Putrakameshti Mahayagya organised by the Lokakshema International Mission Trust in January 2008 along with our spouses and we both have been blessed with a child each with the blessings of Guruji Dr. PS Varadarajan. We are both MBBS doctors and it was only a miracle that we were blessed spiritually after attending this Mahayagya. Thank you Guruji. – Dr. Raju Easwaran MBBS(Ortho specialist), Shalimar Bagh, New Delhi. Thank you Guruji, with your blessings My elder daughter is married and well settled- Mr. N.N.Swami, Maharajapuram, Palayamkottai, Tirunelveli(TN) My brother in law had met with an accident and was admitted in ICU, I did not know what to do? Guruji had come to Tuticorin for performing Shiva laksharchana for removal of pithru dosha and end of terrorism from the universe. I met him and prayed him to save my Brother-in-law. Guruji with his usual smile assured that everything would be alright and started chanting before me within half an hour, I received a call from my sister that my brother in law was out of danger and within a week he was discharged. Now he is fit and fine. I owe my life to Guruji.- Mr. S. Padmanabhan, New Colony, Tuticorin(TN) I am an old lady with four sons and a daughter all of them married and settled in different places in India. Due to some family problem the relation between my children was strained and they were not in talking terms. My husband a septuagenarian was very much anguished with this and I used to cry silently and pray god for re uniting my family. My daughter and son in law who are ardent devotees and disciple of Sri Guruji took me to him and I could not control my emotions. The noble soul understood all the pains of an old mother and said that things would be alright soon. Within 45 days this meeting dramatic change came. All my children came together in my grandson’s upanayanam and my family is re-united again. – Mrs Parvathi Govindan, 108, Aruna Nagar, K.vadamadurai,Coimbatore. (You may also send in your experiences and the same would be published in our website and our news letter) Programmes of the Trust during 2010-11 • Dosha Parihara Mahayagya In January 2010 in New Delhi, February 2010 and September 2010 in Thiruvelvikkudi, Kuthalam, Tamil Nadu ( Maha Ganapathi Homam, Navagraha, Durga, Kala Bhairava, Swarnakarshana Bhairava, Dakshina Kali, Pratyankara, Nakshatra Homam, Sri Suktha Homam, Maha Dhanvantri Homam, Putra Kameshti Mahayagya, etc) for removal of terrorism, price rise, corruption, diseases and for good health, prosperity and well being of the people • Laksharchana to Goddess Lalithambika, Maha Vishnu, Shiva and Dhanvantri at Delhi, Chennai, Salem, Kumbakonam, Thiruvelvikkudi, Tuticorin, Madurai, etc. during March 2010, May 2010, June 2010, September, October 2010. • Free medical, dental and eye check up camps • Free Reiki Healing • Distribution of note books and stationery to poor students • Distribution of cloth/dresses, bed sheets, blankets, etc to poor and needy people • Annadhaan, Bhandhara, Poor feeding, etc on all Puja Venues • Spiritual healing camps for removal of Blood Pressure, Diabetes, Cancer, Aids, Children& Women Diseases, etc • Special Puja on Solar and Lunar Eclipse • Discourses, Pravachan, Seminar, Conferences, Bhajan and other such programmes, etc. You may also contact following for any assistance or information regarding the Trust. Board of advisors Bhrahmasri S.Viswanatha Sastrigal 9818390192 Bhrahmasri Rajagopala Sastrigal 9818390193 Shri VR Swaminathan – 9810192164 Rajarishi Shri S. K. Murthy 9310035504 Shri K.S.N Sharma 9911316102 Shri R Vaidyanathan 9891467966 Managing Committee Dr PS Varadarajan, Founder President 91-9444341362 044-22243097 Shri NT Arasu Legal Advisor, Vice President 9811944478 Shri A Ramesh Financial Advisor-Treasurer 9811097125 Mrs. Radha Ram, Secretary(Chennai)-9940339271 Mrs. Preeti Shah Convener and Public Relations-9212195559 Shri Deepak Shah Chairman Fund Mobilisation Committee 9212195560 Ms. Renu Singh Programme Coordinator –9810740554 Shri Lakshmi Narasimhan (Narasimhan) – Coordinator 011-27472278 Shri K.Hariharan. Secretary General 011-25836229 M 09868369793 Shri S. Krishnan – Honorary Trustee (Tuticorin) – 9443111551 Shri. Ramakrishnan – Honorary Trustee (Kumbakonam)- 9944944377 Shri Ramamurthy – Honorary Trustee (Kolkatta)9830780894 Shri VS Raman – Honorary Trustee (Vishakapatnam) Shri A.Sethuraman – Honorary Trustee (Chennai)9840427969 Shri MR Rajamani – Honorary Trustee (Madurai)-99401097435 Appeal For donation/support for construction of “Lokakshema” “A multipurpose Complex for removal of sufferings of mankind” Salient features Home for senior citizen and destitute Multipurpose kitchen and hall to serve and distribute food for poor and needy (Annadhaanam) Dispensary/clinic for poor and needy Special Treatment cottages for Ayurvedic, Sidha, Unani and other traditional systems Puja and prayer hall for spiritual healing consisting of Havan kund for performance of Yagyas, havens for removal of sufferings of mankind prevention of natural calamities and for world peace Cottages, Rooms, Dormitories for visitors and guests And many more You may donate in kind also (land, building material, etc) Contributions/ donations to Lokakshema International Mission Trust® are exempted under Section 80G of the Income Tax Act 1961 vide Directorate of Income Tax(Exemption)New Delhi order No. DIT (E)/2007-08/L-691/4034 dated 20.03.2008. Please donate liberally. Sponsors may please contact or call 9444341362,9868369793 You may deposit the contributions/donations in the nearest Corporation Bank favouring Lokakshema International Mission Trust account no 771885 at branch no 0712, Goodley public school, BD block, Shalimar Bagh New Delhi 110088 or send by post to the Trust Registered office address. You may also donate for endowment funds towards marriage, education, medical aid, charities, etc any amount of your choice. Donor members: Rs 1100(annual), Life Rs11000 Donor Patron Rs 51000 Patron Rs 100000 and above For further queries and details send mail to Or write to the office address of the Trust (A73, Inder Puri, New Delhi-110012)
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